NT: My 1,000 post (a little late) FREE UNLOCKED IPHONE GIVE AWAY...

ayo its ya boy NV

i am the future

i be 14

doin my thing

man i give back to the community

by cleaning up my city

removing the grafitti

at school

and i do volunteer work

by refeeeing little kids basketball games

at the park

and i keep the peace in deez streetz

cause i stay strapped with da piece

man remeber when you was a kid it was the best

touchin up all the pretty females at recess

man i dont need math

cause imma make mad money rappin like t-pain

shoot me that iphone low key

im broker than a disc jockey
Originally Posted by NikeVandal

ayo its ya boy NV

i am the future

i be 14

doin my thing

man i give back to the community

by cleaning up my city

removing the grafitti

at school

and i do volunteer work

by refeeeing little kids basketball games

at the park

and i keep the peace in deez streetz

cause i stay strapped with da piece

man remeber when you was a kid it was the best

touchin up all the pretty females at recess

man i dont need math

cause imma make mad money rappin like t-pain

shoot me that iphone low key

im broker than a disc jockey

is this a rap you just made up?
I feel like I've read this thread 6 months ago. Crazy deja vu

Send me that phone because I tried to sell drugs to a kid once. No I am not a drug dealer.
well. I'm tired as hell. just came home from work. but. here's my try. sorry if its over the 100 words I'm on my phone

Although i just graduated highschool, i feel as though i have already stared making an imprint on the world. During my 4 years of highschool i volunteered foran organization called Peace 4 Kids, which is an organization that held programs for foster kids from The Los Angeles area. The kids were taken on field tripsto different schools to just hang out and be "normal" i remember the first time i was hanging out with the kid i was paired with (his name was jamal)he was tripping out because he had never seen so vmany trees. he kept asking me if we were in a forest. And i was sitting there like damn. he really has neverseen trees? it made me appreciate the experiences I've had. i even let him play with my ipod and he was trippign out on how you could "touch" tothe next song, he had never see none. anyways, at first i wanted to persue a career in accounting, but after the experiences I've had as an adolescent. iwill msot liekly go to school to become a youth consolour or just someone that can help teens in the community. Because i want them to have the same positiveexperiences I've had in my life, minus the negatives... and that's how i will benefit the future.

there you go! just being real..
Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Originally Posted by knightngale

You should rule out all the procrastinators that have posted so far.

seems like your procastinating you're procrastinating your self. as for me i say you should give it to theblprnt since he gave his kicks to help lil kids out
and their mom at a shelter of some sort. but you can always choose me if you want.
yes i am.

Originally Posted by MECKS

well. I'm tired as hell. just came home from work. but. here's my try. sorry if its over the 100 words I'm on my phone

Although i just graduated highschool, i feel as though i have already stared making an imprint on the world. During my 4 years of highschool i volunteered for an organization called Peace 4 Kids, which is an organization that held programs for foster kids from The Los Angeles area. The kids were taken on field trips to different schools to just hang out and be "normal" i remember the first time i was hanging out with the kid i was paired with (his name was jamal) he was tripping out because he had never seen so vmany trees. he kept asking me if we were in a forest. And i was sitting there like damn. he really has never seen trees? it made me appreciate the experiences I've had. i even let him play with my ipod and he was trippign out on how you could "touch" to the next song, he had never see none. anyways, at first i wanted to persue a career in accounting, but after the experiences I've had as an adolescent. i will msot liekly go to school to become a youth consolour or just someone that can help teens in the community. Because i want them to have the same positive experiences I've had in my life, minus the negatives... and that's how i will benefit the future.

there you go! just being real..
Originally Posted by MECKS

well. I'm tired as hell. just came home from work. but. here's my try. sorry if its over the 100 words I'm on my phone

Although i just graduated highschool, i feel as though i have already stared making an imprint on the world. During my 4 years of highschool i volunteered for an organization called Peace 4 Kids, which is an organization that held programs for foster kids from The Los Angeles area. The kids were taken on field trips to different schools to just hang out and be "normal" i remember the first time i was hanging out with the kid i was paired with (his name was jamal) he was tripping out because he had never seen so vmany trees. he kept asking me if we were in a forest. And i was sitting there like damn. he really has never seen trees? it made me appreciate the experiences I've had. i even let him play with my ipod and he was trippign out on how you could "touch" to the next song, he had never see none. anyways, at first i wanted to persue a career in accounting, but after the experiences I've had as an adolescent. i will msot liekly go to school to become a youth consolour or just someone that can help teens in the community. Because i want them to have the same positive experiences I've had in my life, minus the negatives... and that's how i will benefit the future.

there you go! just being real..

mah du

rly son you want that thing that badly

count your blessings

you got internet acess on your phone

^ hater.

i was on a beat up sk3 a week ago fooo. i got blessed with the new sk. cuzz of graduation money. n if u wanna call ducktales on my story i got my signedvolunteer hours somewhere. lol

don't be mad just cuz ur a lame o_O i did what the prompt said. if u don't want the phone get out the thread!
my ipod got stolen when i was a sophomore in high school im a junior in college. i haven't worked in almost a year my phone's audio adapter no longerworks and im in need of some music in my car.

as for how i benefit the future? i write and subject myself to people's arbitrary standards.
Originally Posted by MECKS

well. I'm tired as hell. just came home from work. but. here's my try. sorry if its over the 100 words I'm on my phone

