OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

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[h1]Dodgers Looking For A Reliever[/h1]
By Mike Axisa [July 10, 2009 at 6:26pm CST]
Diamond Leung notes that during an interview with Seth Everett and Jim Duquette on Sirius XM Radio, Dodgers GM Ned Colletti said that his top priority is adding a bullpen piece.

"If we're assuming that everybody's healthy from here on out, I would say that our top priority would be a bullpen piece, especially somebody with veteran stature. I think that would be No. 1. If we can find a starter that's obviously better than who we have starting now, that would be No. 2. The number of names that have been tossed around out there that we've made contact with clubs that would definitively make our starting rotation better…it's a very, very short list. It might be a longer list in the bullpen. We're concentrating on both, and hopefully will be able to do one if not both between now and July 31."
Colletti also said that the price for Roy Halladay may be too high, but didn't rule out potentially pursuing the righthander. Speaking on Sportscenter earlier this evening, ESPN's Buster Olney noted that the Dodgers had two scouts watch Halladay's start in Tampa yesterday
If Mitch Kupchak was the GM, with the help of David Stern, he can probably throw in Pierre, Schmidt, and a couple of hundred pounds of Dodger Dog for him.


Halladay will be a longshot, because they will certainly ask for someone from the Major League roster. I don't think they will even consider a tradeinvolving Billingsley or Kershaw.

If the Jays trade Rolen, then they will have a need for a Blake DeWitt. Ivan DeJesus is now a trade chip, he is major league ready despite the injury. Furcalstill has two more years, plus an option for another year, so there is no room for DeJesus. Also, like PMAC mentioned, Dee Gordon is making strides in GreatLakes with a possible arrival time expected to be around the same time Furcal's deal expires.

I could see a DeWitt, JMac, DeJesus and another arm being proposed.

"Look, we have Halladay through 2010, he makes us a contender with the young pitching we have, then we get two draft picks," Ricciardi told Gammons. "So anyone who comes to us with two young players -- that's the equivalent of the draft picks -- we'd need something else and something else and something else and something else.
Damn this has been one weird %%$ game

Bills struggled his %%$ off, Dodgers with a HR ever at bat it seemed.

Congrats to Manny tying Mantle even though its a *

This brewer team is stacked and these fans in Milwaukee are nutts.

We need help in the rotation bring another starter to take some heat off of Bills / Kuroda / Kershaw / Wolf.

With that said, Ned should do whatever it takes to get Halladay.

If it takes Jmac, DeWitt, DeJesus, hell Hu and another arm do it.

The way he's dominated the AL is amazing, imagine him mowing dudes in the NL.

I think Boston / Philadelphia have some real good prospects to offer but Toronto would be straight stupid to send him to Boston. If Philadephia gets Pedro Ican see them laying off the trade and keeping their prospects.

*crosses fingers*
Since we're looking for a reliever what are you thoughts on: Matt Herges (DFA by Cle) or BJ Ryan (released by Tor)?
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