NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

No idea where neosole89 gets his PtE. But I do appreciate the hookup.. I gotta say, it was very very good last night. I threw down 2 bottles into a oktoberfest stein. I feel the gap is closing with other beers coming very very close.. Drinking HT, or PtE, I never felt "awakened" like as if the beer is at a 4th dimension and my brain and mind is enlightened. They were just very very good beers.

The biggest appeal of PtE last night was the crisp mouthfeel, where the beer didnt taste like 8%. It drank light and crisp. Hops were not otherworldly either. 8/23 bottle date. I expected a much more potent hop aroma. But it was just sorta there. The appeal of PtE and HT have always been how they drink less like a hop bomb, and more like a regular o'l very solid beer. Maine Beer Company is like that as well

WIth that said, I wouldnt go chase either down with too much effort. Are these shops selling a bulk of it to too many out of towners? Are they ending up online somewhere? Something;s up.. I've had quite a few SD beers now, and many others hold up really well. I say, their loss, and look for something else.

Oops. Forgot to finish my mini reviews from yesterday

Before PtE, I went through

Modern Times Fortunate Islands.. This was the winner of the day by far. Hop Aroma was amazing. Mouthfeel was very very light. IT felt and acted like a 5% beer for sure in this manner. It smelt hoppy but didnt really taste it. Just a great experience

MT Blazing World.. Hops seemed to be diminished nearly 100%. Same sort of taste and mouthfeel as FI, with a touch more flavor. I couldnt rate this properly without the hops.

Sculpin. Crisp bite. Two month old can. Again, very good. Id say this was about on par with the taste of PtE.. Not sure if thats a credit to. PtE was two weeks old. Sculpin 2 months. As volatile as Sculpin can be, This tasted just right.

PtE. Great as always.. Some batches seem to drink just AMAZING, like 105/100.. Today was right around 99-100/100.

Thanks again neosole89. All but the stout are GONE.. just the way i like it.
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I get my PtE from the same spot everytime. I have a pretty good idea of what time frame and days they get them so that always helps in securing some. As for not posting on social media, some of the spots I frequent still do when they get Pliny in so haven't noticed much change there. Maybe that'll change this month.

Wally, glad you enjoyed the brews. Sorry for the bad cans, i'll hook you up next time for sure.
Meyer23, some ipas are abrasive and unbalanced. Sculpin is one I would never hesitate to pickup if fresh. Great Ipa that shows people that all IPAs are not over hopped hop bombs. Two hearted is another.

I would even include the og Ipa gateway beer, DFH 60 minute Ipa. Quite a bit malty but it has that sweetness and balance.
I'll pick it up and give it a go next time then. I've had Two Hearted and it's awful along with the DFH 60 and I can't stand that either. I know IPA's are a big deal, but anything that has that taste or is hoppy, I can't stand; even the slightest taste. 
^ might want to give Pliny a try. I have friends that don't even like IPA's that like Pliny because of the smoothness. Doesn't have the hoppy bitterness like other IPA's out there (when fresh of course).
Meyer23, some ipas are abrasive and unbalanced. Sculpin is one I would never hesitate to pickup if fresh. Great Ipa that shows people that all IPAs are not over hopped hop bombs. Two hearted is another.

I would even include the og Ipa gateway beer, DFH 60 minute Ipa. Quite a bit malty but it has that sweetness and balance.


I'll pick it up and give it a go next time then. I've had Two Hearted and it's awful along with the DFH 60 and I can't stand that either. I know IPA's are a big deal, but anything that has that taste or is hoppy, I can't stand; even the slightest taste. 

If you don't like it, you don't like it. More for me.

After work beer and man is it delicious. I enjoy this a lot better than bomb
^ might want to give Pliny a try. I have friends that don't even like IPA's that like Pliny because of the smoothness. Doesn't have the hoppy bitterness like other IPA's out there (when fresh of course).
I'll try anything 
, maybe one day I'll change and be like "dammmnn, this stuff is good!" 
I'll try anything :lol: , maybe one day I'll change and be like "dammmnn, this stuff is good!" 
Honestly, start out by drinking Pale Ales, not IPAs. Pick up a sixer of Sierra Nevada. The OG in the green label. The Cascade hop is pretty unoffensive and you can become accustomed to hops. Gotta crawl before you run.

After work beer and man is it delicious. I enjoy this a lot better than bomb
The cocoa they used is from Chocovivo in Culver City. Great spot if you or your girl are chocolate junkies. Smog City did a chocolate and beer pairing with them a few months ago. Awesome.
12469 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066
It comes up LA, but it's that Culver City/Marine Del Rey area.
Do you a lot of you use Twitter/Facebook to get notifications when certain beer arrives at your local joints? I have absolutely no social apps/networks at all and don't plan on getting any, but I feel like here is where it would actually come in handy.
I rely pretty heavily on social media to find out what came in at bottle shops and distributors by me.  It's one of the few reasons I'm reluctant to delete my facebook account. 
Do you a lot of you use Twitter/Facebook to get notifications when certain beer arrives at your local joints? I have absolutely no social apps/networks at all and don't plan on getting any, but I feel like here is where it would actually come in handy.

My local spot has an Instagram page (they are terrible at updating their FB page) that they post stuff to, but I also have been going long enough that I know that get their shipments on Wednesdays. So I pop in on Wednesdays or Thursdays on the way home from work. Even if they don't have a whale that week, I'll bs with the guy who works there and pick something up. LIke a bomber of something for the fridge.
I actually never thought about asking about shipments although I know I've been told. My memory is awful 
Just picked up a few bottles of that Stone Collab Mocha Stout. Can't wait to try it!