Although i just graduated highschool, i feel as though i have already stared making an imprint on the world. During my 4 years of highschool i volunteered for an organization called Peace 4 Kids, which is an organization that held programs for foster kids from The Los Angeles area. The kids were taken on field trips to different schools to just hang out and be "normal" i remember the first time i was hanging out with the kid i was paired with (his name was jamal) he was tripping out because he had never seen so vmany trees. he kept asking me if we were in a forest. And i was sitting there like damn. he really has never seen trees? it made me appreciate the experiences I've had. i even let him play with my ipod and he was trippign out on how you could "touch" to the next song, he had never see none. anyways, at first i wanted to persue a career in accounting, but after the experiences I've had as an adolescent. i will msot liekly go to school to become a youth consolour or just someone that can help teens in the community. Because i want them to have the same positive experiences I've had in my life, minus the negatives... and that's how i will benefit the future.

there you go! just being real..

cmon my man, you already have a phone. Im trying to get this phone for i can keep in touch with the little homies.
I am currently a management post leader of Northwest Houston division of Habitat for Humanity. Me, being one of 3 other leaders are in charge of rounding uphigh school students within the Spring and Cy-fair school district, help collect can goods, clothing, and often do hand on projects within our area by fixingup older and/or damage houses from Hurricane Ike. By rounding up these kids, I help them not only receive their hourly participation credit for their HonorSociety or Key Clubs, but also reach out to those lesser privilege then they are. The management department was also able to raised 400 pounds of canned goodsand at least 200 articles of clothing for donation last Christmas and hope to double it by this coming Christmas. I help out with HH at least 3-4 times a weekwhile I have a job at REI. I was also taughtto give back to the community as much as it has given to you, and hopefully those affected by my helping willspread that knowledge.
^ for the record, I'm trying to get my hom e girl this phone . she just got evicted n had to move to the projects n they can't afford a house phone.I'm currently paying her pre-paid phone. . . .
Originally Posted by MECKS

^ for the record, I'm trying to get my hom e girl this phone . she just got evicted n had to move to the projects n they can't afford a house phone. I'm currently paying her pre-paid phone. . . .

this clown

lemme guess

you watching oprah

if she really was a home-girl

you would let her stay with you

dont even give me the

my place is too small

lemme guess your dog just died too???

and youre in the hospital

cause you tried to save a lil kid jay walking bout to get by a car

stop while youre ahead

you have internet on your phone

thats like 30 a month

so youre well off

plus you on a sneaker forum

we all know you just well off suburban kid

trying to be as soft as possible


lemme guess you sellin to help yo home girl move back into the suburbs....

when i get ballerific

ill come speak to high-schools and college kids

about how to be successful word to trey and drizzy drake
I bring Music to the Youth and Community everyday, I give motivation for those who are in need. I give the young the strength needed to continue and theirdaily struggles, whether it be high school, or a simple task, by giving them words of advice through song and lyrical meaning that helps them relate to someonethat is bigger in there own eyes.I do not intend to be the person on the upper hand, I rather want to help the youth of this world express there feelingsthrough Music and Word of heart,rather than bashing someones head open. A pen and a paper and an open vocabulary and dictionary will give anyone a sturdy baseof hope and success.
i am a very good person and never been to jail. i help kids with their homework. i help the elderly to cross the street and just keep them happy. i volunteerat a local hospital to aid to sick patients. i donate my clothes to goodwill. i buy food from McDonalds or The Cheesecake Factory to give to the homeless onthe gritty streets of San Francisco. i help out at Soup Kitchens and i always do my best to provide as much food as i can in food drives. i give toys forToys-For-Tots on Christmas. i actually was on a ship to stop Japanese fishers from killing whales. i went to Mexico to help build houses. i went to New Orleansto help build houses. i plant trees for the environment. i currently drive a Honda Fit which has a low Carbon-Dioxide emission rating. i plan to join the PeaceCorp. Oh and i voted for Obama.
I baby sit my 3 nieces, 13, 7, 5 EVERYDAY.... I watch Hannah Montana, wizards of Waverly place, and Sonny with a Chance all day... I have no source ofentertainment that wouldn't leave the 3 children, who bicker non-stop with each other, alone. The iPhone has games and can also play music this can solveseveral problems I face in life. When I drive them to soccer someday, instead of yelling and other stupid things, they can play one of the many games like airhockey...

I was also the 6th grade camp counselor this year.
If I get it, then I do if not, maybe my words get someone to try to help society
I'm a senior in college and all my life I have tried to be a positve romodel to even those who were older than me. By being an example, if you think youare better than me, then hey, you can do it to and if you don't feel that way, then let me help you. I never ask for anything in return except that youhelp yourself and if you happen to find someone in need of help, do as I did for you. In my community, every person that has followed me in my belief is incollege, never been arrested, never has done drugs, respects theri parents and elders and has goals. That is my proudest acheivement. I find it funny that Iused to suck at basketball but over time I got better, started teaching kids to play ball and they began to respect me as much as my game if not more. In thenext two years, I'm trying to start a scholarship and possibly get into teaching. I have been in contact wit ha friend who works with a program to helpimmigrants with school because their schools do not have the funds to have afterschool programs to help them understand what they are learning.

So, do I need an iphone? No, but I'm sure if my brother doesn't want it (he is my best example of my success), then another kid I help mentor will bedeserving.
lol at all you adults

trying to get a broken iphone...

imma kid

who helps kids

so pass me that iphone

so i can continue my charity work
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