NT, what is your status?

Single as a dolla bill...and i love it...not 1 girl, but many
Single as of two months ago. And no I'm not satisfied with my situation. I'm having fun, but not as much as I should be right now.
Single but if I so chose, I could be involved. The women I come in contact with are pretty cold blooded tho so it is what it is.
in a relationship for almost 3 years (i'm 23 btw).

my first true girlfriend.

sometimes satisfied, sometimes not. depends on the week. i like having a girlfriend, it's just i don't know if i like having this one so much lol.
In a relationship....with a girl.......who has a daughter..........but I think I still got feelings for my ex........I don't know.

But I have a girlfriend.....and I'm in love with my ex still.......and we broke up last year, but we still talk and she tells me she loves me and she stillwants kids with me and be with me when I'm ready to settle down and all that......and I could see myself doin' that....but I have a girlfriend....witha daughter.
single...been single for 4 years...its getting old...lookin for the right one but not rushin anything...have two chicks im interested in right now...one is 8years older though and doesn't want nothing until im a bit older...
In a relationship. I don't like it. I'm tired of it. But after two and a half years, it's hard to let go. Worst part about it is, the relationshipwas built off physical attraction. My gurl is physically on point, but mentally, not so much. I mean, she's not stupid. It's just that she's not asintellectual as me. I'm not trynna boost myself, but I like to have a deep conversation about various things. While she doesn't like to talk much atall. So knowing that I can't spark intellectual conversation with her, I don't. Another example, she's black, and doesn't care about thepresidential race. Not to say that black people [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]have to[/color] care. Butall black people [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]should[/color] care. This is history in the making. Everyword Obama speaks is history. And to find out that she doesn't care and isn't voting is just disappointing.
That's not the biggest concern of mine tho. My biggest concern is just that ourminds aren't compaible with each other.
"It's Alright"

reviewing two draft picks...

the second one is WAY better, but she might've had some history with a friend of mine.

regardless, i'm too busy to be emotionally attached. they both tell me i'm a cold a-hole.

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