Offical Halloween Costume Ideas


german drinking team, das boots/mugs for all
I went as a Yip Yip from Sesame Street:

My girl went as a Ghostbuster...Here is the proton pack and gear I made for her..(Protonpack w/ lights, trap and NVG goggles)
Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

Originally Posted by Name I Koop

This was me last night....I need to find a full length picture


I THINK I saw you... you live in T.O?
Yea....I was at Shuffle then went downtown to get a Shwarma....damn cold son
Damn haven't seen this thread in a minute, back when I had like 100 post

Thought I was doing it when I hit 100
posted in the other thread.

well i went and did this:

and made this:

so i could be this:

So revive this thread or start a new one, Halloween costumes popped up in a convo this weekend, got the ball rolling...


Sorry for the grave-dig...
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