Offical Bulls VS Celtics game 6 post

top 3 series ever ... just b/c its the present ... i can't rank it higher ... at this point its like u just expect a team to score when the score isn'ttied ... and expect someone to miss when it is tied ...
can't stand another OT...bulls got to get their *$+ organized no mroe OTs get the WIN last possession was a joke didnt even get a shot off..
didn't even get a shot off
So lemme get this right.

Chicago decides NOT to foul and prevent a 3 ball (which gets hit by Ray Allen)

Then they fail to even get a shot off with 7 seconds?
End the game already. I wanna watch the rockets. They are going to be at halftime before this one is over
Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

morning star , hold on to your rope, u might have to use it tonight

best game i done seen in a while, but the bulsl need to know how to finish

Why are you still talking about me? Go finger yourself.
Alright, this game is over. Boston isnt gonna let up again. Bulls are terrible. Not a single shot? wow
Del Negro has got to be one of the dumbest coaches ever. Two chances to get a game winner and he puts on two horrible possessions.
this series could end in 6 games and it;s already the best series i have ever watched. the amount of clutch shots in this series is unbelievable.
All Rose needs to do is drive with No Perkins and the Bulls will win though.

Lets hope he doesn't.
i hate the celtics, but guess what ... the bulls suck go the *%#% home and sleep on this series ... del negro should be fired and each player should receive aray allen bobble head as a season parting gift ... that is the most inexcusable $%%%+%%% i have ever seen in my life ... at this point you put 2 people on rayand let someone else shoot a wide open three ... its ridiculous i cant understand when these things happen ...

*%#% *%#% *%#% *%#% *%#% *%#% *%#%
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