NT, tell your "whip it out" stories

11th grade
field trip
back of the bus
top all the way from school to downtown chi
then got another on the way back
"Self Control"

Don't worry about what society deems as "acceptable" behavior for a young lady. Enjoy living life and stop giving a @%%% about what's rightand what isn't. I've grown impatient with every broad that has told me that "that's too much" or "It isn't right" when Itry to get physically closer to them. I don't know why the subject of sex is so taboo with some girls.

Live your @*$%*%! lives and have fun.
i have fun. doesn't mean i'm just gonna %!*$ whoever is taking me to the god damn movies.
can't things be taken one step @ a time? granted, had we been in the privacy of a home i'm sure things would have escalated... assuming he wouldn'thave swung out his schlong expecting me to jump for joy @ the site of such a marvel. however considering the circumstances, he didn't stand a chance. oneapproaches such situations with a little more tact, no?
I don't even bother anymore. I'm too lazy. ##$%%## just pull it out on there own. What I can stand....is those chicks who don't know how to undo abelt buckle. Annoying as hell. Chicks need to get it together. Tired of having to do the %%%+ myself. :smh
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

I don't even bother anymore. I'm too lazy. ##$%%## just pull it out on there own. What I can stand....is those chicks who don't know how to undo a belt buckle. Annoying as hell. Chicks need to get it together. Tired of having to do the %%%+ myself. :smh

Aint this the truth.
I learned how to udno a bra with ease and I never wear bras.
Females cant learn to undo a belt even though this is something they wear?
Originally Posted by HuieDaGreat

Originally Posted by Apollo Greed

when broads whip it out for you..

Oh indeeeeed ... But the facial reaction when you whip it out is priceless .. They give you that "you're a caveman" look .. But when they extendthat hand to it .. done deal !! I just

Cam "baby girl you gonna suck it or not ehhhhhh"

Me: (driving) I aint even gonna lie, you got me roc doin that ..
Her: (giggles) yeah riiiiiight ...
Me: (whip it out) Look.
Her: (turns face) Oh my goooodness I cant believe he ..
Me: Whoa (starts putting it away)
Her: (turns face back) Noo noo dont put it away ..
Me: (Jackpot ! )
you have to know when and with whom you can do this with/to
somebody whipped it out in high school in my car after track practice -_-
i made him get the %!@# out my car and walk home.
I don't know what to make of these. In most cases it seems like dudes are whipping it out in situations where pretty much only an act of god could stop youfrom smashing. I think there has to be a certain amount of risk involved, otherwise any time you get busy could be a "whip it out"story. Kudos tothose who got it right.

That being said, I haven't tried this maneuver...yet. The risk seems too great. If it works, it works,but if it doesn't, you're looking at a veryawkward moment and probably a limp %$%% to go along with it.
at some ofthese stories though.
Originally Posted by Diego

Aint this the truth.
I learned how to udno a bra with ease and I never wear bras.
Females cant learn to undo a belt even though this is something they wear?
I had this friend whose boyfriend at the time knew how to undress her with his teeth! He would undo her bra with his teeth, and even knew how toundo her buttoned shirts and pants with his teeth.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

I don't even bother anymore. I'm too lazy. ##$%%## just pull it out on there own. What I can stand....is those chicks who don't know how to undo a belt buckle. Annoying as hell. Chicks need to get it together. Tired of having to do the %%%+ myself. :smh

Aint this the truth.
I learned how to udno a bra with ease and I never wear bras.
Females cant learn to undo a belt even though this is something they wear?
That's one of the first things any man should learn when you start gettin it in lol. I was undoing bras with one hand by the age of 16.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Diego

Aint this the truth.
I learned how to udno a bra with ease and I never wear bras.
Females cant learn to undo a belt even though this is something they wear?
I had this friend whose boyfriend at the time knew how to undress her with his teeth! He would undo her bra with his teeth, and even knew how to undo her buttoned shirts and pants with his teeth.
Does that turn you on?
Originally Posted by the coolness

I don't know what to make of these. In most cases it seems like dudes are whipping it out in situations where pretty much only an act of god could stop you from smashing. I think there has to be a certain amount of risk involved, otherwise any time you get busy could be a "whip it out"story. Kudos to those who got it right.

That being said, I haven't tried this maneuver...yet. The risk seems too great. If it works, it works,but if it doesn't, you're looking at a very awkward moment and probably a limp %$%% to go along with it.
at some of these stories though.

QFT...if i hear another "she touched it on the outside of my pants so i "whipped it out" story idk wat ima do.

If this was the point then errtime i had sex or got dome ive "whipped it out"
Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

i aint beggin for +%@$... unlike TLC....but if you wasn't gonna hit him off why would you suck face wit him?
Damn, so if you kiss someone, that means you gotta give him some?

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Diego

Aint this the truth.
I learned how to udno a bra with ease and I never wear bras.
Females cant learn to undo a belt even though this is something they wear?
I had this friend whose boyfriend at the time knew how to undress her with his teeth! He would undo her bra with his teeth, and even knew how to undo her buttoned shirts and pants with his teeth.

What I understand from your post is that you want to put me to the test next time you come to NY.

Originally Posted by Lrrr

You fail at life if you whip it out while you're having a normal non-sexual conversation
What are you talking about that's the whole point of whipping it out. If it's ya girl and shh like that(she already naked) that aint WIP.That's some obvious !%%*

The art of whipping it out isn't some pick up line or any type of G it's a dangerous tactic to get some. It's A LOT of risk but can come with greatreward. It's suppose to be more fail than win unless you a lucky %@!%!*!!%%$%. As long as the sexual tension/crush/mutual attraction/hornyness is presentWIP is an option.

That's why this thread is so good. Just like the past "embarrassing sexual encounters" thread that ended up having a good amount of whip it outstories.

As for begging "C'mon just touch it" that's really pathetic. You disgracing the art. You suppose to let the action speak for itself, if yougonna say anything it shouldn't be begging. I mean how you gonna tell that story? "I whipped it out, asked her to touch like a lame and she poked thehead"?
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by Lrrr

You fail at life if you whip it out while you're having a normal non-sexual conversation
What are you talking about that's the whole point of whipping it out. If it's ya girl and shh like that(she already naked) that aint WIP. That's some obvious @#*+

The art of whipping it out isn't some pick up line or any type of G it's a dangerous tactic to get some. It's A LOT of risk but can come with great reward. It's suppose to be more fail than win unless you a lucky *@%@#$!%%%%*. As long as the sexual tension/crush/mutual attraction/hornyness is present WIP is an option.

That's why this thread is so good. Just like the past "embarrassing sexual encounters" thread that ended up having a good amount of whip it out stories.

As for begging "C'mon just touch it" that's really pathetic. You disgracing the art. You suppose to let the action speak for itself, if you gonna say anything it shouldn't be begging. I mean how you gonna tell that story? "I whipped it out, asked her to touch like a lame and she poked the head"?

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