**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

I'm disappointed that Melo played his best offensive game as a Knick and we still lost to a garbage squad

I really hope Amar'e and Melo don't let their basketball ego's get in the way..Amar'e seems uninterested in games where Carmelo is shooting the lights out, and Melo takes certain possessions off when Amar'e gets the ball..When Melo first came to the Knicks, I remember him cutting more and trying to move w/o the ball when he saw Amar'e catch it..If the Knicks slash to the hope more often and try to get open, with the attention Melo n Amar'e get, they could make plays happen

And I find it comical that people say "Chauncey can't run the pick n roll like Felton did"...Are you serious?!
When Felton came to the Knicks, people said "Felton isn't Nash..His pick n roll skills are sub par." Knicks fans can be real hypocrites sometimes

I'm as angry/disappointed as any Knicks fan right now, but lets remember the team that everyone "wishes we kept" started the season 3-8, losing a few to scrub teams, and eventually turned it around..And that team had an entire pre-season to get accustomed to each other
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I'm disappointed that Melo played his best offensive game as a Knick and we still lost to a garbage squad

I really hope Amar'e and Melo don't let their basketball ego's get in the way..Amar'e seems uninterested in games where Carmelo is shooting the lights out, and Melo takes certain possessions off when Amar'e gets the ball..When Melo first came to the Knicks, I remember him cutting more and trying to move w/o the ball when he saw Amar'e catch it..If the Knicks slash to the hope more often and try to get open, with the attention Melo n Amar'e get, they could make plays happen

And I find it comical that people say "Chauncey can't run the pick n roll like Felton did"...Are you serious?!
When Felton came to the Knicks, people said "Felton isn't Nash..His pick n roll skills are sub par." Knicks fans can be real hypocrites sometimes

I'm as angry/disappointed as any Knicks fan right now, but lets remember the team that everyone "wishes we kept" started the season 3-8, losing a few to scrub teams, and eventually turned it around..And that team had an entire pre-season to get accustomed to each other
i agree with everything you said... and i was quick to hate on felton also and even before he got traded i was hating on him but he turned it around... he might not be a better point than chauncey but hes younger and more athletic so he can play more minutes, play slightly better defense, penetrate more  and can actually operate the pick and roll...hes obviously not on nashs level but hes close to it on dantonis offense and definitely an upgrade compared to duhon... as much as i hated on felton before he got traded and thought that billups would be an upgrade i wanted him to stay out of anyone in this trade... i hated on him a lot i admit but i always said trade anyone on this team for melo except felton and amare and trade 2/3 core and we good with a core of felton, amare and melo.... thats how much i liked felton and had faith in him....

but to get back on topic on what tim said...^ i agree... its realistic to be honest... we got our core amare and melo we just need to fill out the rest of the roster... we need a steady point and defensive center and solid coach... we don't need anybody special just guys that are solid... we had charlie ward and childs at point but they got the job done and had camby at center whos not offensively gifted but can hustle and play great defense and had a solid coach in JVG and riley.... of course we had a great center in ewing but compared to the 90s where he was the bread and butter we got melo and stat so having a defensive center is a must and having a offensive center is not a necessity 

and man i miss the swag of the knicks when this trade first happened... when we got melo it was like wow we got melo and stat on this team its a rap
... i used to be so excited to see a knicks game and sometimes couldn't sleep just based off the excitement alone for the next game
... but watever i stand by melo and don't blame him at all... hes an upgrade and right now it might not show it but in the long term it will...i love this trade and stick by it and wouldn't change it at all.... if we make the playoffs this year and win 1-2 games ill be happy with that because at least its progress... but i do hope to win 50 games every year with stat and melo hopefully both are healthy until their contracts run out... and of course id expect a championship with them as a core but thats reallys expecting a lot
Don't know if this has been brought up, but Carmelo is too much of a negative energy player to be any type of leader for these Knicks. By that, I mean that his demeanor doesn't inspire confidence in his teammates. You see Melo pouting, not running back hard, looking unenthused for too much of the game. Many people bring up his leadership role in Beijing as a counterpoint, but when a team is made up of that much swag, losing was never an issue. And having Amare, who isn't a go-getter himself either, doesn't help the situation for the Knicks. There's a reason everybody on Denver seems chipper with 'Melo gone.

