NTers NOT from the US, how do you view us Americans?

Feb 18, 2007
I've always wondered......do you guys think we're spoiled but still complain too much?
But yea how do you view us in general?
I've always wondered......do you guys think we're spoiled but still complain too much?
But yea how do you view us in general?
they are the fats and discusting, they tink they stil hold powwer n like to stik they military wear it does no belong. they are the ignorant, walmart, mcdonaldsand have saw off shotguns under pillow. world much beter with no americans.
they are the fats and discusting, they tink they stil hold powwer n like to stik they military wear it does no belong. they are the ignorant, walmart, mcdonaldsand have saw off shotguns under pillow. world much beter with no americans.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

they are the fats and discusting, they tink they stil hold powwer n like to stik they military wear it does no belong. they are the ignorant, walmart, mcdonaldsand have saw off shotguns under pillow. world much beter with no americans.

I think you guys are cool in general but can be pretty  very arrogant sometimes. You guys don't rule the World.Your government and society is still messed up. Why can't y'all just get along?
From Canada btw 
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

they are the fats and discusting, they tink they stil hold powwer n like to stik they military wear it does no belong. they are the ignorant, walmart, mcdonaldsand have saw off shotguns under pillow. world much beter with no americans.

I think you guys are cool in general but can be pretty  very arrogant sometimes. You guys don't rule the World.Your government and society is still messed up. Why can't y'all just get along?
From Canada btw 
stupid idiots with herd mentalities that think the world begins America and ends in America..They are also very insecure with themselves thus everything about them is fear driven because of their many insecurities
stupid idiots with herd mentalities that think the world begins America and ends in America..They are also very insecure with themselves thus everything about them is fear driven because of their many insecurities
Originally Posted by third

stupid idiots with herd mentalities that think the world begins America and ends in America..They are also very insecure with themselves thus everything about them is fear driven because of their many insecurities

 on point. and im from america.
Originally Posted by third

stupid idiots with herd mentalities that think the world begins America and ends in America..They are also very insecure with themselves thus everything about them is fear driven because of their many insecurities

 on point. and im from america.
i'll say what i have to say outside of the, everyone's fat, everyone owns a gun, etc...

i'm a canadian:

- to start off... (i know all american's aren't like this but..) the people at the boarder are +#%%%#%#. i actually laughed when i saw a pamphlet that said "we are courteous and polite blah blah" bull #@$%. i'm treated like a terrorist every time i attempt to cross.
- american's ARE spoiled, compared to Canada at least:

1. gas in the US is substantially cheaper than here in Canada. we are paying $1/litre (which turns out to be about $4 a gallon in the US)
2. products are cheaper. (ex. a pair of shoes in the US that are $99, are probably ~$150)
3. cars are thousands of dollars cheaper
4. cell phones/plans are cheaper (not only that, how bout our ridiculous $500 to get out of a THREE (3) year contract... smh)
5. low taxes

... i can keep going but you get the point.

- "let's pray for our soldiers" is getting out of hand. how bout get them the hell out of somewhere they shouldn't be? don't try to run the world (prob get bashed for this, but w/e)
- EVERYONE has an american accent
- you can't go around suing everyone for your stupidity
- for the love of GOD, please adopt the metric system

but we still have free health care
i'll say what i have to say outside of the, everyone's fat, everyone owns a gun, etc...

i'm a canadian:

- to start off... (i know all american's aren't like this but..) the people at the boarder are +#%%%#%#. i actually laughed when i saw a pamphlet that said "we are courteous and polite blah blah" bull #@$%. i'm treated like a terrorist every time i attempt to cross.
- american's ARE spoiled, compared to Canada at least:

1. gas in the US is substantially cheaper than here in Canada. we are paying $1/litre (which turns out to be about $4 a gallon in the US)
2. products are cheaper. (ex. a pair of shoes in the US that are $99, are probably ~$150)
3. cars are thousands of dollars cheaper
4. cell phones/plans are cheaper (not only that, how bout our ridiculous $500 to get out of a THREE (3) year contract... smh)
5. low taxes

... i can keep going but you get the point.

