**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Hope we sign Barron quickly after. Hope he doesn't turn out worse than Mozgod.

As for this Melo deal, happy to have him. Hope Billups smartens up. Sad to see us give up Gall and Mozgod. Yeah Melo > Gallo but Melo w/ Gallo > Melo w/o Gallo on this Knicks team. To my Kicks fans, Felton was always a rental and Chandler was not going to be a Knick next season in any scenario.

Just hope amateur hr is up and I don't hear anymore bs additional players from our team or sh!tty Denver players with horrible contracts coming to our team.
For those talking about the bench getting weaker cuz of Chandler and Gallo being traded......you do realize that Melo will be playing 40 minutes every game leaving barely any time for a reserve to come in anyway, right? Shawne Williams and Corey Brewer (if he's still being included) will do fine in those limited minutes.

Turiaf/Shelden Williams/Barron

I think trading Mozgov and not getting Birdman or somebody back in return is a mistake though. Turiaf, Shelden Williams and Earl Barron getting heavy minutes at the 5 for a title contender isn't really a good look. I could see them putting out a starting lineup of Billups/Douglas/Fields/Melo/Amare though.
its the same deal proposed as before except we adding mosgov... and the fillers are sheldon and carter no balkman... it would be cool to get brewer but hes going to the nuggs

Future looks bright...believe me
I doubt it's done. This seems so anticlimactic. No tweets & retweets about things heating up? No absurdly rushed articles detailing every step of the saga so far?
Oh yeah. This trade makes it virtually impossible for us to make any other trades before the deadline. Unless somebody wants the bums we have and maybe Turiaf which I don't see us trading cuz we lack even more height.
If this is true I'll miss you Gallinari.

Felton was cool, but it's hard to get attached to someone after half a season. Gallo I really wanted to succeed here and he seemed to love the big stage of MSG. He'll be missed. It's a business though, this was the right business move and with Melo he wouldn't have a role unless it was off the bench and out of position. I want him to succeed, too bad it won't be here.
heres the deal
knicks get
 a carter

nuggs get
2014 1st round pick
2012 2013 2nd round picks (GSW picks)
plus 3 million

dont know wsup with curry or randolph maybe seperate deals
My favorite player on my favorite team....

I'll miss Wil, Felton and Gallo (even though I gave Gallo a hard time, he loved being apart of this squad and I can appreciate that).

We'll still be solid....Walker has shown us in the past that he can shoot and get to the rim (even though this year he's overweight), Williams will thrive as a shooter with Melo out there.

If Balkman wasn't so lazy and he knew how to shoot, he'd be a great get honestly. We all know Balkman is a good defensive player and rebounder, especially for a 6'8 SF.
Yo AMP, I saw in the thread you made you posted the full version of Cam's Oh What a Night... I didn't know a full version was out, I've been bumping the single verse for awhile now

That's almost better than the Melo news
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