NT True Life: Dealing With Depression ... (mature discussion)

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It seems like most of the time growing up I always had a release from times when I felt a little bit down.

I could always pick up a basketball and go shoot around to take my mind off whatever is going on, or go for a run, or go play golf. You get where I'm goingwith this.

Lately, these things haven't worked. I'm about dead right now. I can't sleep, I get really angry easily, and the only time I'm ever reallyhappy is after I've
'd. (
). I was browsing google and I seriously fit most of the symptoms of clinicaldepression. Thing is, I was on aim talking to my friend and we were talking about how life's a #@##%, but only if you let it. Thing I'm thinking aboutis that the way I feel right now I can't control it. I just feel like straight garbage every second of every day.

It's not suicidal or anything like that, it's just wack never being able to enjoy stuff because you have crazy family problems and all sorts of stuffalways in your mind.

Should I go to the doc, talk to my 'rents, take something, or just hope this is a short phase?
are you taking any meds, by that Im talking about prescription drugs for flus, allergies, aches, etc...or even topical creams..

Thats the first thing that come to mind. But you can go through this and see if you're not meetin some of the needs...of course the bottom is where youshould start as its most important to your needs

If that's how you feel...go to the doc. It could just be stress, but then again, it could be depression. And if it is, it's way better to startdealing with it now then to wait until later.
Lookin' at that pyramid. I stop at level 2.

My aunt just died of cancer, and the doctor said my moms is terminally stricken as well. Ever since that news I really haven't been too happy.

I just get
all the time and either go ball or eat.

%@!% just flat-out sucks.
life is a ***$$$$ *!**+. ever since one of my closest family member passed away I just think that life won't good anymore. it could be, just not so much.just drank and smoke away your pain, what I do, but I gotta focus up now. then again, it's all about you. 10% is what happens, 90% is how you react to it.but keep ballin' up mayne. having strategies to defeat or fight away depression is always good, and shows you are healthy.
I took an online test on clinical depression and I pretty much fit it.
I've been dealing with depression my whole life. It's so bad that I'm the cat that everybody knows is depressed, because you can see it in my eyesand on my face. But I just keep it moving...

I wanna say that I've dealt with it, but in all honesty it affects every aspect of my life...from responsibilities to how I treat myself and others. Idon't take medication or anything. I use to self medicate kind of like you but that just ended up making it worse. I need to man up and ask for help or mylife will end up out of control (even though it already has...)

One way to help yourself is to filter your thoughts. ALWAYS try to think positively. I do this but it doesn't help too much because I'm an optimisticperson already. And I honestly think I have a chemical imbalance...and the only way to fix that is through medication.

Good luck to you though. I know what it's like and your definitely not alone with this.

As for your question. If your honestly getting sick with the quality of life that you experience through mind, as I am, then you should seek help. Talking topeople can help. But it can only do so much.

How long have you been going through this?
I feel you bro, its nothing but if you think your falling deeper in to this stage talk to your doctor he/she will understand better then your parental figures.
I think I been depressed and stressed for a few years now. The Gym is the only reason I havnt hurt somebody really bad or done anything really crazy. For real.
i went through a depressed stage for a couple of months. i had just started college and had a hard time adjusting to my surroundings and felt lonely most ofthe time.
try to do things that make you happy - go out with friends, relax and try to be optimistic.
avoid dwelling on your thoughts because when you're depressed your mind is not rational, and if you spend a lot of time thinking you'll end up in avicious cycle of detrimental thoughts that will just make you feel even worse. so take all your thoughts with a grain of salt and try not to make too much ofthem.
generally just try your best to take it easy, and know that depression, like all things, passes... and you'll probably come out of it having learnt manythings about yourself.
hope you feel better soon.
dont think about the positve, stay focused on poistive future expectations that you believe will happen to you for you,. f the past, your eyes are in front ofyou for a reason, focus on the future you want, law of attraction type steez. ya smell me.

if that dont work, drugs and one of the books of god, or mystics
put the trees down and go to the gym, hoop, start planning your future out, go to the beach or go swimming... just have to stay occupied man..but clear yourhead out first

also, pray and know that things will only get better

goodluck homie
if you think you are CLINICALLY depressed, then you should go to the doctor. You're a college student (if my memory serves me well) and I believe you canseek FREE counseling......at least you could at my school. It's free, and you have nothing to lose.

