Obama A House Negro. Vol. SMH

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Originally Posted by BigSean

Originally Posted by seniosoul

you guys need to get out of that chocolate covered world you live in...this preacher is telling the raw truth.
Barack is a house ni99a...no offense cause it is what it is.


perfect exectution

CrimsonCloudAttire wrote:
I hope the mods delete this, (no disrespect to OP, I just hate seeing this garbage)

I'm tired of black people stereotyping each other. Where is the solidarity. Where is the pride. I'll take dissent from anybody person, white, black, whatever on why Barack Obama wouldn't be a good president, but why resort to racially-charged demeaning name-calling.

And people say AIDS is a prevalent scourge in black america...well, stupidity is way more of a concern in my eyes.

Originally Posted by aight

You all think its funny and that he is stupid !

But here are the consequences, (or rewards) if Obama gets elected:

1) Affirmative Action will have to go ! Colleges should no longer accept a minority or black with less scores than a white person that was declined !

2) Welfare is going to have to be "very strictly regulated"

3) Companies will no longer feel the need to "fill their quotas" and hire X number of minorities or black

All because Obama is in office,

Whether you like it or Not !

And I think its a fair argument for the most part, while this pastor is not willing to "lose" this Race card excuse, or "lose" affirmative action, or "lose" welfare which deeply affects his constituents or followers, and mainly "black and minorities" in America

As for the "going to jail" argument: I think he should he go to Jail for such stupid and ludicrous comments
And where is your extensive research to support these outlandish predictions, kind sir?

I wanna see someone stand up and tell him to shut his !%$ up

like that CNN interview with Cheney.....
F you mister Cheney
but barack is juss tryin to continue wat dr king started if you look at it he is tryin to make us one nation not divided by race
i wish that could happen but some people juss cant see past the color of peoples skin
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Originally Posted by BigSean

Originally Posted by seniosoul

you guys need to get out of that chocolate covered world you live in...this preacher is telling the raw truth.
Barack is a house ni99a...no offense cause it is what it is.


perfect exectution

CrimsonCloudAttire wrote:
I hope the mods delete this, (no disrespect to OP, I just hate seeing this garbage)

I'm tired of black people stereotyping each other. Where is the solidarity. Where is the pride. I'll take dissent from anybody person, white, black, whatever on why Barack Obama wouldn't be a good president, but why resort to racially-charged demeaning name-calling.

And people say AIDS is a prevalent scourge in black america...well, stupidity is way more of a concern in my eyes.

Originally Posted by aight

You all think its funny and that he is stupid !

But here are the consequences, (or rewards) if Obama gets elected:

1) Affirmative Action will have to go ! Colleges should no longer accept a minority or black with less scores than a white person that was declined !

2) Welfare is going to have to be "very strictly regulated"

3) Companies will no longer feel the need to "fill their quotas" and hire X number of minorities or black

All because Obama is in office,

Whether you like it or Not !

And I think its a fair argument for the most part, while this pastor is not willing to "lose" this Race card excuse, or "lose" affirmative action, or "lose" welfare which deeply affects his constituents or followers, and mainly "black and minorities" in America

As for the "going to jail" argument: I think he should he go to Jail for such stupid and ludicrous comments
And where is your extensive research to support these outlandish predictions, kind sir?

I wanna see someone stand up and tell him to shut his !%$ up

like that CNN interview with Cheney.....
F you mister Cheney

Originally Posted by potus2028

Seriously? If you need sumbody else 2 make you proud of being black, you should skip the walk 2 the bridge and bang yaself in your own home...

you got my vote in 2028
Originally Posted by seniosoul

you guys need to get out of that chocolate covered world you live in...this preacher is telling the raw truth.
Barack is a house ni99a...no offense cause it is what it is.
I'm gonna give you til your next reply to correct that statement
seniosoul wrote:
you guys need to get out of that chocolate covered world you live in...this preacher is telling the raw truth.
Barack is a house ni99a...no offense cause it is what it is.


You and Jesse Jackson both...
this is why we will never get anywhere because of +%%% like this.... a good negro?
this dude can't b serious... how can u b racist to ur own race?
regardless of what religion you are or who you are voting for, just take it for what it's worth.

funny, very funny.
that whole jail argument was dumb. But he is a "house negro", its true. You have to play these political games (smiling, kissing babies, pleasingyour consituents) to get places, plain and simple. even Barack at one point admitted he had to chnage some of his tactics early in the game, and there isnothing wrong with that. That preacher is foolish though.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

anyone thinking that this dude is nuts is nuts themselves ... i swear society has a hard time digesting the truth these days ...

if you believe racism still exists, why wouldnt you think that these white leaders in universities and major corporations wont use Obama against black people? we boutta have a black president, how in the world can anyone discriminate now? Theres nothing minorities cant be if one has become the president ... and once they go back to hiring and accepting on merit and skill, blacks will start falling lower and lower again ... because its not like blacks get the same education as whites right?

