**Offical Getting in Shape/Working Out**

^ I beg to differ. Obviously rest is important but that's why I said the whole good thing about cardio/abs comment. Got no reason to lie, dude. I run andwork abs just about every day...some days are understandably more intense than others. If I feel sore I scale back a little bit, maybe cut out a set of aparticular ab exercise or run half a mile less.
2) Start working your abs - most common misconception I hear is people saying I'll start working my abs AFTER I cut all the fat off my stomach. No, start as soon as you can with basic ab workouts like crunches, leg lifts, etc. Then you can begin to introduce more complex exercises to your routine (like incorporating weights), that way in the process of "cutting" you're building abs gradually and cutting the excess fat off your stomach simultaneously.

The great thing about cardio/working abs is that you can honestly do it every day. It's not like other muscles that require longer rest periods. If you stick to it, you could see beginning results within 2 1/2-3 weeks obviously depending on your starting point.
This right here..... is piss poor advice.
Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

^ I beg to differ. Obviously rest is important but that's why I said the whole good thing about cardio/abs comment. Got no reason to lie, dude. I run and work abs just about every day...some days are understandably more intense than others. If I feel sore I scale back a little bit, maybe cut out a set of a particular ab exercise or run half a mile less.
so you dont have a rest day at all? you are seriously setting yourself up for injury
I could agree with cardio (like running, swimming) being possible as an everyday workout (if you can do it, I used to run 5-6 days a week) but an ab workouteveryday will cause more harm than good.
This right here..... is piss poor advice.
Ok, tell me how.

I'm not telling people to run/work abs every day if that's what you think. I'm simply stating that's where I'm at with my workout routine,I'm happy with it and the results have been phenomenal. Obviously beginners would not be following a regimen with the same intense frequency.
so you dont have a rest day at all? you are seriously setting yourself up for injury
Occasionally...after all I know my body best, and the same goes for you. Like I've said, if I feel way too sore then I'll take a day offfrom running or working abs. However, that circumstance is rare and I do not allow laziness to masquerade as soreness when it comes to cardio/abs. I know a lotof people who are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to physical fitness that do cardio 6-7 days a week. Obviously lifting is completely different and Ihave full rest days when it comes to that.

Maybe I should also clarify that the cardio/abs routine I'm currently on is not a program designed for an entire year or any length of the sort. I'm ina "cutting" phase that lasts approximately 6-8 weeks for the summer (I know it's longer than usual, just personal preference). Let me repeat: Ido not follow this routine year round.

I could agree with cardio (like running, swimming) being possible as an everyday workout (if you can do it, I used to run 5-6 days a week) but an ab workout everyday will cause more harm than good.
I certainly see what you're saying, but I think you're getting the impression that I'm going all out with abs every single day. Yes,maybe 3-4 days out of the week I'm going as hard as possible with a combination of 3-4 different ab exercises requiring multiple sets each. Then there areother days I go significantly lighter depending on how I feel. Doing a couple sets of crunches and leg lifts still counts as working your abs is what I mean.
^^ I gotcha.
However, remember I am no expert, but from what I have been reading, it is better to let the muscle rest so that you get the maximum results from all youreffort.
Give it time to recover and build the muscle by not working it (even lightly) a day or so. If you work it everyday, it gives it less time to recover and youmay not be getting the most out of it.
It's like being injured. If you play hurt, there is less chance it will get 100% faster and at times, it becomes a lot worst. That is just how I see it ortranslate from everything I've read so far.
Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

as far as cardio goes, i do HIIT twice a week. (15-20 minutes each session)
one day during the week, ill run 3 miles (steady pace in 30 minutes).
the rest of my cardio comes from volleyball and basketball.
Good model as far as I can see. Maybe just throw in an extra day of the 3-mile run...but stick with it, man.

no need for the extra cardio. im already lean and i finished cutting in may. so now im just in maintainence.
for HIIT, i actually do 1 minute walking and 45 second sprinting.

as far as working out abs goes, if you really work them out..then you shouldn't be able to work them out the next day. i do abs "everyday" in thesense that i do regular situps/leg raises, but i seriously work them out 2x a week. with one day targetting upper/lower abs, and the other day targettingobliques/core.
Ok, tell me how.

I'm not telling people to run/work abs every day if that's what you think. I'm simply stating that's where I'm at with my workout routine, I'm happy with it and the results have been phenomenal. Obviously beginners would not be following a regimen with the same intense frequency.
Ummmm... you actually are telling people to run/work on their abdominals every day. Youre giving people "advice" on what they shoulddo, yet you proclaim that what youre doing isn't for everyone. What's the point in giving someone advice then?