- "let's pray for our soldiers" is getting out of hand. how bout get them the hell out of somewhere they shouldn't be? don't try to run the world (prob get bashed for this, but w/e)
- EVERYONE has an american accent
- you can't go around suing everyone for your stupidity
- for the love of GOD, please adopt the metric system

but we still have free health care
Originally Posted by al3x89

i'll say what i have to say outside of the, everyone's fat, everyone owns a gun, etc...

i'm a canadian:

- to start off... (i know all american's aren't like this but..) the people at the boarder are +#%%%#%#. i actually laughed when i saw a pamphlet that said "we are courteous and polite blah blah" bull #@$%. i'm treated like a terrorist every time i attempt to cross.
- american's ARE spoiled, compared to Canada at least:

1. gas in the US is substantially cheaper than here in Canada. we are paying $1/litre (which turns out to be about $4 a gallon in the US)
2. products are cheaper. (ex. a pair of shoes in the US that are $99, are probably ~$150)
3. cars are thousands of dollars cheaper
4. cell phones/plans are cheaper (not only that, how bout our ridiculous $500 to get out of a THREE (3) year contract... smh)
5. low taxes

... i can keep going but you get the point.

- "let's pray for our soldiers" is getting out of hand. how bout get them the hell out of somewhere they shouldn't be? don't try to run the world (prob get bashed for this, but w/e)
- EVERYONE has an american accent
- you can't go around suing everyone for your stupidity
- for the love of GOD, please adopt the metric system

but we still have free health care
i noticed people from toronto sound like they have american accents
Originally Posted by al3x89

i'll say what i have to say outside of the, everyone's fat, everyone owns a gun, etc...

i'm a canadian:

- to start off... (i know all american's aren't like this but..) the people at the boarder are +#%%%#%#. i actually laughed when i saw a pamphlet that said "we are courteous and polite blah blah" bull #@$%. i'm treated like a terrorist every time i attempt to cross.
- american's ARE spoiled, compared to Canada at least:

1. gas in the US is substantially cheaper than here in Canada. we are paying $1/litre (which turns out to be about $4 a gallon in the US)
2. products are cheaper. (ex. a pair of shoes in the US that are $99, are probably ~$150)
3. cars are thousands of dollars cheaper
4. cell phones/plans are cheaper (not only that, how bout our ridiculous $500 to get out of a THREE (3) year contract... smh)
5. low taxes

... i can keep going but you get the point.

- "let's pray for our soldiers" is getting out of hand. how bout get them the hell out of somewhere they shouldn't be? don't try to run the world (prob get bashed for this, but w/e)
- EVERYONE has an american accent
- you can't go around suing everyone for your stupidity
- for the love of GOD, please adopt the metric system

but we still have free health care
i noticed people from toronto sound like they have american accents
I live in the US but I moved here so I have a certain perspective myself. I have Americanized myself to the point where I'm more American than Polish now, but I see the biggest thing is arrogance.

1.) I'm arrogant myself so I could care less about that.
2.) I hate the healthcare system here period. Sorry but I rather have Universal, specifically the kind that Japan has.
3.) In a sense spoiled because products are cheaper and we make more money here in the states because of the much lower tax rates. But we lose a lot as well because of the absurdly expensive healthcare system (that is if you want great coverage and hell they'll still drop you once you go beyond a certain point).
4.) Oh and these religious zealots in southern US are really looked down upon.
5.) Trying to incorporate religion into education and the government lately. I mean really?
I live in the US but I moved here so I have a certain perspective myself. I have Americanized myself to the point where I'm more American than Polish now, but I see the biggest thing is arrogance.

1.) I'm arrogant myself so I could care less about that.
2.) I hate the healthcare system here period. Sorry but I rather have Universal, specifically the kind that Japan has.
3.) In a sense spoiled because products are cheaper and we make more money here in the states because of the much lower tax rates. But we lose a lot as well because of the absurdly expensive healthcare system (that is if you want great coverage and hell they'll still drop you once you go beyond a certain point).
4.) Oh and these religious zealots in southern US are really looked down upon.
5.) Trying to incorporate religion into education and the government lately. I mean really?
They hate us because people like you give them means to hate on us.

How are you going to get respect from someone else when you don't even respect yourself or where you come from.

When you see people from other countries other than the US flying their flag proudly or showing some type of patriotism you can't hate on that even if its someone we are at war with, they are proud of where they are from. It shows they have actually have a backbone and that is respected by everyone. 

They hate us because people like you give them means to hate on us.

How are you going to get respect from someone else when you don't even respect yourself or where you come from.

When you see people from other countries other than the US flying their flag proudly or showing some type of patriotism you can't hate on that even if its someone we are at war with, they are proud of where they are from. It shows they have actually have a backbone and that is respected by everyone. 

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