NT, I'm getting old

Don't feel unaccomplished....you're a work in progress. I get what you mean tho. Saw my boy from HS on the cover of next months XXL as a fresh face forthe hip-hop game in 2009, and for a second I was like 'W-tee-eff, he's been tryna make his dream come true since I met him and here he is on hisway.' Second guessed myself for a second...but I saw my midterm grades for this semester and it just put me in prospective.

I say all this to say, don't think about yourself that way. What someone else is doing 2day, you will find a way to get to do tomorrow. Your time to startdoing things isn't dwindling, its just about how you decide to do things. Though cliche, I'm slowly starting to learn a little patience goes a longway...take your time and do things at you own pace....you'll be ok

Hope this boosts ur morale alittle Edit: I'll be 21 in January and Happy Birthday....
im twenty now and u only feel old cuz ur finally not a teeenager... but u gott plenty of time left and u arent supposed to have done anything yet except have adiploma or ged and be f^&*in like a rabbit sooo enjoy ur bday
Congrats Man, No kids- You made it
Stop whining and enjoy yourself.

So what if you don't feel accomplished at 20, people say the same thing at 40. Remember, don't let what you don't have stop you from using what youdo have. Remember that and you'll go far.

I dont feel bad for you.....I turned 28 this year.....sore knees and a sore back after I play ball now....it sucks.....if I can offer up any advice to anyyoung dudes 22 and under, it is to run around while you can, literally run around and go crazy, your body will not rebound like it does for much longer....theday after drinking sucks, playing ball the next day sucks, my knees always hurt (could be my FB days in college ball, and my catcher days in HS baseball) allthe time......

live it up man.......everyone older than you envy's you.................
Don't worry about it so damn much.

You're only 20, what should you have accomplished by now? Our youth is to have fun, learn new things, make mistakes, and develop who we're gonna be forthe rest of our lives.

Rather than wasting your birthday of all days wondering and wishing you coulda, shoulda, woulda, you should appreciate your life so far. Be thankful of yourfamily, friends, and what you have accomplished, even if it seems minor. Graduating high school, being in college, working, or whatever you've done so far,recognize the things you have done and the differences you have made.

It's great that you want to change the world and do good, but you're just one man. And that isn't meant to insult you, but not to be so hard onyourself. Small steps, little changes, they all add up. Don't have such a defeatist attitude.

I hope you succeed in whatever you wish to accomplish, but you can't be so hard on yourself, you're only 20, most people don't accomplish much bythat age, you have a lot of time to accomplish and do what you want.

Happy Birthday too.
I appreciate all the input you guys have given me.

I'm definitely gonna take the advice and turn my day around.
you've been throwin' out ''my birthday's the 23rd, hook me up with a thread nt" and variations of that for the past 2, maybe 3 weeks..and you go and make it yourself?

hbd sir
harlem wrote:
you've been throwin' out ''my birthday's the 23rd, hook me up with a thread nt" and variations of that for the past 2, maybe 3 weeks.. and you go and make it yourself?

hbd sir

I didn't think anyone remembered
Originally Posted by iBlink

So I literally watched the hour hand strike 12 o'clock this morning and realized that I've been on the planet for 20 years. Two decades. I feel so unaccomplished and I can't shake this feeling that my time to actually make changes in the world is dwindling away. This is a terrible way to start of my birthday, I know, but I can't shake this feeling. I mean, 20's the oldest I've ever been and all. What should I do?

20 years young and you feel old? You can't be serious with yours
Unaccomplished? You either need a hug or a punch in the face, either way your way ofthinking is downright terrible.
You are only old when you make some grown man decisions...you married? Have kids? Mortgage?


Then enjoy yourself. 20 and you feel old...SMH.
HBD, right now you're still setting yourself up for success, you'll reap the benefits later on and see what you've accomplished in life.
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