NT... So I Got Called The N-Word Last Night...

spot rusherz

Jan 5, 2008

So I get off of work @ around 9PM.. then I go to Wendy's like I do every Friday to see my girl (because she gets off @ 10)... So while I'm therechillin with my girl, and some of her co-workers, some kids from my school walk in. They say whats up to me and my girl of whatever, and 1 of the kids thatwalked in,I was supposed to be cool with.

So at this time my girl had already clocked out, and could leave if she wanted to... So as we're eating, I ask her to grab me some ketchup from rightbehind her.Then this kid says ' Why don't you get me some food '.
So me and the guy start talkin %*@% back and forth to each other, It wasn't a real argument.I was just clowning on him because he had on some Old SchoolNew Balances..

After about 15 minutes they leave, and I go out to get somethin from my girl's co-worker's car... And when I'm out there, one of those kids calledme the N-word, I just start laughing at first, then all three of the kids started calling me racial slurs.. so I go back into Wendy's..

A little after that, the kid that I'm supposed to be cool with, texted one of the co-workers, and called me the N- word again, and a lot of other racialslurs. So I walk outside, and I see the guy backing up the truck from the parking lot.. So I go next to the truck, and it told them to turn the window down, assoon as I turned it down I was like who were you calling the N-word?..

Then the kid in the passenger seat, repeated the word, then I rockd him in his mouth, and made his %*@% bleed
.. After that my girl started crying hysterically, and the kids dipped in theirtruck.

So NT am I wrong for what I did?... I mean thats the most disrespectful thing you can say to an African-American, I was called that word when I was like 12,and I broke the kid's jaw.. And I haven't been called that until last night.. So You could imagine how angry I was

-Went to wendys to see my girl
-Lames walk-in, talking %*@%
-They call me the n-word
-I rock one of them in the face

I didn't even mention the knife
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

How you rock dude in the passenger seat if you by the driver seat window? If that's not ducktales you the man dog

all I had to do was walk to the passenger window...
then I rockd him in his mouth
i don't really think this makes the situation any better

is he really going to say to himself "I was out of line for saying what I said" because you hit him? i guess there's a chance of that happening

but he's probably thinking about retaliation and that would only make the situation worse
Originally Posted by Lbruce89

then I rockd him in his mouth
i don't really think this makes the situation any better

is he really going to say to himself "I was out of line for saying what I said" because you hit him? i guess there's a chance of that happening

but he's probably thinking about retaliation and that would only make the situation worse

are you black?
Originally Posted by soop3rbaby

...shoulda rocked all 3 of em AND keyed their car among other things imo, haha

that wouldve be a real #@%** thing to do.
and then they wouldnt have been wrong from callin him it
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

it doesnt make it any better in SOME people's eyes but it aint like the justice system was gone handle it

he had it coming... turning the other cheek is cool but this aint one of them cases...

i bet even if his friends continue to call dude racial slurs i bet he wont...

i ain't sayin' you're a better man because of it, but dude had it coming...it's his own fault he got socked in the mouth

you did what you felt you needed to do, i ain't mad at ya...
Originally Posted by liveanddiewithdemboys

theres a 99% chance you didnt swing on anyone last night

on the real though, you shouldnt even let it get to you to where you become violent over it. can't honestly say i wouldn't hit somebody for saying thatto me cause i've never been in this kind of scenario, but if somebody just wants to be ignorant and just run their mouth then just let them be because itsjust childish, and all violence does is lead to bigger problems
Only thing you did wrong was not 2-piecin him like a loudmouth chickenhead at McDonalds...
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