NT Official Dark Knight Question Thread

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by TiDE619

Can someone clear this up?

"Dent killed 5 people, two of them cops"

1: Cop at the bar
2: Maroney,
3: Maroney's Driver
4: Marony's henchmen while getting into the car
5: ??? He didn't kill the female cop (forgot her name)

He didn't kill MARONI. (Sorry, it was bugging me seeing people misspell his name...
I don't think Maroni had a henchman when he was getting into a car. As far as I know, the only people we've seen Dent actually kill were Maroni's driver and the dude at the bar.

I think its assumed that Maroni dies.. as far as the henchmen.. Maroni walked out with one guy, and Dent grabs him from behind (nh) before he gets to the car:

let's all just assume that Maroni gets killed because its implied that wearing a seatbelt = survival (hence, Dent puts on his seat belt before shooting thedriver) Still trying to figure out who the fifth person is
could it be the guy that was strapped in the ambulance? the guy that had the name tag with rachel on it? maybe dent killed him after batman left.
you think bruce/batman could have gone to save harvey on purpose with the "if I cant have her, no one can" attitude? batman is such a good detectivethat he could have probably figued out that the Joker switched addresses.

not to thread jack, but, what purpose did Scarecrow serve in the movie?
Batman went to save Rachel, but Joker switched the addresses.

i thought this was obvious. apparently not.
Originally Posted by mike rocks nikes

Originally Posted by enyceking

Originally Posted by enyceking

no thread jack but why does joker tell two different stories about how he got the scars on his face???????????????
It's because he doesn't have a true origin. If you read the comics you'll notice he does it in the comics also.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by torgriffith

I think he gave him the right address. Batman knew that in order for him to be with Rachel, he would need someone take his spot which would be Dent.

That was the point. The Joker throughout the whole movie was trying to show Batman, as much as he thought he was a real hero, that he couldn't be.

Batman got caught up living a double life and the Joker fed off of that and used it show Batman that he couldn't do both. His whole struggle throughout

the movie is Batman being over extended and causing more harm than help. The fact remains that Gotham is a corrupt city. The Joker is trying to destroy

the corrupt city while Batman wants to protect it. Plus Batman is a corporate mogule and has much to financially gain from Gotham. So Batman is

living/playing on both sides while the Joker knows his place which makes him far more effective. Batman is naturally going to catch hell trying maintain a

corrupt status quo. So to sum it up, I think he had the right addresses and he knew it, but it was gonna be hard for him to do both and that was the

point. To slap him with it in the face and show him that he couldn't do both. It's either one or the other.


He switched the addresses.

I thought Batman said that Gotham needed a new hero and he chose Harvey. I'll have to watch the movie again but I think this is what I got from it when Iwatched it in the theater.
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