Social media is my primary source of knowing when my local spots gets stuff in. Get on it!
Was able to pick up two bottles of the Stone mocha stout.  They also miraculously had a bunch of Lunch left, so I grabbed a couple bottles of that too. 

ISO: a bigger fridge.
These two are pretty solid for daily drinking. I only had one of each but I'm gonna buy more of them. 
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Definitely gonna be on the lookout for that mocha stout. Any reviews on their milk stout that comes in a sixer? I'm not a big fan of porters/light-mouthfeel stouts because my palate's so used to Russian imperials, and the lighter stuff just tastes watered down.
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^ I'd suggest not even wasting your time then. Mouthfeel is def thinner and you do get that water down taste. For the price, i'd opt for something else.
Fridge clearing time. Plus the weather is changing.. It's STOUT TIME! This has been a long time coming for me personally. Lots of long nights staring these down wanting to drink them. I got a nice vacation coming up next week.. I have been talking about this for awhile.. Most of these come from trades with all of you guys.. You may see one or two of the many you sent in here.

First up in the "other" strong beer category:

Early 2014 Marble Brew Club Barley Wine (aged in bourbon barrels)
Late 2013 La CUmbre Belgian Quad aged in Cocoa Nibs
Late 2013 Marble Reserve Ale (strong ale) aged in boubron barrels
Late 2013* Founders Backwoods Bastard, Scoth Ale aged in bourbon barrels
Very close to a sweet 16 of Imperial Stouts. ( I may need to pick up some ten fidy or something to make it even)


Late 2013 Deschutes The Abyss
Late 2013 Sierra Nevada Narwhal
Early 2014 Stone IRS
2014* Port Brewery Old Viscosity Ale
Early 2014 Firestone Parabola
Early 2014 La Cumbre La Negra (oak/wood aged imperial stout)
Late 2012 Marble BBA Imperial Stout


Early 2014 Prairie Bomb
Early 2014 Prairie Bible Belt
Late 2013 Founders Breakfast Stout
Early 2014 Founders Imperial Stout
Clown Shes Undead Party Crasher IS
Early 2014 Evil Twin Even More Jesus IS
2014 Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break
2014 Evil Twin Aun Mas Cafe Jesus
*most dates should be right. I'll have a better breakdown as these start getting consumed.

How I drink these will be very interesting. I don't think I want to go about it blindly. Nine of them will be my first try with them. I may just select two per night or two per day to drink, and just do a comparison that way. I may rank them like a sweet 16 march madness bracket. But that would require drinking them all at once. I dont know if I can round anyone up for that. So it may be a note based challenge.. Maybe I put the coffee stouts, or the known bourbon aged stouts together for comparison sake? Maybe I close my eyes with them all on the table and pick one blindly and just drink it blindly. If I like it, I like it. If I don't, I don't.

Honestly Im very surprised I have this much saved up. I drank my '12 Abyss, and a '12 Marble BBA stout. I've had speedway stout without hesitation. So this is quite a build up for me.

btw, Comparison Ford, I felt Black House drank very favorably to La Cumbre's Malpais Stout. One has quite a bit more alcohol. But that burnt charred malt taste really had me liking BH, along with its lower abv.
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Fridge clearing time. Plus the weather is changing.. It's STOUT TIME! This has been a long time coming for me personally. Lots of long nights staring these down wanting to drink them. I got a nice vacation coming up next week.. I have been talking about this for awhile.. Most of these come from trades with all of you guys.. You may see one or two of the many you sent in here.

First up in the "other" strong beer category:

Early 2014 Marble Brew Club Barley Wine (aged in bourbon barrels)
Late 2013 La CUmbre Belgian Quad aged in Cocoa Nibs
Late 2013 Marble Reserve Ale (strong ale) aged in boubron barrels
Late 2013* Founders Backwoods Bastard, Scoth Ale aged in bourbon barrels
Very close to a sweet 16 of Imperial Stouts. ( I may need to pick up some ten fidy or something to make it even)


Late 2013 Deschutes The Abyss
Late 2013 Sierra Nevada Narwhal
Early 2014 Stone IRS
2014* Port Brewery Old Viscosity Ale
Early 2014 Firestone Parabola
Early 2014 La Cumbre La Negra (oak/wood aged imperial stout)
Late 2012 Marble BBA Imperial Stout


Early 2014 Prairie Bomb
Early 2014 Prairie Bible Belt
Late 2013 Founders Breakfast Stout
Early 2014 Founders Imperial Stout
Clown Shes Undead Party Crasher IS
Early 2014 Evil Twin Even More Jesus IS
2014 Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break
2014 Evil Twin Aun Mas Cafe Jesus
*most dates should be right. I'll have a better breakdown as these start getting consumed.

How I drink these will be very interesting. I don't think I want to go about it blindly. Nine of them will be my first try with them. I may just select two per night or two per day to drink, and just do a comparison that way. I may rank them like a sweet 16 march madness bracket. But that would require drinking them all at once. I dont know if I can round anyone up for that. So it may be a note based challenge.. Maybe I put the coffee stouts, or the known bourbon aged stouts together for comparison sake? Maybe I close my eyes with them all on the table and pick one blindly and just drink it blindly. If I like it, I like it. If I don't, I don't.

Honestly Im very surprised I have this much saved up. I drank my '12 Abyss, and a '12 Marble BBA stout. I've had speedway stout without hesitation. So this is quite a build up for me.

btw, Comparison Ford, I felt Black House drank very favorably to La Cumbre's Malpais Stout. One has quite a bit more alcohol. But that burnt charred malt taste really had me liking BH, along with its lower abv.

Nice lineup you got there Wally. Other than a few of those, that looks very similar to what I have in my cellar :lol:. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these. Good luck on your journey haha.
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