As they are, Knicks won't ever be better than middle of the pack in the east. A high-energy, rally-the-troops point guard or a master manipulator as a coach are the only things that will push the knicks to the top.
Originally Posted by gko2408

Don't know if this has been brought up, but Carmelo is too much of a negative energy player to be any type of leader for these Knicks. By that, I mean that his demeanor doesn't inspire confidence in his teammates. You see Melo pouting, not running back hard, looking unenthused for too much of the game. Many people bring up his leadership role in Beijing as a counterpoint, but when a team is made up of that much swag, losing was never an issue. And having Amare, who isn't a go-getter himself either, doesn't help the situation for the Knicks. There's a reason everybody on Denver seems chipper with 'Melo gone.

As they are, Knicks won't ever be better than middle of the pack in the east. A high-energy, rally-the-troops point guard or a master manipulator as a coach are the only things that will push the knicks to the top.

Truth Hurts.
This is really hard to bear... and i've only been really watching the Knicks since Melo got on board, so i cant even imagine how you longer tenured Knick fans feel :/ i feel for yall tho
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

This is really hard to bear... and i've only been really watching the Knicks since Melo got on board, so i cant even imagine how you longer tenured Knick fans feel :/ i feel for yall tho

we are used to it really... we been garbage a whole decade but like me and other knick fans here we are loyal... so this is nothing new to us... sure we got melo and stat on this team who was definitely more talented compared to this whole decade of knicks team but me and other knicks fans on this board and outside here are passionate fans who stick by their teams even if they are garbage... this is our team and we live and die by them
Originally Posted by you go boy

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

This is really hard to bear... and i've only been really watching the Knicks since Melo got on board, so i cant even imagine how you longer tenured Knick fans feel :/ i feel for yall tho

we are used to it really... we been garbage a whole decade but like me and other knick fans here we are loyal... so this is nothing new to us... sure we got melo and stat on this team who was definitely more talented compared to this whole decade of knicks team but me and other knicks fans on this board and outside here are passionate fans who stick by their teams even if they are garbage... this is our team and we live and die by them
and thats how i am with my warriors, and also why i effs with Knick fans
, yall some cool dudes
did melo really say

"I'm not worried about me tryna fit in to the quote unquote system that's supposed to be- that we supposed to have. I'm not worried about that"
Originally Posted by DubA169

did melo really say

"I'm not worried about me tryna fit in to the quote unquote system that's supposed to be- that we supposed to have. I'm not worried about that"
This is why I can never hate on Garnett. He may do some annoying things, but he cares. You go to war with Garnett. You go to the corner and wait with Melo.
This might be reaching, and forgive me if I am..But does anyone else feel that Amar'e didn't have enough time to enjoy being "the man" for him to truly be happy with Carmelo being here? Carmelo had his time in Denver..With the Heat, Wade was "the man" his entire career in Miami, Lebron was GOD in Cleveland, and Bosh was the mayor of Toronto...Amare's game was often overshadowed in Phoenix by Nash's point guard skills..It wasn't until Amare's huge 2nd half last season that he was the focal point of the Suns

So Amar'e came to NYC, people LOVED him, and he was THE MAN..When you walked into MSG, 90% of people wearing a jersey were rockin a Stoudemire..Every Knicks highlight was 85% Amar'e..He was scoring 30 a night for like 2 straight weeks..He was the first one to get interviewed almost every post game..People were legitimately calling him MVP for taking the Knicks from 30 games below .500 to a playoff berth..To be fair, he lost majority of his MVP consideration awhile ago, but he lost his status as THE MAN the second Carmelo got on that plane..Walk into MSG now and there are a significant number of Carmelo jerseys in comparison to STAT jerseys..He's the one constantly being talked about, whether it's good or bad..Amar'e hit 0 buzzer beaters as a Knick (hit one against Boston but didn't count)..Carmelo hit a game winner basically 2 weeks into his Knick career..So, just as Amar'e was becoming the "Savior of NY Basketball," here comes Carmelo to push Amar'e back into the shadow that he once grew accustomed to in Phoenix 
Originally Posted by gko2408

Originally Posted by DubA169

did melo really say

"I'm not worried about me tryna fit in to the quote unquote system that's supposed to be- that we supposed to have. I'm not worried about that"
This is why I can never hate on Garnett. He may do some annoying things, but he cares. You go to war with Garnett. You go to the corner and wait with Melo.
yes and no.

