NT Legal: Am I at fault for this car accident??

Yeah your are going to be at-fault for this accident. The only thing that could change the liability decision is if you can prove the other party was speeding. Unfortunately without him being cited for it or a witness then speed can not be proven. Well, unless it could possibly show on the the security camera.
a cop witnessed it, but of course he wasn't paying attention. traffic footage should show the sharp lane change and quickly passing the other car before hitting me. could be a way to estimate the speed of the car before it hit my bumper. i'll know more tomorrow.

i don't think you're getting the part about how he has the right of way, and you "failed to yield". if he was going 100 mph, doesn't change the fact that you were in his lane when you should have been yielding. by your own admission, you were "90% through the intersection"
I'm thinking it might be different because the other car quickly changed lanes and aggressively accelerated toward my car. It was never visible when I began the turn AND I was 90% across the intersection when he struck me. Sounds like a situation where the other driver is being negligent for accelerating like that and not looking for cars that are in the process of turning. 

Post the footage here tomorrow and I will tell you how to avoid this.
Yeah your are going to be at-fault for this accident. The only thing that could change the liability decision is if you can prove the other party was speeding. Unfortunately without him being cited for it or a witness then speed can not be proven. Well, unless it could possibly show on the the security camera.
a cop witnessed it, but of course he wasn't paying attention. traffic footage should show the sharp lane change and quickly passing the other car before hitting me. could be a way to estimate the speed of the car before it hit my bumper. i'll know more tomorrow.
i don't think you're getting the part about how he has the right of way, and you "failed to yield". if he was going 100 mph, doesn't change the fact that you were in his lane when you should have been yielding. by your own admission, you were "90% through the intersection"
if the other guy was going 100 mph, then there's chance the op can get away with this, but the driver will also get in trouble too.
Was going to agree with you, but seems like the going straight on green no matter what speed wins out according to the posts above. Who did the police report put the blame on?
Yeah your are going to be at-fault for this accident. The only thing that could change the liability decision is if you can prove the other party was speeding. Unfortunately without him being cited for it or a witness then speed can not be proven. Well, unless it could possibly show on the the security camera.
a cop witnessed it, but of course he wasn't paying attention. traffic footage should show the sharp lane change and quickly passing the other car before hitting me. could be a way to estimate the speed of the car before it hit my bumper. i'll know more tomorrow.

i don't think you're getting the part about how he has the right of way, and you "failed to yield". if he was going 100 mph, doesn't change the fact that you were in his lane when you should have been yielding. by your own admission, you were "90% through the intersection"

if the other guy was going 100 mph, then there's chance the op can get away with this, but the driver will also get in trouble too.

obviously it was hyperbole.

the facts of the case are:

OP made a left turn and was supposed to yield to traffic.
a car he did not foresee meeting him in the intersection ran into him while he was still in the intersection.
the other driver had a green light, thus had the right of way.

opinions on the case:

OP believes the other driver was driving recklessly, and might have been speeding.
Yep OP you are at fault

But its crazy that he hit your back.
He must have seen you and decided not to slow down

I have recently found out that people try to get into accidents on purpose for money

My rule, if I can see your face, then I am not turning.
I get honked a lot but idc
But you turned because the guy slowed down, so I get it.
Dont do that again
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