I firmly believe Obama will cause more harm than good, but that will still be better than what happened in recent years

Originally Posted by 2Guard

Originally Posted by Essential1

If Martin and Malcolm were still alive, They would support Barack 100%..
those two men you speak of were not politicans and you dont know whom they would support...
NOI Malcolm might call him a house negro...Muslim Mosque Inc. Malcolm might sit down and talk with the brother about his plans for black nationalism..
Martin would def challenge him to do more for his community and christian beliefs...
Support 100%..hmmm not sure..that would have to come after he proves himself to be the right leader...

and the Pastor is not talking about going to jail for stuff like T.I., 50 Cent or another of your fav rappers..
if you listen to him, he used examples of men that were jailed who stood up for their beliefs or others
and all those men went to jail for standing up for Civil Rights....this is 2008 not 1968 we got over that first hump 40 years ago. what exactlycan he stand up for that will throw him into jail? please explain

and honestly do you think a Field Negro would EVER get into the White House? Jesse and Al tried and look how far it got them. Maybe Barack is a field negro whoturned into a house negro to get into office.

Do you think a presidential candidate shoving Jesus down Americas throat would get into office? I highly doubt that. Your not nominated to talk about Jesusyour nominated to talk about the issues and how you plan to better the country

And do you think a BLACK man talking about how to improve the BLACK community in a mainly WHITE county would ever get elected to office? IM POSITIVE that wouldnot fly in the back roads of the South...

so all these arguments against Obama are not valid because we simply dont know...maybe he is all for these things the pastor stated in the video but he justdoesnt speak on them because doing so would jepordize his chances to get into office...

You gotta play the game to win...
2Guard you are kind of right 100% is a little much. But they would support him and challenge him because Barack is what they were fighting for.
The world continues to impress me. You simple fools are turning out in flocks.

First the people in W. Virginia... then the McCain -Palin Mob... now this? Seriously? Now this?

The day a (half)black man is ridiculed for not going to jail is the day when I've officially given up hope on humanity, and the day man kindhas taken one hell of a loss.

We don't deserve someone like Senator Obama as a president. What we need is another four years of a crappy administration who will further more run thisnation into the ground, while we sit back and continue to complain.

People are such idiots.
Originally Posted by iBlink

The world continues to impress me. You simple fools are turning out in flocks.

First the people in W. Virginia... then the McCain -Palin Mob... now this? Seriously? Now this?

The day a (half)black man is ridiculed for not going to jail is the day when I've officially given up hope on humanity, and the day man kind has taken one hell of a loss.

We don't deserve someone like Senator Obama as a president. What we need is another four years of a crappy administration who will further more run this nation into the ground, while we sit back and continue to complain.

People are such idiots.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Originally Posted by aight

You all think its funny and that he is stupid !

But here are the consequences, (or rewards) if Obama gets elected:

1) Affirmative Action will have to go ! Colleges should no longer accept a minority or black with less scores than a white person that was declined !

2) Welfare is going to have to be "very strictly regulated"

3) Companies will no longer feel the need to "fill their quotas" and hire X number of minorities or black

All because Obama is in office,

Whether you like it or Not !

And I think its a fair argument for the most part, while this pastor is not willing to "lose" this Race card excuse, or "lose" affirmative action, or "lose" welfare which deeply affects his constituents or followers, and mainly "black and minorities" in America

As for the "going to jail" argument: I think he should he go to Jail for such stupid and ludicrous comments

Regardless of race, I shouldn't have to pay for your lazy $%@ to be on welfare. Go work at McDonalds.

instead of getting your info from fox news, sign up and take a class or read a book so you can actually have a clue what youre talking about. almost none ofyour money goes towards welfare.
kix4kix wrote:
JordanXI45 wrote:
aight wrote:
You all think its funny and that he is stupid !

But here are the consequences, (or rewards) if Obama gets elected:

1) Affirmative Action will have to go ! Colleges should no longer accept a minority or black with less scores than a white person that was declined !

2) Welfare is going to have to be "very strictly regulated"

3) Companies will no longer feel the need to "fill their quotas" and hire X number of minorities or black

All because Obama is in office,

Whether you like it or Not !

And I think its a fair argument for the most part, while this pastor is not willing to "lose" this Race card excuse, or "lose" affirmative action, or "lose" welfare which deeply affects his constituents or followers, and mainly "black and minorities" in America

As for the "going to jail" argument: I think he should he go to Jail for such stupid and ludicrous comments

Regardless of race, I shouldn't have to pay for your lazy $%@ to be on welfare. Go work at McDonalds.

Wellfare is necessary, and please think before you offend

Thanks for explaining it to him !

I never mentioned anything about the how much we need welfare?

Infact, I said, "here are the consequences, (or rewards) if Obama gets elected", because I knowthat some people like for that happen, and others wont, hence the "Consequence or reward".

I never stated if I thought it's good or bad, because I don't know yet !

Originally Posted by aight

And where is your extensive research to support these outlandish predictions, kind sir?

Do I really need an "extensive research" to support my prediction?

I didn't know I was writing for the New York Times !

But really do you think its that far out of reach ?
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