NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

also this is delicious, Golden Road Brewery Hefe 4 pack for $7.99, 4.6% ABV.....that is all :smokin


had this while in san fran. definitely a good barelywine too bad they don't bottle it :lol:
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:lol: sry i meant i never heard of that specific dogfish head. ive had the 60 90 and another one i can't remember. can't drink 90 like regular beer tho. **** is strong as **** if u drink many in a night. 60 is easier. either one hits the spot on a summer night tho :pimp:

the 120min is a myth. ive been looking for that **** since jesus was born :smh: :nerd:


Total Wine has em.

$9.99 a pop
This week's pickups:
How was the stone old guardian?

tried a bomber of the stone smoked porter yesterday, it was okay.

what's the best oatmeal stout I can get @ bevmo tomorrow?
I enjoyed it.  Definitely a sipper, but not too indulgent either. The smokiness is subtle, but it's way more appropriate than I thought it would be for a barleywine.  I haven't had the original Old Guardian, but from what I've read the general consensus is that the Oak Smoked is much better.

I bought an individual 12 oz. of Stone Smoked Porter with Chipotle Peppers a few months back and really enjoyed it.  Looking to try the vanilla version sometime soon.

As far as oatmeal stouts go, my favorites are Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout, Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout, and Founder's Breakfast Stout (it's a "double chocolate coffee oatmeal stout" if you want to count that). Founders Breakfast Stout is definitely in my top 5 beers of all time.  Currently drinking one as I type this.
I bought an individual 12 oz. of Stone Smoked Porter with Chipotle Peppers a few months back and really enjoyed it.  Looking to try the vanilla version sometime soon.

As far as oatmeal stouts go, my favorites are Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout, Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout, and Founder's Breakfast Stout (it's a "double chocolate coffee oatmeal stout" if you want to count that). Founders Breakfast Stout is definitely in my top 5 beers of all time.  Currently drinking one as I type this.

funny because i know very little about porters, this was the first i've tried and I kept thinking that vanilla flavoring would really make it more interesting to drink. I also think Stone's version of the porter is too hoppy, but it's a characteristic of west coast breweries it seems so i wasn't surprised by the strong hop presence :lol:

I think i've heard about of founders breakfast stout before so i might go with that. I hear oatmeal stouts are really silky, obviously because of the malted oatmeal, but i think that's a interesting way to describe a beer.
Might have some difficulty finding Founders on the west coast, but if you can do it I'd definitely recommend it.  BeerAdvocate has Breakfast Stout ranked as the 15th best beer in the world.  If you can't find it, Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout is fairly delightful.
I can drink Founders Breakfast Stout like its water. Its so smooth and delicious. I actually was able to snag a 4pk of Kentucky Breakfast Stout this year thanks to an awesome friend, but I'm afraid it didn't live up to the hype. Delicious beer but definitely over hyped. And hard to find man.
Bell's Oberon is out so I grabbed a 12er

Also one of my fav beers to drink outside when it's like 90 degrees
Drank 2 of these last night while watching the Lakers game at the homie's house... :frown: at Kobe's Achilles

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