Offical Halloween Costume Ideas

what's cool this year? thinking about maybe doing al borland if nothing pans out. got a friend that wants to be wilson with the fence over his face.
whats good w/ this thread, usually NT is on point wit costume ideas!!!

halloween is comin up quick!!!
I've been looking at Deadpool costumes, but none of them come with the muscle print. Might have to take it to an airbrush spot...
I figured this would be the best thread to ask but the last Saturday of October happens to be my 21st birthday.
Now, I'm getting people asking me if I'm going to throw a costume party. I tell them I'm not sure yet since were' still about a month away.
The reason I am not sure is because I don't know how many people would actually come since there will be other parties going on that night.
Also I'm not sure where I'm going to be throwing this. I had a place lined up but you could now mark that off the list. The only two places I have left are one of my older buddies house and my sisters.
My older buddy is cool and doesn't mind company over but I feel like somebody might come over that might start some crap or wreck the house. I don't want to put a 30 year old who is just straightening out his life in a position where there are alot of under 21 people being reckless in his house.
My sister on the other is even cooler and wouldn't care. The deal is rarely hit her up anymore and I don't want to make it seem like I am just hitting her up again so I can throw a party at her house. The plus side is she is EXTREMELY popular and I'm sure throwing it her house would attract ALOT of hot girls and honestly have a better time.
The second issue is I'm not as popular as my sister. Yea I could get some dudes to come over but it would be a total sausage fest. There would be very few girls who would come especially if I threw it at my older buddies house.
Do you guys have any suggestions on attracting more girls to a costume party?
If I threw it at my sisters it wouldn't be that big of an issue but the more girls the better :lol:
I guess, really what I am asking is what are some suggestions to throw a great Birthday/Halloween costume party that would attract a lot of people?

No new threads, no new threads, no new threads no no noo

Stay down with my page one ijriowjs ooooooooh
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Two years ago me and my roomie were Wham. 

This year Im going to be happy gilmore and my girl is gonna be

because she's asian
im thinking of being Hit Girl from kick *** now i just need someone to dress up as Kick *** with me 
I'm thinking of buying a Beetlejuice outfit and going around as Robin Thicke at the VMAs.

If only I could find my Miley. :frown: :lol:
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