I'm mad at melo for forcing us to trade more than what was necessary but I been mad at Dantoni for a while now.

I agree with melo. we don't have a system.  I only see  pringles say lets go lets go lets go. He doesn't motivate. he doesn't challange players.A first year coach names Thibbs just benched Carlos Boozer for a long time the other day because he didn't play defense.

Billups been slumping and what does he do? Puts Douglas in but instead of hurting Chauncey's feelings he takes fields out of the starting lineup

He hires a bunch of yes men like his brother who hasn't done anything signifcant. No defensive philosphy. Can't draw up plays. He's a bum
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

This might be reaching, and forgive me if I am..But does anyone else feel that Amar'e didn't have enough time to enjoy being "the man" for him to truly be happy with Carmelo being here? Carmelo had his time in Denver..With the Heat, Wade was "the man" his entire career in Miami, Lebron was GOD in Cleveland, and Bosh was the mayor of Toronto...Amare's game was often overshadowed in Phoenix by Nash's point guard skills..It wasn't until Amare's huge 2nd half last season that he was the focal point of the Suns

So Amar'e came to NYC, people LOVED him, and he was THE MAN..When you walked into MSG, 90% of people wearing a jersey were rockin a Stoudemire..Every Knicks highlight was 85% Amar'e..He was scoring 30 a night for like 2 straight weeks..He was the first one to get interviewed almost every post game..People were legitimately calling him MVP for taking the Knicks from 30 games below .500 to a playoff berth..To be fair, he lost majority of his MVP consideration awhile ago, but he lost his status as THE MAN the second Carmelo got on that plane..Walk into MSG now and there are a significant number of Carmelo jerseys in comparison to STAT jerseys..He's the one constantly being talked about, whether it's good or bad..Amar'e hit 0 buzzer beaters as a Knick (hit one against Boston but didn't count)..Carmelo hit a game winner basically 2 weeks into his Knick career..So, just as Amar'e was becoming the "Savior of NY Basketball," here comes Carmelo to push Amar'e back into the shadow that he once grew accustomed to in Phoenix 
i agree with you every one bit... but amare has to accept his role... sure he was the MVP and carried this team even before melo got here but melo is the greater player and he needs to accept his role as the number 2 option... yes he was the number 1 guy before melo got here but now that melo is here hes the number 2 guy im sorry but its true....and as much as i want to give this team to amare for him to take ownership of this team he has been on this team half a seaon more than melo... so compared to dwade and lebron dwade won a championship with the heat without lebron and has been on the heat for a couple years compared to amare whos been on the knicks a couple months longer than melo... so as much as i love amare for bringing the knicks back to relevance he hasn't been here that much longer than melo... so accept your position and play your role because you haven't been here that longer and hasn't proven anything in winning a championship... long story short amare be robin while melo is batman... no this isn't a pride thing... look at the big picture and try to win a chip
Amar'e wanted Melo here so it doesn't matter if he didn't have enough time to be the man here. He got his MVP chants, that should be enough. I don't think STAT should be thinking about any of those things nor should it affect his game.


Wow. We got 9 games left. 3 weeks. Time to get our act together. I'm over this losing shh. I see one possible winning streak left with the rest of our schedule. We need a drastic turn around though.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

This might be reaching, and forgive me if I am..But does anyone else feel that Amar'e didn't have enough time to enjoy being "the man" for him to truly be happy with Carmelo being here? Carmelo had his time in Denver..With the Heat, Wade was "the man" his entire career in Miami, Lebron was GOD in Cleveland, and Bosh was the mayor of Toronto...Amare's game was often overshadowed in Phoenix by Nash's point guard skills..It wasn't until Amare's huge 2nd half last season that he was the focal point of the Suns

So Amar'e came to NYC, people LOVED him, and he was THE MAN..When you walked into MSG, 90% of people wearing a jersey were rockin a Stoudemire..Every Knicks highlight was 85% Amar'e..He was scoring 30 a night for like 2 straight weeks..He was the first one to get interviewed almost every post game..People were legitimately calling him MVP for taking the Knicks from 30 games below .500 to a playoff berth..To be fair, he lost majority of his MVP consideration awhile ago, but he lost his status as THE MAN the second Carmelo got on that plane..Walk into MSG now and there are a significant number of Carmelo jerseys in comparison to STAT jerseys..He's the one constantly being talked about, whether it's good or bad..Amar'e hit 0 buzzer beaters as a Knick (hit one against Boston but didn't count)..Carmelo hit a game winner basically 2 weeks into his Knick career..So, just as Amar'e was becoming the "Savior of NY Basketball," here comes Carmelo to push Amar'e back into the shadow that he once grew accustomed to in Phoenix 

