NT, what was your SAT score? vol. no fronters

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

anybody have like a 75 avg but did good on the SATs and made it to a university?

community college isn't for me

yeah I was in your situation. 68 average 2100 SAT and thought I was gonna go to community college..... ended up getting accepted to a good private universityand not only that, but into the pharmacy program
my 1st time i got 1330/2400 never bothered taking it again said screw i'll goto community college
when i first got my score i was pissed i didn't get 1337
like 1300
i didn't study for it or have a calculator though. i assume i would have gotten a better score if i had remembered to bring a calculator andprepared for it with one of those sat books
Math: 670
Critical Reading: 710
Verbal: 630

Total: 2010/2400

I didnt expect to do that good so i never took a second one
--I agree that SAT and ACT are pointless scams. They only measure knowledge, not intelligence. There is a difference.
--My score sucked. I forgot the breeakdown but total was 840/1600.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--I agree that SAT and ACT are pointless scams. They only measure knowledge, not intelligence. There is a difference.
--My score sucked. I forgot the breeakdown but total was 840/1600.

And how intelligent are you when you barely got 400 a section? Sorry, not trying to be mean, but when you make arguments like that...you forget that youweren't intelligent enough to comprehend basic reading comprehension and math.
Math: 780
Critical Reading: 710
Writing: 660

Total: 2150

Did a prep class and everything and then I took the ACT for the hell of it and pulled a 33 which is better than my SAT score
Blocking out the last name when you posted your Facebook before.
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