NT, what was your SAT score? vol. no fronters

Critical Reading- 480 how do you this you just read???
Math- 590 without a regular calculator, i left it in the car, and borrowed this ghetto calculator, that i didn't use.
Writing-510 9 on the essay.
Originally Posted by M16

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

anybody have like a 75 avg but did good on the SATs and made it to a university?

community college isn't for me

yeah I was in your situation. 68 average 2100 SAT and thought I was gonna go to community college..... ended up getting accepted to a good private university and not only that, but into the pharmacy program
im the complete opposite. i had a 85 or 87 average but did horribly both times i took the SAT (1360) and no state or private university acceptedme
I'm a senior now so I have one more chance of taking it and I'm studying hard.

I scored a 1060 math/reading and a 1690 including writing.

8 on essay. Is that bad?
My friend got into UM, UWF, UF all top colleges in florida with a 970 in math and reading combined. Wth!?
Originally Posted by C2345air

My friend got into UM, UWF, UF all top colleges in florida with a 970 in math and reading combined. Wth!?

Thats a lucky kid, I dont even know what to say.
it's so weird to see these high sat/act scores on here by the same dudes who are always asking for cliffnotes of 4 paragraph stories. no shots.. justsaying.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by C2345air

My friend got into UM, UWF, UF all top colleges in florida with a 970 in math and reading combined. Wth!?

Thats a lucky kid, I dont even know what to say.
SAT scores ain't everything. There's the personal statement and everything else you did. At least that's what i hope...

i got a 1680/2400 (600 math, and just about 500 on that stupid english bs)
I also took the subject tests (610 math level 2, and a 560 in us history)
Originally Posted by C2345air

I'm a senior now so I have one more chance of taking it and I'm studying hard.

I scored a 1060 math/reading and a 1690 including writing.

8 on essay. Is that bad?
It depends on what kind of places you want to get into. I would say that getting up to an 1800 would be good enough for most schools, but thereare some where you will need much higher than that
Damn. Well, I'm aiming for that 1800 then. I did awesome on the writing, and the math wasn't too bad. I'm taking honors precal in school this yearso my math skills have always been good. Reading, however, I have the attention span of a squirrel when it comes to reading things I'm not interested in.Yet, I believe I got the score I did because of the passages. My vocabulary is very selective, so I didn't do too well on that.

Btw, my friends GPA was like a 4.5 or something. -_- maybe that had a lot to do with it.
I got a 31 or 32 on the ACT didn't take SAT. Wow it has already been that long that I don't remember what I got
......For the record don't bethat guy that talks about his ACT/SAT score in college.
*waits for BJ to post his score


Totals: 1300/1850

Applied to: UF
Going to: UF
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