NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

anyone try this years New Belgium Ben & Jerry's cookie dough?

had it at happy hour last night...bar tender put a chocolate chip cookie on the rim :lol:

i liked it quite a bit more than i thought i would

i would have guessed that it was a cream ale but it's a brown ale
^ Between Born Yesterday and Xoco, how much did you spend already Wally

Had this over the weekend. It was good but I prefer the non BA version more.
Ey that GBS tho!
Had Parabajava '15 last night to help drown my sorrows. It was a little too smooth. Was expecting a bit more of a bite.
This beer is the truth.

Run an IV through me already and call it a day

Very jealous. I've been hunting it down the past couple of weeks. So far I've only been able to grab three sixers. Stuff is flying off the shelves here in TX
anyone try this years New Belgium Ben & Jerry's cookie dough?

had it at happy hour last night...bar tender put a chocolate chip cookie on the rim :lol:

i liked it quite a bit more than i thought i would

i would have guessed that it was a cream ale but it's a brown ale

I saw it at Binnys and grabbed it to try and then decided I wanted more death by coconut so I put it back. They had one last year, salted Carmel I think? It wasn't bad. I wanna try that just for the sake of trying it tho.

poured this down the drain, one of the worst I have ever tasted

You're nuts. That easily one of the top Pumpkin beers there are and I've had a ton. Have you tried the Warlock?
I don't really collect guys. Its more like a drinking habit. One I share with with many friends and family. It's not all for me, trust me please lol.

If not for two cases of Xocoveza and Born Yesterday, I have like 30 misc. beers in my fridge (beers add up fast. 6 of bo gose, 10 fbs, some local ipas x 4, 5-6 10-50, and misc others), and like 6 bombers. I'm definitely not sitting on a monster trove of vintage goodies. I posted over the years that I do in fact drink everything.

I'm trying hard to be OFF that bomber crap. That stuff is just immensely overpriced. BCBS is releasing in two weeks, and I've gotten some emails from TW about reserving "ONE" bottle lol. Gone are the days of full BCBCS case hauls and sharing with my NT brethren.
I mainly bought BY because it reminds me of a local breweries IPA/APA that they bomber for $10. If I can get 3 times the amount for the same quality, why not take advantage. Looking at past check ins online, I was drinking BY until Chihristmas last year. By March, it was a true drain pour. So there is a quick and stern fall off. But it hasnt happened yet.


If all we had were pumpkin beers, I would no longer drink beers. Probably one of the worst style offerings for me. Pumpking was/is considered the best. If you can't find appreciation to like that, please do not go into trying any of the other 50+ pumpkin beers.


Some new beer tries.

SN Celrbation. Truly more of a straight away red ale with a nice malt sweetness and minimal bitterness and hopping. There is definitely balance but I dont see this as a IPA this year

SN Northern Hemp. Harvest Ale- Kind of feels like a SNPA to me. Sort of a malty, slightly hoppy, more of a IBU vibe. I guess you could call this one Great if it were 2005. But now, it just feels like almost all the others.

With that said, I have tried most of the wet hopped or fresh hopped beers available to me.. Born Yesterday has that dank bright hoppy vibe down perfectly. Easily 10 points better than anything else this year, on a 1-100 scale.
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It feels like forever ago but one year I did a 24 beers of "winter/christmas spiced beers" a couple of winters ago. Nothing has since been a repeat buy. I've done a 16 course of pumpkin beers. Let me see if I can bring that up again.

From experience, alot of winter themed beers are basically hop less malty and sweet ales with a touch of "winter spice". IMHO, I would rather go the oatmeal, foreign extra, or imperial stout route. Even your barley wines and scotch ales are better than winter ales IMHO.

Oktoberfests seem to be the only seasonal that sticks with me, as most would likely be repeat buys.

At least here, every grocery store and beer store has singles being sold (not just sold as a mix-a-six) meaning you can buy 1,2, or 5 and pay separate pricing. 90% of people feel they have to fill the six pack holder up. That's a lie.

I have a family member right now that loves the pumpkin beers. I think shes sitting on a variety of 18. She wants to do a sampling soon. Samplings, in part, I guess I am okay with. The fact that they have alcohol in then helps the most imho. If we can gather six around a table and all have beer in common, I think that's a win. It's not just an over consuming game any more. All walks of life appreciate beer
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I'm trying hard to be OFF that bomber crap. That stuff is just immensely overpriced. BCBS is releasing in two weeks, and I've gotten some emails from TW about reserving "ONE" bottle lol. Gone are the days of full BCBCS case hauls and sharing with my NT brethren.
I ain't even leaving the house this year for BCS. Done are the years of me chasing that **** down and/or waiting in any type of line. I've noticed in the past years, I've come across BCS just out and about. If I don't get any, so be it, but I won't be losing any sleep over it. The only beer I've been buying consistently is Founders Breakfast Stout and I'm trying to buy some Backwoods Bastard if I can afford it. Otherwise my fridge is slowly shrinking as well. 
poured this down the drain, one of the worst I have ever tasted

Trying it made me realize that pumpkin ales weren't for me.

Its finally starting to cool down around here so I'll be messing with the stouts again. I keep forgetting to give red ales a try, so I'll try some of those as well.
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I'm trying hard to be OFF that bomber crap. That stuff is just immensely overpriced. BCBS is releasing in two weeks, and I've gotten some emails from TW about reserving "ONE" bottle lol. Gone are the days of full BCBCS case hauls and sharing with my NT brethren.
I ain't even leaving the house this year for BCS. Done are the years of me chasing that **** down and/or waiting in any type of line. I've noticed in the past years, I've come across BCS just out and about. If I don't get any, so be it, but I won't be losing any sleep over it. The only beer I've been buying consistently is Founders Breakfast Stout and I'm trying to buy some Backwoods Bastard if I can afford it. Otherwise my fridge is slowly shrinking as well. 
My beer stash has been dwindling lately as well.  Just bought a new car this week, so I'm trying to live my life in a more frugal fashion now.  Been doing a lot of fridge and cellar cleaning as of late.  I don't think I'll stop going to Other Half or Sand City, but my hauls will definitely be much smaller than what I've been coming home with.  
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