OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

The offense needs to get going. Reds series aside, they have been hitting like #%!@ since the All Star break.

The Cards have 5 runs on 4 hits,
If this isn't the weirdest game of the season.

Dodgers have 8 hits but 0 runs.

St. Louis scored 6 runs in one inning without and XBH

And now, Claudio Vargas comes in and strikes out DeRosa, Pujols, Holliday and Ludwick.
Damn Bills was on it till he totally lost the strikezone.

Bills has really been fightin it since the ASG.
ehh why worry about it after?

We already know what the deal is. I mean, we are playing in STL

And there's a bomb

what the hell...
Dang you're still watching?
Heading to the gym now,

Bowa needs to rip on these guys, coming out flat these past two days. Seems like complacency is settling in. They can't seem to string together any hits. Like they forgot how to play all of a sudden.

Take the Reds series away, and the offense has been flat.

The Cards look hungry and they want it more.

At least all this "We haven't lost 3 in a row!" talk will now end.

Honestly, I'm afraid Ned will do something stupid. Blake DeWitt/Scott Elbert for George Sherrill, seems excessive. With no Kuo and with Ohman being abust, Ned will have no choice. Obviously, Brent Leach is not the answer, dude is only good at single handedly keeping the rosin bag industry afloat.

@ Mark Loretta pitching.....


Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

Blake DeWitt/Scott Elbert for George Sherrill
how is this over kill?

because DeWitt sucks if you ask me
They are both high ceiling prospects and Sherrill will just be a one inning specialist, lefty specialist.

11:21pm: Jon Paul Morosi and Ken Rosenthal at FOX Sports have some new bullet points on the Lee situation, most involving the Dodgers:
  • The Dodgers, Red Sox, Phillies and Angels have all inquired, and the Angels hadn't until the last day or two.
  • The Rangers want a starter, but haven't asked about Lee just yet.
  • The Dodgers have enough prospects to acquire both George Sherrill and Lee, but officials haven't green-lighted giving up too much of their talent.
  • The Dodgers like the idea of getting Lee, as it will likely mean they won't have to depart with Clayton Kershaw or Chad Billingsley in a deal.
  • It's unclear if the Dodgers would deal third base prospect Josh Bell.

I'm all for letting go of some of the "prospects" we have now. As long as we don't let anyone from the Major League roster go.

Cliff Lee and George Sherrill will be nice additions.

I have a feeling the Elbert/DeWitt for Sherrill deal will be completed by tomorrow morning. We will see what it takes to get Cliff Lee. Ned isn't budgingon Bills/Kershaw
Isn't Sherrill more than a lefty specialist?

I think Ned is thinking he can not only get lefties out, but he can also close out games.
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