NT: I'm nervous about the ACT

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by eashawty

its easy as hell. i aint study at all & got a 23 & only took it once

Bruh that's not a good score at all.

To the OP:

The practice test is a lot harder than the actual test. That doesn't mean you should lax on your studying if you don't feel confident, but know that it'll be slightly more difficult than what you'll actually have to take.

Read each question carefully. They word certain problems terribly on purpose, and if you're not paying attention they will catch you slipping on an easy question. Just read, and if unsure, re-read.

Get plenty of food and sleep the night before, followed by a light/moderate breakfast in the morning. Don't eat super heavy 'cause you'll be drowsy, but make sure you get something so that you aren't dealing with your stomach growling on top of the test. Bad combo.

Most importantly, relax. You're a junior and in all honesty, this test doesn't mean crap yet. You still have another year to improve your score, and since you're taking it early you'll know what to expect next year if you take it again.

Just don't be a dummy and drink the night before (like I did
,) don't show up high (some kid smoked before mine and got told to leave
,) and don't sweat it. It's just a test, and if you're pulling a 3.6 you're probably not too stupid.

%+%$ it was a good enough score to get me into college, especially since my highschool gpa was like a 1.5
good thing about the ACT you do not get penalized for guessing, if you some how run out of time just fill in the rest of the scantron sheet
good thing about the ACT you do not get penalized for guessing, if you some how run out of time just fill in the rest of the scantron sheet
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by eashawty
%+%$ it was a good enough score to get me into college, especially since my highschool gpa was like a 1.5

son you must have never gone to class.

 i didnt, i was always smokin & @##+*+ the freaks in highschool. everybody i tell my act score always tell me thats a good score & that im smart
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by eashawty
%+%$ it was a good enough score to get me into college, especially since my highschool gpa was like a 1.5

son you must have never gone to class.

 i didnt, i was always smokin & @##+*+ the freaks in highschool. everybody i tell my act score always tell me thats a good score & that im smart
Take a ACT/ SAT class.

I would reccomend taking SATs because its more credible especially in big universities, because ACTs are much easier.
Take a ACT/ SAT class.

I would reccomend taking SATs because its more credible especially in big universities, because ACTs are much easier.
First and foremost make sure its the right test for you. By that I mean look at some schools you would like to go to and make sure the ACT is the preferred or accepted test (Im way too old to know about this - for me it was SAT all the way, but I know this has changed recently).

Second, study. Go buy a book on the test. If people on this thread aced it and didnt need to prepare, great for them. But being these companies do usually know what they are doing, have experience with tests over years and years and have good ways to prepare for the test. Think of any (reasonable) cost in preparation as an investment. Like someone said, practice is probably the most useful exercise because they try to trick you with the questions and being alert to their wording, etc will put you far ahead of the game. Set yourself a goal based on the median scores at the schools you woudl like to go to and try to get that goal based on a plan you develop.

Like I said, Im old so the game may have changed but I cant imagine the general advice of studying, preparing, etc isnt still true.
First and foremost make sure its the right test for you. By that I mean look at some schools you would like to go to and make sure the ACT is the preferred or accepted test (Im way too old to know about this - for me it was SAT all the way, but I know this has changed recently).

Second, study. Go buy a book on the test. If people on this thread aced it and didnt need to prepare, great for them. But being these companies do usually know what they are doing, have experience with tests over years and years and have good ways to prepare for the test. Think of any (reasonable) cost in preparation as an investment. Like someone said, practice is probably the most useful exercise because they try to trick you with the questions and being alert to their wording, etc will put you far ahead of the game. Set yourself a goal based on the median scores at the schools you woudl like to go to and try to get that goal based on a plan you develop.

Like I said, Im old so the game may have changed but I cant imagine the general advice of studying, preparing, etc isnt still true.
Do practice tests, time yourself, check answers afterwards and go back see what you did wrong.
DO a lot of practice tests.

Buy a study guide.

Good luck OP.
Do practice tests, time yourself, check answers afterwards and go back see what you did wrong.
DO a lot of practice tests.

Buy a study guide.

Good luck OP.
I recommend buying an ACT book ( doesn't have to be the latest edition) and just going thru it. Some of my friends who scored really high on the ACT/SAT went thru several practice books. Also, make sure you get enough sleep and food in your stomach before the test. Compared to the SAT test, the ACT requires you to work at a faster pace (more questions) but the questions are easier, imo. Also, I remember a chunk of the science section tested your knowledge on reading graphs and relating it to the data. I didn't study and got a 28
I recommend buying an ACT book ( doesn't have to be the latest edition) and just going thru it. Some of my friends who scored really high on the ACT/SAT went thru several practice books. Also, make sure you get enough sleep and food in your stomach before the test. Compared to the SAT test, the ACT requires you to work at a faster pace (more questions) but the questions are easier, imo. Also, I remember a chunk of the science section tested your knowledge on reading graphs and relating it to the data. I didn't study and got a 28
Just do a lot of practice tests man. And honestly, just take the ACT multiple times.

First time I took it in was in the 7th grade... got an 18. My score junior year was a 31. If you're smart, retaking will make your score shoot up by leaps and bounds.
Just do a lot of practice tests man. And honestly, just take the ACT multiple times.

First time I took it in was in the 7th grade... got an 18. My score junior year was a 31. If you're smart, retaking will make your score shoot up by leaps and bounds.
24 isn't a bad score, it's about average. I got a 24 and I go to a big ten university now. Wish I had cared more about school in hs and taken harder courses though because most of my boys scored 28+ and one of my friends got a 34.
24 isn't a bad score, it's about average. I got a 24 and I go to a big ten university now. Wish I had cared more about school in hs and taken harder courses though because most of my boys scored 28+ and one of my friends got a 34.
Take a lot of practice test and make sure you time yourself. I got a 26 and a 3.8 GPA. Don't stress it at all.
Take a lot of practice test and make sure you time yourself. I got a 26 and a 3.8 GPA. Don't stress it at all.
Don't stress at all over it. The ACT is notoriously easy. Just study solid and get good rest. You'll get above a 30 no problem.
Don't stress at all over it. The ACT is notoriously easy. Just study solid and get good rest. You'll get above a 30 no problem.
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