NT, I'm getting old

I'm turning 20 and I feel old too. Maybe it's just the adulthood kicking in. Gotta make moves.
Originally Posted by iBlink

So I literally watched the hour hand strike 12 o'clock this morning and realized that I've been on the planet for 20 years. Two decades. I feel so unaccomplished and I can't shake this feeling that my time to actually make changes in the world is dwindling away. This is a terrible way to start of my birthday, I know, but I can't shake this feeling. I mean, 20's the oldest I've ever been and all. What should I do?
`You sound like me on july 10th..

Happy birthday! 1988 FTW

FYI, that feeling doesn't go away unless you accomplish something. I shot my first music vid this year so I won't feel old and unnacomlished again foranother 9 months or so. Go have a threesome. That worked well for me inbetween 17 and 18.
I have a lot to be thankful for, but I'm out to change the world and I need a starting point.
i wish i could be 20 again... dont rush it young brotha. because when you really get old, you gonna be complaining about that too
Dude we all get like that. The things we would have done if we could go back. Its all good. plus man your only talking about the good parts of being young notthe bad parts. So live it up whether you old or young. holla
man i been 20 for a min and there is noway that i feel old. you wanna feel young, go to a liquour store or a club that you know you cant into because you arenot 21, bet that will make you feel young real quick. also you have so much life ahead of you to make contributions and accomplishments. you can vote this yearand fulfill your civil duty. You can get at least 3 different careers before you die. no seeds yet, thats still something to accomplish. my main point is thatits ok to feel unaccomplished people don't tend to get the full gratitude of life and acoomplish things until later on.

BTW Happy B-day
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