NT need your legal advice vol. car accident...

Mar 31, 2006
So yesterday im driving on eastern parkway and im a good 1/4 block away from the green light and I go threw and this lady which im guessing got stuck at the light and for any NYers who drive threw there knows this road is pretty big with a service road. She was stuck by the service road on her side and she was trying to get all the way to the service road on the other side to make a turn on a RED. As im driving there's a bunch of traffic in the left lane and the right lane (which im in) is smooth sailin' so I see her once im almost past her and she hits me on the side of my bumper and my rim...

Her & her daughter come out and say they did pay for it and basically beg me to not call the cops because it was obviously her fault. I still decide to call the cops and they finally come, I tell them what was going on and we decide NOT to file a police report and just do a civilian car accident report. Since she was agreeing to pay for the damage. We go to the shop and the owner gives her the estimate of $900 and she saids fine I get paid tomorrow. Then I tell her I need a rental and the owner was willing to get her one for $30 a day and she saids ok. We decide to meet at the shop at 8am the next day so the owner could get us the rental.

That same night, I give her daughter about 4 phone calls,2 voicemails and I dont get a call back. Next day I call her mom twice and she doesnt pick and I leave voicemails and the last one saying I will be at the shop at 8am as we agreed. As I get to the shop I call her again to see where's she's at and she tells me now that she wants to go threw the insurance and can't afford the repairs & rental. The shop already started fixing the car and it basically just needs to be painted. Owner tells me the insurance isn't going to pay anything since it's already being fixed.

Basically right now the shop is willing to write me a sworn letter saying she agreed to estimate,the guy who works at the shop who we both followed to go get the estimate also will, and im trying to get in contact with the officers that arrived at the seen. My girls mom knows a cop and he's going to see what he could do to get in contact with them.

She is now saying that I hit her, I dont know how's that possible with the side of my car. Im going to try and get those statements in tomorrow to Geico and see what happens. I currently can't get to work or even get around to places I need to get to. Im sure im probaly going to end up having to sue her because im not to hopeful that her insurance is going to pay for the damages which are already fixed...

If I do sue her, what are things I could get her for besides damages and missing work ? I'm wasting all my time going around trying to get this resolved ASAP.
So yesterday im driving on eastern parkway and im a good 1/4 block away from the green light and I go threw and this lady which im guessing got stuck at the light and for any NYers who drive threw there knows this road is pretty big with a service road. She was stuck by the service road on her side and she was trying to get all the way to the service road on the other side to make a turn on a RED. As im driving there's a bunch of traffic in the left lane and the right lane (which im in) is smooth sailin' so I see her once im almost past her and she hits me on the side of my bumper and my rim...

Her & her daughter come out and say they did pay for it and basically beg me to not call the cops because it was obviously her fault. I still decide to call the cops and they finally come, I tell them what was going on and we decide NOT to file a police report and just do a civilian car accident report. Since she was agreeing to pay for the damage. We go to the shop and the owner gives her the estimate of $900 and she saids fine I get paid tomorrow. Then I tell her I need a rental and the owner was willing to get her one for $30 a day and she saids ok. We decide to meet at the shop at 8am the next day so the owner could get us the rental.

That same night, I give her daughter about 4 phone calls,2 voicemails and I dont get a call back. Next day I call her mom twice and she doesnt pick and I leave voicemails and the last one saying I will be at the shop at 8am as we agreed. As I get to the shop I call her again to see where's she's at and she tells me now that she wants to go threw the insurance and can't afford the repairs & rental. The shop already started fixing the car and it basically just needs to be painted. Owner tells me the insurance isn't going to pay anything since it's already being fixed.

Basically right now the shop is willing to write me a sworn letter saying she agreed to estimate,the guy who works at the shop who we both followed to go get the estimate also will, and im trying to get in contact with the officers that arrived at the seen. My girls mom knows a cop and he's going to see what he could do to get in contact with them.

She is now saying that I hit her, I dont know how's that possible with the side of my car. Im going to try and get those statements in tomorrow to Geico and see what happens. I currently can't get to work or even get around to places I need to get to. Im sure im probaly going to end up having to sue her because im not to hopeful that her insurance is going to pay for the damages which are already fixed...