If youre not a beginner you shouldnt be training harder, but in a smarter way. This includes appropriate rest periods in between exercises (includingabdominals).
Then there are other days I go significantly lighter depending on how I feel. Doing a couple sets of crunches and leg lifts still counts as working your abs is what I mean.

This would be your body telling you that it needs rest.
Anyone have a good website that counts calories and gives protein and everything? I used to have a online journal site but I kinda got lazy and forgot the nameof it.
if you guys cheat on your diet on one day

do you return to your same diet the following day

or do you cut calories the next day to balance out the extra calories you ate on your "cheat" day
as far as working out abs goes, if you really work them out..then you shouldn't be able to work them out the next day. i do abs "everyday" in the sense that i do regular situps/leg raises, but i seriously work them out 2x a week. with one day targetting upper/lower abs, and the other day targetting obliques/core.
I gotcha, bro. We're essentially saying the same thing: in my previous posts I specifically said some days I don't go as hard when itcomes to abs but crunches and leg lifts is still considered working your abdominal muscles.

Ummmm... you actually are telling people to run/work on their abdominals every day. Youre giving people "advice" on what they should do, yet you proclaim that what youre doing isn't for everyone. What's the point in giving someone advice then?
Not really, dude. Let me just clarify: my original comment that you took issue with was "The great thing about cardio/working abs is that youcan honestly do it every day." That is my personal belief through experience, where in that statement do I say that's what I recommend everyonedo/follow?

And is it impossible for me to give advice but also mention the notion that everybody's body is different and different workouts/exercises work better fordifferent people?? Absolutely not, in fact I'm being more honest and open than most trainers who believe THEIR WAY is the best and only way to do things.

Once again I've clarified my comments repeatedly so take it how you like. I'm going to continue giving advice to the best of my knowledge regardless.New information regarding physical fitness is always coming to light and I'm more than willing to improve on what I know. Experience plus what I read anddiscuss with others who have knowledge of physical fitness is what I base my thoughts/beliefs on in case you're wondering.

This would be your body telling you that it needs rest.
As I've said over and over, I know my body best and the same goes for you. I've been following a specific routine for almost 6 weeks nowand overall the results have been great for me. More importantly, I haven't strained or hurt myself which seems to be your concern (knock on wood).

Anyone have a good website that counts calories and gives protein and everything? I used to have a online journal site but I kinda got lazy and forgot the name of it.
I used to track with FitDay. I'm pretty sure it has what you're looking for.

if you guys cheat on your diet on one day

do you return to your same diet the following day

or do you cut calories the next day to balance out the extra calories you ate on your "cheat" day

I would say return to the same diet the next day. If you cheat, let it go. Don't try to overcompensate or make-up for what you did the day before.Consistency as well as getting comfortable with a certain diet and workout too is extremely prudent IMO when it comes to fitness.
ya...i'll prolly get rid of the excess waste i ate over the weekend throughout this week

bout to make me a sammich
Originally Posted by kimahrioftheronsotribe

Anyone have a good website that counts calories and gives protein and everything? I used to have a online journal site but I kinda got lazy and forgot the name of it.

www.livestrong.com daily plate
Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

if you guys cheat on your diet on one day

do you return to your same diet the following day

or do you cut calories the next day to balance out the extra calories you ate on your "cheat" day
Having one 'bad' meal or two a week isn't really cheating. I eat strict on Monday through Saturday, but I will still go out on Sundayand have a 'regular' lunch or dinner with my friends or parents.

It's when you eat crappy food on a regular basis that becomes a problem. Remember never starve yourself! Just eat the right foods. My friends swear thatI'm eating next to nothing because of my weight lost, but it's the right plannings of what to eat and exercising. I practically eat every 2 hours.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Id Walk a Mile for a Camel

Originally Posted by Supafly122

Originally Posted by TOUCH MONEY

whats the best diet to flatten & cut up my stomach?
just do any calorie-restricted diet. burn more calories than you consume. weight will be shed. abs will be seen.
examples of what to eat during the day?
and what kind of exercised would be good? would just running be good?

cardio & ab ripper x. say what we want but ab ripper x IS the best ab workout. as for food. id say stay away from rice & bread & pasta & of course sweets & fried food. focus more on protein (chicken, steak [but not too much], shrimp, egg whites). & if u really cant stay away from bread well wonder offers light wheat bread that has only 40 calories per slice! great for ur diet. found at wal-mart for like 3$

EDITT:wow:h & almost forgot! dont eat for 3 hrs before bed. that way ur body digests all the food while ur awake & when u go to sleep ur body will run on excess calories (that are stored as fat)
So just eat chicken and eggs all day. Any particular way i should cook them? Also i would have to burn more calories than consuming, correct?

meat ftw. & as long as its not fried its ok. & yes. how much do u weigh? & do u have an itouch or iphone?
What are some recommendations for building defined abs?