If you are just going through a rough patch, seek counseling anyway. It's free dude.
damn pat i ain't know you made this thread when we was talking this morning . . peep the time i'm already up

i know where you comin' from dun . . i've been stressing with some things too, but i just try to ignore it and do some other _ like you do.

but you should try that counseling / therapist joint . . i was offered some free therapy but turned it down :/ . .

i couldn't see myself spillin' my whole life & past to some random . .

stay up though . . take a break from
when you back home this week
i remember i used to be depressed all the time when my x-girl and i broke up.. i planned on marrying her in the future and thought she was the "one"

we had a really sour break up...

its been a year and some months and i feel alot better to where i once was.. but from time to time i think about her and how she is doing..( she has anotherdude.. and i took the L)

its lame i know.. since its been a year or so but the feelings that i had for her was deep.. deeper then any other feelings i ever had for a person..

Everytime a female tries to holla.. i usually just play it safe by talking to them, hitting it and quitting..

I get depressed cuz thats not what Im about, even tho they are wifey material and type of girls i would usually date.. I play it safe by not going all the waysince I am afraid of the outcome at the end.

my advice is just take it a day at a time .. get active.. chill with your people
[color= rgb(0, 153, 153)]Depression is normal...it's life. If something happened to you in your life and your depress youjust have to really get over the hurt in order to get outta depression mode. However if you're just depressed for no reason then it's probably medsyour on or might be a sickness...check your meds side effects, talk to your doctor, and maybe they can help you....don't go on antidepressants...you'llnever be the same man[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 153)]Idc what anybody says though in order to get over depression you have to realize why you'redepressed and elt it all out...don't keep busy, don't push it away because you'll end up thinking it and it'll come back to you...just stay inyour room for a day and cry like a %*$++[/color]
^ thats what i did for almost a year.. basically stayed in my room .. ate 1 meal per day and layed down 75% of the day.. and slept for 3 hours per day

it was a @*$@@ cuz it was so sad and depressing atmosphere..

with that said.. it didnt really work.. it jus made me think more and made me sadder... when i went outside everything was so clear.. and hung out with friends..

I say locking yourself out from the world will make it worst. You just have to go out and move on.
Straight up i think ive been suffering from depression for at least the past 2 months now. Its like i have these revelations where ill be on top of the worldthen for no reason at all ill just start feeling bad about myself and get super irritable. I dont want to kick it with anybody but at the same time it feelslike i got to be around people and when i am around people im usually not my self.

I have no reason of being like this either, im a DJ, have friends,i make an adequate amount of money, and I can still even pull skeezers feeling like this butit feels like my potential is limited.

Its just that the things i love doing and used to get a warm feeling from inside just doesnt do it for me anymore. Even when im happy its not a real happinessits more like trying to convince my self that i am infact happy when i don't feel hardly any emotion at all towards the situation, it makes me feel like ima fake dude. I find it super hard to focus on easy things sometimes and alot of times when i read things its like the paper or book should have just beentransparent.
Originally Posted by UFCkid

^ thats what i did for almost a year.. basically stayed in my room .. ate 1 meal per day and layed down 75% of the day.. and slept for 3 hours per day

it was a @*$@@ cuz it was so sad and depressing atmosphere..

with that said.. it didnt really work.. it jus made me think more and made me sadder... when i went outside everything was so clear.. and hung out with friends ..

I say locking yourself out from the world will make it worst. You just have to go out and move on.

[color= rgb(0, 153, 153)] well lemme just say to try and get it all outta ya system from jump....i didn't eman not do+*%# period but just realize what's gone on, cry it out, realize what else there is in life, then go on about your day...you're gonna dwell on it soget it outta ya system early[/color]
Originally Posted by IT B BERT

Eat shrooms, seriously.

Well I really don't approve of most medications...so I'm not fully sold on going to the doctor. But let me tell you my experience regarding thatsubstance and depression:
WARNING: Long Read Ahead

Basically about a month ago some chick handed me an 1/8 of shrooms. Out of NOWHERE, just said here...take these and let me know what you think. For free.At the time I was going through a HUGE depression from school stress. I wasn't maintaining my success as a student the way I was hoping for...so I wassecond guessing myself...my self esteem was very low and I was on the verge of breaking. Mind you, when I came to this college...I was here to make a lifestylechange. I came to this college for specific reasons. One was because the program was awesome for the money. Another reason was so that I could get to know mydad better, and make amends to our relationship which wasn't too good, and at the time of this trip, my relationship with my dad had only made smallsteps, and wasn't where I wanted it to be...