If I do sue her, what are things I could get her for besides damages and missing work ? I'm wasting all my time going around trying to get this resolved ASAP.
Im no lawyer, but you did say the police filed a civilian report. Im sure that states that she was at fault and that she would pay for damages?
Now she isnt going to? Get a lawyer and go to court cause thats a sure fire victory.
Im no lawyer, but you did say the police filed a civilian report. Im sure that states that she was at fault and that she would pay for damages?
Now she isnt going to? Get a lawyer and go to court cause thats a sure fire victory.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Im no lawyer, but you did say the police filed a civilian report. Im sure that states that she was at fault and that she would pay for damages?
Now she isnt going to? Get a lawyer and go to court cause thats a sure fire victory.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Im no lawyer, but you did say the police filed a civilian report. Im sure that states that she was at fault and that she would pay for damages?
Now she isnt going to? Get a lawyer and go to court cause thats a sure fire victory.
Civilian report doesn't hold much weight as a police report which I didn't know at first. Cop made it seem so simple.

It's more like something for you to tell your side of the story.
Civilian report doesn't hold much weight as a police report which I didn't know at first. Cop made it seem so simple.

It's more like something for you to tell your side of the story.
what the hell is up with all these car accident threads as of late

yall need to stop driving
what an evil lady..I bet she had that planned all along..
Always file a police report..but you should try hiring a personal injury attorney and see if you have a case..
Sue her!! and get your money!
what an evil lady..I bet she had that planned all along..
Always file a police report..but you should try hiring a personal injury attorney and see if you have a case..
Sue her!! and get your money!
Similar thing happened to me and my dad just a couple months ago. Chick goes straight in a right turn only lane, tries to merge over and side swipes us. At the scene she says she's open to handling it without contacting the insurance company and to call her when we get home. Dad calls her, come to find she already called her insurance company and straight up lied. First she said we hit her as she was making a right turn (makes no #%*%+%% sense..) then changed up her story and said we hit her while trying to beat a red light (not true nor does it explain why she went straight in a right turn only)

We took pictures of the scene clearly showing how she's in the wrong but her insurance company is "obligated" to side with their client. And DC has a no-fault law so no police report and because I'm family I cant testify (even though she could've killed me)

Sorry to threadjack OP but this whole lying to the insurance company !$%% pisses me off. If you are at fault just own up to it
Similar thing happened to me and my dad just a couple months ago. Chick goes straight in a right turn only lane, tries to merge over and side swipes us. At the scene she says she's open to handling it without contacting the insurance company and to call her when we get home. Dad calls her, come to find she already called her insurance company and straight up lied. First she said we hit her as she was making a right turn (makes no #%*%+%% sense..) then changed up her story and said we hit her while trying to beat a red light (not true nor does it explain why she went straight in a right turn only)

We took pictures of the scene clearly showing how she's in the wrong but her insurance company is "obligated" to side with their client. And DC has a no-fault law so no police report and because I'm family I cant testify (even though she could've killed me)

Sorry to threadjack OP but this whole lying to the insurance company !$%% pisses me off. If you are at fault just own up to it
i work for insurance so i'm biased as hell.
always report to your insurance even if it's only for report purposes only, it's not even worth the headache of %!%* like this. people are ruthless..

as far as the legal scenario, i agree that you'd probably win. you should get legal advice from a professional though, imo.
i work for insurance so i'm biased as hell.
always report to your insurance even if it's only for report purposes only, it's not even worth the headache of %!%* like this. people are ruthless..

as far as the legal scenario, i agree that you'd probably win. you should get legal advice from a professional though, imo.
Dam that blows dude...

I've been calling her daughter since her mom reported it to her insurance and she hasn't picked up. Haven't bothered to call her mom since she did.

You guys think I have a case if I can get those sworn statements ? I'm looking to go in on this broad for also lying to her insurance company.
Dam that blows dude...

I've been calling her daughter since her mom reported it to her insurance and she hasn't picked up. Haven't bothered to call her mom since she did.

You guys think I have a case if I can get those sworn statements ? I'm looking to go in on this broad for also lying to her insurance company.
*please note that I am not a lawyer so anything i said is a feather in the wind*

You %*++%* up by being too nice. You got hit by a professional driver and now you've been scammed. Civilian reports mean nothing.

Best advice, you go to a therapist, be out of work for 4 weeks and hit up a lawyer and say your life has changed and now you cannot work anymore and boom $$$$$
*please note that I am not a lawyer so anything i said is a feather in the wind*

You %*++%* up by being too nice. You got hit by a professional driver and now you've been scammed. Civilian reports mean nothing.

Best advice, you go to a therapist, be out of work for 4 weeks and hit up a lawyer and say your life has changed and now you cannot work anymore and boom $$$$$
Ya I know...

I rear ended some dude a yr ago and I couldnt of hit a better dude. He let me pay him in a couple payments and we settled things quickly. I guess I know how it feels so thats why I was being nice about it...
Ya I know...

I rear ended some dude a yr ago and I couldnt of hit a better dude. He let me pay him in a couple payments and we settled things quickly. I guess I know how it feels so thats why I was being nice about it...
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