I've been stuck at 160lb for years and can never seem to gain any weight. My goal is to gain 5lbs by 07/23 and no matter what I eat and how much I loose itafter a day! I've been on that strict protein, oatmeal, chicken breast, pasta, canned tuna diet in the past, with a small meal every 3hrs. Been on thatmcdonalds diet for 2 weeks back in 2006 and not even an extra fold in the stomach. High metabolism FTL.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

how much running do you guys suggest if im trying to flatten my stomach/tone it?

id say at least 2-3 miles daily (at least every other day). gradually increase over time of course. if u dont want to do that, add ankle weights to ur runningor run with a sweater on. & once u get bored of running id say basketball is a GREAT substitute. the quick changes of pace & direction really get thatheart pumping. soccer is 2nd in substitution id say. unless u play in an epl type league or center midfielder then u really arent doing as much running unlessu play a full 80-90 minute game.
Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Id Walk a Mile for a Camel

Originally Posted by Supafly122

Originally Posted by TOUCH MONEY

whats the best diet to flatten & cut up my stomach?
just do any calorie-restricted diet. burn more calories than you consume. weight will be shed. abs will be seen.
examples of what to eat during the day?
and what kind of exercised would be good? would just running be good?

cardio & ab ripper x. say what we want but ab ripper x IS the best ab workout. as for food. id say stay away from rice & bread & pasta & of course sweets & fried food. focus more on protein (chicken, steak [but not too much], shrimp, egg whites). & if u really cant stay away from bread well wonder offers light wheat bread that has only 40 calories per slice! great for ur diet. found at wal-mart for like 3$

EDITT:wow:h & almost forgot! dont eat for 3 hrs before bed. that way ur body digests all the food while ur awake & when u go to sleep ur body will run on excess calories (that are stored as fat)
So just eat chicken and eggs all day. Any particular way i should cook them? Also i would have to burn more calories than consuming, correct?

meat ftw. & as long as its not fried its ok. & yes. how much do u weigh? & do u have an itouch or iphone?
i weigh about 148-150lbs Im about 5'9. and yes i have an iphone
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Id Walk a Mile for a Camel

Originally Posted by Supafly122

Originally Posted by TOUCH MONEY

whats the best diet to flatten & cut up my stomach?
just do any calorie-restricted diet. burn more calories than you consume. weight will be shed. abs will be seen.
examples of what to eat during the day?
and what kind of exercised would be good? would just running be good?

cardio & ab ripper x. say what we want but ab ripper x IS the best ab workout. as for food. id say stay away from rice & bread & pasta & of course sweets & fried food. focus more on protein (chicken, steak [but not too much], shrimp, egg whites). & if u really cant stay away from bread well wonder offers light wheat bread that has only 40 calories per slice! great for ur diet. found at wal-mart for like 3$

EDITT:wow:h & almost forgot! dont eat for 3 hrs before bed. that way ur body digests all the food while ur awake & when u go to sleep ur body will run on excess calories (that are stored as fat)
So just eat chicken and eggs all day. Any particular way i should cook them? Also i would have to burn more calories than consuming, correct?

meat ftw. & as long as its not fried its ok. & yes. how much do u weigh? & do u have an itouch or iphone?
i weigh about 148-150lbs Im about 5'9. and yes i have an iphone

download the lose it app.. its free. it counts calories. & other nutrients if u want. plus its all adjusted to how u want it.
Originally Posted by bossjulio

^its what NT's for. keep us up to date on ur progress.
oh, i've been running a about a mile-mile 1/2 almost every day for about 2 and a half weeks now and been dieting and cut off all junk food,with some minor lifting with some dumbells i have (thats all i got
), and ivelost about 8 pounds maybe a little more
Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

how much running do you guys suggest if im trying to flatten my stomach/tone it?

id say at least 2-3 miles daily (at least every other day). gradually increase over time of course. if u dont want to do that, add ankle weights to ur running or run with a sweater on. & once u get bored of running id say basketball is a GREAT substitute. the quick changes of pace & direction really get that heart pumping. soccer is 2nd in substitution id say. unless u play in an epl type league or center midfielder then u really arent doing as much running unless u play a full 80-90 minute game.

Never give advice again.
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