NYC SNOW STORM Vol. IS Cuny Open!? Update

WOW, turns out my eco class is still scheduled. someone made a fake email account posing as my professor saying the class/test is postponed
Originally Posted by retepelnart

CUNY FTML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in school right now, seriously its me and a buncha women
get to work.

Damn, first NYC Public School snow day in five years.
Originally Posted by illmatickal

WOW, turns out my eco class is still scheduled. someone made a fake email account posing as my professor saying the class/test is postponed

wow thats funny
CT's gettin hit pretty hard right now. Its not terrible but the state is pretty much shut down as far as schools and stuff are concerned.
Baurch was actually open.. haha. Got a call/text fom CUNY Alert at 630am saying Kingsborough's closed, and today was the 1st day of the spring semester
Originally Posted by illmatickal

baruch is the worst. Hopefully some additional snow can close the school
Whats up Kal, didn't notice it was you (i need to start reading the names instead of just looking at the avys
) Hunter/Baruch probably figure the trains are running (slow as hell though iknow my mom was stuck on the Q at kingshighway for at least 20-30 mins last i talked to her) so student's can get in, that's probably their logic. Sucks though. I use to love the snow back than, make money shovling etc now its just a f'ing pain. Especially tomorrow/wednesday all the slush thatsgoing to be out there
8:15 class just ended, next class is cancelled, class after starts at 11:05

Damn Prof!!! Just stay home

SUNY Suffolk let us know at like 10 last night that they was closed..I was like

But I only had 1 class today at 2..

Time to hop on the ATV and go make some $$$$$$$
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by illmatickal

baruch is the worst. Hopefully some additional snow can close the school
Whats up Kal, didn't notice it was you (i need to start reading the names instead of just looking at the avys
) Hunter/Baruch probably figure the trains are running (slow as hell though i know my mom was stuck on the Q at kingshighway for at least 20-30 mins last i talked to her) so student's can get in, that's probably their logic. Sucks though. I use to love the snow back than, make money shovling etc now its just a f'ing pain. Especially tomorrow/wednesday all the slush thats going to be out there
damn I need to leave couple hours early to be safe. I shoveled around ave u couple years ago, its not worth the pain now
I dont even have class til 3!!!! Im going to be out when its dark and extra cold and all that !!!! DAMN
Ok, now this is some BS. I seriously went out late last night, shoveled the +%%% out of the front of my crib ONLY to wake up to several inches more

And now that school is closed, I'm pretty sure the geniuses at my job will be expecting me to show up. !$@% that, I'm staying in.
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