NT, please pray for my girl.... UPDATE PG. 5

Jan 8, 2006
I got a call from an officer earlier telling me her car rolled over a few times and they're airlifting her to the hospital. He said she was conscience andanswering questions but I can't help but freak out you know?
Anyways, I'd just appreciate any prayers from you guys, thanks.
hope all is well with her

man i was going to come in here and say "pics?" with the
face. but im not in the mood.
dude why arent you heading to the hospital where she is located?
thats terrible news, getting airlifted doesnt sound good
Originally Posted by The Minister

hope she will be ok. are you gunna see her soon?
The hospital they're taking her to is about 4 hours from where I live :/. I'm trying to figure out when I can get there but I gotfinals and had to pick up extra work hours this week because my manager took a vacation for 2 weeks
I've been keeping in touch with her parents because the hospital won'ttalk to anyone else and they're saying they think it's going to be ok. It sucks I can't be there and I have to sit and just wait.
you have my prayers...

i know its hard to do but good luck with school...i know this is gonna hurt your studying...
Good luck fam.

I know you got a full plate, but if she is really your girlfriend, like your main squeeze, you should go see her ASAP regardless. You can always email yourprofessors and explain the situation to them. At least try to and see if you can clear up a day to go, it will definitely be appreciated by your girl.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

She fine. Just make sure you get there, so you can talk her through the situation.

Why didnt you post this tomorrow or something. If my girl car roll over, im in the car on the phone like what hospital.
I know what hospital it's at but they won't let me talk to her. They don't have any of her information yet so she's undera Jane Doe and the hospital will only let her parents talk to her. Like I said, I've heard all is well and I've been calling the hospital for the past3 hours and they won't budge.
Sorry to hear that.

Good thing is if they air lifted her it means she is going to receive the best care your area has to offer. In the northwest, Harborview hospital is only level4 trauma hospital in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon. SO where every your girl is gong she is getting the best of the best.

Keep your head up.
Have faith man, everything gon be cool.

hope and prayers go out to your girl fam.
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