NT...I'm Bored With Life

You should travel the world. Experience and absorb other cultures.
There is definitely a lot more to life than academic honors and mink coats.
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Gold Chain Like Jordan At a young age


Dumb %$% stacks at 17....

Minks at 17

Its ain't all about Money, lil _ graduated...with honors

Had a Grill....with real diamonds...in Detroit...


Straight Backs when they was hot

All White Buffies....Broken


Eh....I got a couple more pairs


They Love me here....

Gucci is familiar with me as well...

Y'all seen the Range....Bike coming soon (My Unc **@$)

It seems like I've done it all and I'm only 20
I dont understand why 90% of the people in here hate this much. Keep livin it up fam.
and im right there with you. Im 18 and ive got, and done more than half of thesecornballs on NT.

Pardon me while I smoke this spliff.
Your stunting on an interwebz forum, get real son.
Its your Daddy's money, so you really accomplished nothing in life besides outbeating all the other sperms to the egg and gettin that diploma.

Go give some money to charity, the homeless or pump some money in your dead beat city, no offense but you suck more than the Pistons.
im glad you have done it all at 20

ill see you in ten years though when i order my steak medium rare

i just hope your dumb %%@ wont @*+% up the order

see you then
no hate,but what happens when your parent stop giving you dough man?degree should be next.
Interesting...I'm 25 and I feel like I have done nothing.....and I have nothing. Maybe because I'm broke

....and I don't know why people are fronting like they didn't SMH @ him rocking Sean John and a possible Canal/Delancey Street dyed synthetic hair fur.Maybe I'm too cynical...but good for you. I can't imagine how bored you would be @ my age. Probably done split your wrist by 2014.
at your material driven life.

Ever been in a long term relationship?
Ever traveled out the country?

This what happens when you chase the lifestyle of your fav rapper instead of
looking at the things that really matter in life.

I have something to add,
No hate intended, If it sound's like it oh well.
Why do you flash material objects, SAYING, that you done alot in life.
I don't see one friend,one family member, nobody but yourself in each of these photos.
And your planning to buy a bentley and mansion?, when your riding a 5k bike,
and in that photo you were rockin, some tight shorts and a small duck cap.
I'm guessin you sold your $*!' to buy that bike.

But if you are making money in your 'own' way.
Which i doubt, your still in detroit, if your making so much money.
buy yourself out of there. Move to the city, and you mentioned graduating
with honors(oh wow!)why not get a job? other then putting your boring life here.

I didnt see you, sitting VIP with celebritys.
I didnt see you, skydiving with obama.

your life seems pretty played out and boring.
Not sure if u are asking for help because u are bored, or just bragging? Personally i couldnt be happier knowing someone is doing well. But are YOU? If I doreal well in life, you better believe my kid will be doing just as well or better. Is this your situation. College? Travel? Laugh all you want, but haven youinteracted with people who don't have what you have? Sometimes they are more rich. Spins your world fam
Al Wissam and Cartier frames in Detroit means they made it in life I think?
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