NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Finally took a walk to Trillium after work today. Having this right now and grabbed a 4 pack of Scaled Up. This is really juicy and finishes with some nice bitter hoppiness. Really enjoying this one and looking forward to trying Scaled Up

@WallyHopp -- I feel you, fam. I have a beer every 2 weeks on the weekend. No new beer has given me the tinglez in my dinglez.

I'll probably reignite my passion for brews if @Comparison Ford invites me over for burgers + brews.
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Mannn I don't even eat burgers anymore. 

My beer cutdown has been going well.  I generally don't drink on weekdays, and if I do it's a "one and done" deal.  I'll tend to drink more on Saturdays, but that's really been my only day for imbibing.

My diet has been on point too.  I haven't been eating out or ordering takeout for the past few weeks.  Lots of grilled chicken, veggie burgers, eggs, steamed vegetables, greek yogurt, salads, oatmeal, and fresh fruit.  Sunday is my day to cook something indulgent.  It gets boring, but it beats being bloated and feeling like hot garbage all the time.  
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I mainly drink beers on weekends but there are exception occasionally. I consider myself pretty active (gym, running, cross training 3-4 times/week). Moderation is key but it can difficult at times when you open your fridge and those beers are staring at you :lol: (especially after a long day at work).
I'm ALWAYS trying to cut back
. I don't do **** as far as a gym but I'm usually always doing **** around the house and what not. Trying to stay busy. At times it tends to be more boredom than anything. Even if I don't feel like really having a beer, I feel like having a beer because if I'm just gonna sit and chill, I want something to sip on.

I drink some Fri, Every Sat/Sun and maybe occasional Monday (my days off are Sun/Mon).  But I try to make it a point to not drink Mon-Thurs if I can help it. My goal is only to drink Sat/Sun but it's tough. I have been passing on a lot lately for the simple fact (as stated above) if I don't have it, I don't drink it. A lot of what I have now is stuff I'm trying to save/age which isn't even that much. Honestly I'm saving them for an occasion. But I TRY to not drink during the week but sometimes it's hard. And ALL i have are stouts and porters so that's hard to drink anyways when it's this hot out.
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@Comparison Ford

Just found a 4 pack of AGE in my closet from December. Think it's still drinkable? Lol
If it's still liquid, it's still drinkable.

But seriously, someone from the Other Half thread on BeerAdvocate said that he just cracked open an Oat Overdose (which was brewed back in January) and it tasted okay.  Given the fact that AGE is 10.5% you should do it in the interest of science, if anything.
If it's still liquid, it's still drinkable.

But seriously, someone from the Other Half thread on BeerAdvocate said that he just cracked open an Oat Overdose (which was brewed back in January) and it tasted okay.  Given the fact that AGE is 10.5% you should do it in the interest of science, if anything.

Going to Crack one tomorrow after work. Will report back with results. Can't believe I didn't crush these when I first got them.
FBS is back.. For those interested, first run was likely this batch here, bottle dated 8/5/16.

Subconiously it feels like this beer holds up well But then you have your first fresh one, and that coffee blast is seriously no joke. They couldnt have timed this any better. I was down to 2 FBS's bottle dated around thanksgiving of 2015. So in the interest of science, I will go head to head this weekend

I went for some FBS. Walked with some avbc gose, some local Oktoberfest, and a oaktoberfest, which I have never had before

Tomorrow marks the return of a local national ipa challenge winner, scale tipper. Just when I would love to slow down, these things drop all at once. I'm biking there tomorrow though. Something's gotta give lol.
I'm not one to break a promise:

They said this was supposed to be a lot like the first batch, but I'm not seeing it.  A lot more bitter/dank.  Still a great beer, just not what the first batch was.  

While we're on the topic of Grimm, I've come to the conclusion that their current business model has set them up for disappointment.  I get that they don't have their own space yet, but given their pedigree and the fact that people have to be hypervigilant with checking when cans are available, it's almost impossible for them to meet the hype. You have people running around with the hope of getting a few cans at $5-7 a piece knowing that they'll sell out that day.  With that much buildup, you'd better hope that the beer you're buying is top-notch.  Grimm hasn't made me feel that type of way lately.  

