Obama's Presidential Limo Will Be a 'Rolling Tank With Windows' [vid/pics]

Jul 1, 2005
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i thought he will have a truck as limo
[h1]Obama's Presidential Limo Will Be a 'Rolling Tank With Windows'[/h1]
By Jose Fermoso January 07, 2009 | 4:23:01 AMCategories: Automotive, Current Affairs, Defense

The inauguration of Barack Obama will not only bring about a wholesale turnover in the political leadership of the country but it will also unveil the newest in a long line of Presidential limos.

According to Presidential vehicle experts, the new limo is a beast-like General Motors truck-based Cadillac that is so tough it's like a 'rolling tank with windows.'

Among the vehicle's main features are windows that are 5 inches thick, 19.5-inch Goodyear RHS tires (same as super tough trucks), and possibly even a lock safety mechanism that seals off the car like a bank vault in case of an emergency.

Because the Secret Service keeps details of the limo understandably private, even the most knowledgeable security experts don't really know how much gadgety tech is being installed in the new ride. But it's not stopping them making a few informed guesses.

In an interview with CNN, security expert Ken Lucci says rubber gaskets likely protect the car against chemical weapons and that the body will be made out of a tougher material than before. The most recent limo used by President Bush used some combination of a dual hardness steel, aluminum, titanium and even ceramics to break up possible projectiles. And there are usually steel overlaps that cover any gaps a door might leave.

Despite the immense secrecy, reports have leaked that the limo also comes with a 10-CD changer, which will inevitably end up playing Obama favorites like Steve Wonder and Bob Dylan. We're surprised there's no Blu-ray or Wii in there, but we're pretty sure of one thing: The limo will be a Zune-free zone, especially considering the most recent reports.

Photos: Brend Priddy & Co/DetNews.com

video: http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2009/01/obamas-presiden.htmlhttp://blog.wired.com/gad...9/01/obamas-presiden.html


I'll be wearing those when I'm at the inauguration.
cot damn, rolling in basically a tank with air support and rooftop snipers from up to 2-3mile perimeters..
DAMMMM look at how thick that door is.. I can imagine the window. WOW. Thats crazy.
My company is actually catering the event and I'm actually gonna get to see it in person.
"possibly even a lock safety mechanism that seals off the car like a bank vault in case of an emergency."

this guy is driving Michael Keaton's batmobile.
Originally Posted by djaward

DAMMMM look at how thick that door is.. I can imagine the window. WOW. Thats crazy.
i didn't even notice how thick the door was!! the window is 5" thick?!?!!
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