But mainly my goals for this school year was to clean myself up. Before I came out here I was basically a thug running around wreckless, waiting for theending of my life to come...more like running towards the end. I sold drugs, I did drugs. I robbed people at gun point, I participated in cons...I was makingmoney and blowing it the same day. Eventually I ended up in jail time for drug possession, gun possession and aggravated assault and battery. I was luckythough...I was facing 3 felonies but lucky considering the police stole most of my stash and I wasn't charged with the full amount. I got the batterydropped because of misfiled paperwork, and the judge didn't wanna deal with the headache
. So I ended up with 2 Class A misdemeanors instead of 3 felonies. So after all that BS I realized there's no way I can be successful in what Iwas doing, nor happy. I've never been happy anyway but this lifestyle would only make things worse. If I kept at this I was sure enough to face major timefor drug distribution, robbery...or I would have ended up getting killed, or even worse I could have ended up with a murder charge, in the direction I washeading.
So you can see everything in my life that I was trying to clean out when I came out here. It really takes years to sober yourself up from drugs. And going to college living a straight forward life is not as easy as I thought it would be after getting use to the type of life I lived religously.

But anyways, after this chick gave me the shrooms...I was hesitant because I was in a sobering period of my life. Plus I was mad depressed. I even asked a fewNTers for advice regarding shrooms and depression (Props btw
), becauseyour not suppose to trip on shrooms while in a bad state of mind...it leads to bad trips = not good. And they basically said as long as I'm not on theverge of breaking I'm ok. Besides I've ALWAYS been depressed since I was a child. So I decided I would take these shrooms and figure out my life. Iwould reflect on why I'm not being as successful as I wanted to be and I would go back to the drawing board....BOY!

Well I waited until my head cleared enough...which was like a couple weeks. I took the shrooms and decided I would write a log on what I wasseeing/hallucinating because I had never done shrooms before and I wanted to remember everything, plus I would write down notes about what conclusions I cameup with while I was in "the light" of the shroom's wisdom.
I use to do the same thing with my Dex trips so I kind of knew what I was doing.

Well during my trip. Whilst I was writing in my log nitpicking at my life, I realized how complicated the brain really is. I was apart of one of those 1000piece puzzles that take forever to put together. My brain was a maze, one of those mazes with the bushes for walls that you have to walk out of ...it was likeone of those house of mirrors and you keep running into the same place if not running into mirrors and walls. It was hard trying to figure out myself, itreally gave me a headache. I wasn't having a bad trip though, I was actually having a blast! The Microsoft Word document I was writing on was floatingaround on my monitor screen while I was typing. It would minimize itself and do circles around other windows, and morph into weird obstacles
. The whole time I was typing I was writing down every aspect of what I felt needed to be fixed about my life. And that's how I realized howcomplicated my brain really is. After getting fed up with my brain's inner workings I decided to take a brake and play some mario 64
. WOW the terrible graphics on Mario 64 are really attractive on shrooms. Anyhow...after playing the game...the game turned into my life. I hadn't played the game in YEARS. So I was relearning everything, and somehow thistranslated into relearning my life. I felt like little Mario was a baby buggz and I had to learn how to run, walk and jump again. I felt like I had to learnhow to conform to modern rules again in order to advance through the game. I kept getting lost in certain levels and couldn't figure my way out. It waslike the maze inside of my brain had transformed into the game I was playing, and I couldn't find my way out. It scared me man
...not because of the weird spiders running around the spoooky looking mansion,but because the more I got lost, the more I realized how lost I MYSELF really was. Eventually after I figured that out, I went back to my computer to writethat in my log. When I got back to my computer to write down my new findings of my inner soul... I realized that Microsoft Word was really my only way ofcommunicating between me under the influence and me sober after I wake up from my trip. So then it turned out that the only way I could even talk to myselfPERIOD was from typing on the screen so I could read it! I did this for like 3 hours
. Eventually I realized how stupid it was for me to communicate in this way andhow much of a waste of time it was, and I decided to go look at the grass in Mario 64
...But that didn't last too long because I was already starting to comedown.

So moral of the story is make sure your head is right if your going to take shrooms. I definitely don't recommend shrooms as anti-depressants. I did feelgood while on shrooms, and really didn't feel too bad the day after...maybe slightly better from the self therapy and counseling. But the fact is, my headwasn't right when I took them, and that affected my trip in a very bad and complicated way. I can only imagine how much fun I would have had if not forthe state of mind I was already in...

Just my 2 coppers.



So Sorry for the long read
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