NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

I weighed in at 227 about Thanksgiving, and I'm at 203 today. 6'. I've been doing it the natural way, just diet and exercise. I gotta keep going for summer, looking to get to like 185. I also started lifting at the start of the year so I'm also try to gain some muscle. Keep up, bros. Summer is around the corner. My girlfriend looks great in a swimsuit and I feels bad man that I'm not up to par. I just really wanna lose my gut.
2nd day back on track. Late start here because of a work injury. Did legs yesterday. Warmed up with 6 mins on the stair machine then went into squats, hack squays, weighted lunges, hammies, quads, treadmill walk at 8 incline 4.5 speed. Today this is how I feel
I think they are talking about appetite ******ation on EC stack. My first 2 days, I came in way below what I aim for, like 1500 both days. So today I tried to make an effort to get more in and am adding them up now, looks like I am still low, about to drink a few tbsp of coconut oil because i haven't hit even 2,000 since whenever my last cheat day was. edit; yep, only at 1529 and didn't feel hungry once even though I played ball for 2hrs at lunch
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u wanna eat?... then :smokin

god its like the only reason i chose to stop was cuz id **** up my intake on a nightly basis
I think they are talking about appetite ******ation on EC stack. My first 2 days, I came in way below what I aim for, like 1500 both days. So today I tried to make an effort to get more in and am adding them up now, looks like I am still low, about to drink a few tbsp of coconut oil because i haven't hit even 2,000 since whenever my last cheat day was. edit; yep, only at 1529 and didn't feel hungry once even though I played ball for 2hrs at lunch

Drink a protein shake with 2 scoops of whey some olive oil banana and 1 tbsp of PB lol
EC doesn't realy affect my appetite, its the only thing I've ever taken gave me energy with NO nervousness, jitters, no stomach irritation AND I could sleep at night.

Like if I take a dose during the day I use so much energy that I'm actually sleepy at night if that makes any sense.
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eat clen, tren hard, test your limits, anavar give up. 
Played 2 hours of soccer tonight. My legs are dead :x
Been getting my body ready for spring. Had great bday weekend last week but drunk wayyy to much. Had to get all that **** out my system. Been drinking alot of fresh fruit smoothies and clean eating. Feeling great
Is it normal to be sore on the back of your legs right above the knee after doing back extensions? Or am I doing something wrong? I was wondering why my legs were sore there yesterday and today and I know it has to be from that exercise but is this normal? Maybe my form is wrong or something.
Is it normal to be sore on the back of your legs right above the knee after doing back extensions? Or am I doing something wrong? I was wondering why my legs were sore there yesterday and today and I know it has to be from that exercise but is this normal? Maybe my form is wrong or something.

If done correctly back extensions actually activate and work the back of your leg more then they do your lower back.
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