Obama A House Negro. Vol. SMH

Originally Posted by socaking

that whole jail argument was dumb. But he is a "house negro", its true. You have to play these political games (smiling, kissing babies, pleasing your consituents) to get places, plain and simple. even Barack at one point admitted he had to chnage some of his tactics early in the game, and there is nothing wrong with that. That preacher is foolish though.
why can't barack BE barack..why do people associate someones character and attitude based on the color of their skin?
I don't know what is more shocking, the fact that he believes those things, or the fact that some people in this thread agree with him.
there's always gonna be ignorant people who's global and moral views only encompass the tiny microcosm of their limited surroundings. our jobs is to
and keep it moving, ultimately they're on the short list forextinction...
Most of you are ignorant.

but if you wana keep it 100... Pastor Manning is telling the truth. Thnk about it. step away from your fantasy worlds, and think about it.
I'm actually not suprised that there are people on here that believe this pastor. Why must we use slave to terminologly to describe people in this day andage. This is RACISM to call Obama a house negro or an uncle tom. I mean it doesn't even make sense if you think about it either dude is half white how ishe selling out for the whiteman when he is just as much a white man as he is ablack man. People need to think about how stupid they sound. All this pastor isdoing is making people laugh at him since nobody in their right mind could take him seriouse.
Originally Posted by Zeus23

Most of you are ignorant.

but if you wana keep it 100... Pastor Manning is telling the truth. Thnk about it. step away from your fantasy worlds, and think about it.

It'll be interesting to see the affect Obama has on the black community if/when he's elected.
I had a discussion with my black "African Slavery" professor about the affect he could have....

I brought up the point that hopefully it motivates a lot of people, and she brought up the point that it might make some people more "lazy" (insertother terms) if he gets into office because they'd just think Obama was going to solve all of their problems for them essentially.
^ I agree i think the Obama Effect will work in both ways, that it will give people new hope and motivation within inner-cities to do better ofthemselves...but there will always be a group of people..who will use this as an excuse to sit on their *%%...but those are the same people who have beensitting on their *%% through these last 8 years and through the clinton years...
I think this pastor knows what he is doing. All he is trying to do is make his money and get the support of people that like to feed into that mentality ofplaying the victim. People across all color lines like to play the victim role. I'm a firm believer that hard work, perseverance, and thoughtful decisionmaking will get you somewhere in life. That's why I support Obama.

People that believe in the garbage that the pastor is putting out are just looking for an excuse in life, so when they fail, they can blame it on someone andnot take full responsibility.
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by 2Guard

Originally Posted by Essential1

If Martin and Malcolm were still alive, They would support Barack 100%..
those two men you speak of were not politicans and you dont know whom they would support...
NOI Malcolm might call him a house negro...Muslim Mosque Inc. Malcolm might sit down and talk with the brother about his plans for black nationalism..
Martin would def challenge him to do more for his community and christian beliefs...
Support 100%..hmmm not sure..that would have to come after he proves himself to be the right leader...

and the Pastor is not talking about going to jail for stuff like T.I., 50 Cent or another of your fav rappers..
if you listen to him, he used examples of men that were jailed who stood up for their beliefs or others
and all those men went to jail for standing up for Civil Rights....this is 2008 not 1968 we got over that first hump 40 years ago. what exactly can he stand up for that will throw him into jail? please explain

and honestly do you think a Field Negro would EVER get into the White House? Jesse and Al tried and look how far it got them. Maybe Barack is a field negro who turned into a house negro to get into office.

Do you think a presidential candidate shoving Jesus down Americas throat would get into office? I highly doubt that. Your not nominated to talk about Jesus your nominated to talk about the issues and how you plan to better the country

And do you think a BLACK man talking about how to improve the BLACK community in a mainly WHITE county would ever get elected to office? IM POSITIVE that would not fly in the back roads of the South...

so all these arguments against Obama are not valid because we simply dont know...maybe he is all for these things the pastor stated in the video but he just doesnt speak on them because doing so would jepordize his chances to get into office...

You gotta play the game to win...
got em
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