Either way...they're opening up their own spot at the end of this year.  Hopefully we'll see greater yields, cheaper prices, and less hype when that day comes.
it's banging, but you make good points about the expectations. It's good but the run around almost ruins it, I am lucky enough to get it without much trouble and even then the hoopla makes me want to leave it for the beasts.

Did you pick up any double negative?
I don't want to call all beer like trading cards. But I know many who got into beer for awhile. Then just stopped drinking all together or got into wine or food trucks or fixing up bikes. So many business models are based on constant expansion. I'm truly fearful for many breweries. I honestly love Russian rivers model. They haven't expanded and are just totally set with that fixed profit. Too many see dollar signs and 600% growth figures.

Just venting after drinking that coffee stout. I'm too amped right now lol.

Not sure how old you all are but this new generation loves hype and lines with just about anything. And they're the first to get bored an move on. Yet breweries base their business models on them?
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I don't want to call all beer like trading cards. But I know many who got into beer for awhile. Then just stopped drinking all together or got into wine or food trucks or fixing up bikes. So many business models are based on constant expansion. I'm truly fearful for many breweries. I honestly love Russian rivers model. They haven't expanded and are just totally set with that fixed profit. Too many see dollar signs and 600% growth figures.

Just venting after drinking that coffee stout. I'm too amped right now lol.

Not sure how old you all are but this new generation loves hype and lines with just about anything. And they're the first to get bored an move on. Yet breweries base their business models on them?
Finna cop some FBS for the upcoming fall/winter

Had a FBS that was bottled mid September a few weeks ago. I was surprised how well it held up. It was fantastic.

That said, I too have been cutting back a lot as ive been gaining weight, but ofest beers coming back has given me the itch.
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FBS is back.. For those interested, first run was likely this batch here, bottle dated 8/5/16.
Subconiously it feels like this beer holds up well But then you have your first fresh one, and that coffee blast is seriously no joke. They couldnt have timed this any better. I was down to 2 FBS's bottle dated around thanksgiving of 2015. So in the interest of science, I will go head to head this weekend

Love me some FBS! FBS>>>>>>>>>>KBS

I'm not one to break a promise:

They said this was supposed to be a lot like the first batch, but I'm not seeing it.  A lot more bitter/dank.  Still a great beer, just not what the first batch was.  

While we're on the topic of Grimm, I've come to the conclusion that their current business model has set them up for disappointment.  I get that they don't have their own space yet, but given their pedigree and the fact that people have to be hypervigilant with checking when cans are available, it's almost impossible for them to meet the hype. You have people running around with the hope of getting a few cans at $5-7 a piece knowing that they'll sell out that day.  With that much buildup, you'd better hope that the beer you're buying is top-notch.  Grimm hasn't made me feel that type of way lately.  

Either way...they're opening up their own spot at the end of this year.  Hopefully we'll see greater yields, cheaper prices, and less hype when that day comes.

Bummer to hear about Afterimage. I'll have to pass on this one as far as trading goes.

Anyone ever try anything from Tired Hands? Just setup an in-person trade this weekend for an assortment of cans.
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Anyone ever try anything from Tired Hands? Just setup an in-person trade this weekend for an assortment of cans
Closest things I've had to Tired Hands were the collabs they did with Other Half and Omnipollo.  Had Oat Junkie 2.0( which was pretty much Other Half Citra with oats), Debbie Downer (multigrain IPA with simcoe/mosaic with mango and white chocolate), and Shilkmake (IPA with lactose, vanilla, and strawberry).  All of which were very enjoyable.

It would be hard for me to believe that the beers mentioned above were good based off of the exclusive fact that Tired Hands was involved, but if any of those beers are a representation of how good Tired Hands beers are you should go for it.
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