That's EXACTLY how it feels. I think that's a source of so many of the problems. Amar'e proved he can be a leader, but I'm not sure Melo can. And then we traded everyone who had confidence in him. He can't do that alpha dog thing with Melo and especially not with Chompsy. I'm sure he thought, if Melo's coming now, he'll basically be by himself and he'd have Ray or Wil to keep some of that status quo and sorta explain on the court how they've been getting by. Instead he's only got Fields who likes to steal his rebounds.
I feel for dude.
I've been losing interest in Knick games lately. The last game I watched in full was against the Magic and even that was a struggle. Losing against teams like the Bobcats when you have two of the top 10 scorers is a damn shame.

At this point, I think players have tuned Pringles out. He's not a master motivator and doesn't command the respect of his players. I've always thought that Thibodeau would have been a better coaching fit here in NYC because of his defense first approach to the game. I'm not shocked that his players have tuned him out. There's a reason that he used to be Spurs and Laker food in the West. He gives too much of a leash, he doesn't command respect and his approach to defense is deplorable.

This team has no identity and that's due to the coaching or lack thereof. Melo is a volume scorer and hasn't had someone to reign him in and let him know that ball movement is a requirement. Amare needs more shots. Don't even get me started on the lack of help defense and the late rotations.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I've been losing interest in Knick games lately. The last game I watched in full was against the Magic and even that was a struggle. Losing against teams like the Bobcats when you have two of the top 10 scorers is a damn shame.

At this point, I think players have tuned Pringles out. He's not a master motivator and doesn't command the respect of his players. I've always thought that Thibodeau would have been a better coaching fit here in NYC because of his defense first approach to the game. I'm not shocked that his players have tuned him out. There's a reason that he used to be Spurs and Laker food in the West. He gives too much of a leash, he doesn't command respect and his approach to defense is deplorable.

This team has no identity and that's due to the coaching or lack thereof. Melo is a volume scorer and hasn't had someone to reign him in and let him know that ball movement is a requirement. Amare needs more shots. Don't even get me started on the lack of help defense and the late rotations.
I remember reading an article about Amar'e telling him to cancel a practice because the lack of mental energy from the losing and back to backs.  Further into the article it claimed D'Antoni is considered a players coach because his lack of shoot arounds before games, and that most teams hold 45 minute shot arounds.  But then some coaches i.e. Phil Jackson and Greg Poppovich are know to sometimes hit the 2 hour mark... Now if two very successful coaches are holding 2 hour shoot arounds, why does this dunce who preaches the 3 point shot not have shoot arounds before every game. 
It's hard to watch these games. We lost big before the trade too, but you could see the fight, the passion, the effort. It's like watching a play where all the actors are disinterested, it's tough to get the audience into it. Like when's the last time one cat had double digit rebounds or assists? you can actually see the open ball in slowmo right in front of the players but somehow the other team beats them to it. I expected us to lose unlike most folks, we did overhaul the team, but not like this. I expected them to atleast try to look cohesive.
Up 4.5 on the 9 seed with 9 games left.... Looks too similar to the 2007 Mets

Sorry to Mez and my other fellow Mets fans in advance for that comment
At this point I am not sure which game they will win, and if they do win it won't be because of ball movement and defense, it'll probably just be because Melo/STAT can't miss on that night, and TD decides to make 6 three pointers.
Yeah, looking at the schedule now I dont know who they will beat. Team is just spiraling downwards
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Up 4.5 on the 9 seed with 9 games left.... Looks too similar to the 2007 Mets

Sorry to Mez and my other fellow Mets fans in advance for that comment


There is NO way that happens. If the Knicks miss the playoffs, heads will roll. I'm for real, there would be a riot at MSG or some *!@#.

2nd to last game of the season is at the Garden against the Bulls on TNT. Can you imagine the Knicks not making the playoffs on THAT day? Barkley would look like Nostradamus, CAKE will be in here crowing and there would be jerseys burning in the city.

But I really don't think it will come to that.

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