NT, how helpful have dermatologists been for you? vol. i need help

mytmouse76 wrote:
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

ninjahood wrote:

it'll change ur life.
terrible side effects

not for me...worst is the dry lips...its worth it tho...

OP if you can afford it def. look into it...

For me it was dry lips and I notice a few times in gym class when we were stretching my chest would hurt out of no where. So far cant complain about my acne,only get a few white heads now, before it was cystic
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

I've never gone to a dermatologist because my acne hasn't gotten that extreme yet. Have you tried cutting down on sugars and drinking more water? Maybe eating more healthy will have a positive effect. Or maybe you have these in your face


Basic internet searches reveal this the "con" that it is.

The remains of a Malaysian cockroach "Lipas tannah"is being rubbed on the faces of these patients. The nematode "worm" is in abundance within the roach. Because the worm is very fine it is almost invisible in the slime. It becomes agitated and visible once exposed to the air.

"Resdung" is the treatment, 'said to relieve sinusitis'. Personally I prefer not to have roach guts on my face Xo
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by DemonX716

Accutane was taken off the market a couple of months ago
da generic is still available.
im about to go on it next week. Will get the blood work done on Tuesday and hopefully good to go. 5 month treatment. Have oily skin so it shouldbe very beneficial. Go to a dermatologist. Most of the OTC stuff is crap.
Ive been goin to the dermatologists for 4 years, there just gona give you a lot of prescription drugs and pads and stuff to wash your face. It helped me
how come nobody has mentioned proactive?

i notice with that, if you ever forget to use it, the breakouts come back..

and is accutane really that effective?
I have had really bad experinces , tried 3 diffrenet ones and its not cheap with no results . Really felt they didnt take my problems serious
I never had a problem with acne...but I get a pimple here-and-there...

My advice....

-Drink lots of water
-Use a facial Scrub
-Use a acne wash
-Apply "Witch hazel" to your face using a cotton-ball after washing your face.
I have tried pretty much every type of topical gel or cream, none have really worked. I've been on accutane for like a month, my acne hasn't reallygone away is just gets dry and pops up again. Hopefully it starts disappearing soon, I'm so insecure about this $@$!. Haven't really had any sideeffects besides sore muscles and the occasional headache. I never really had that greasy of a face tho, so I hope it works for me.
drink alot of water, get benzyol peroxide soap im telling you this stuff works pretty good i had a bad case of acne on my cheek and it helped
Originally Posted by 10Sakuragi

less sugar in your diet will lessen up your acne problems, i tried eating fruits and more water and couple of weeks/months my face cleared out...
but when i got a job at some food store and the food and drinks i eat for break is bad and have lots of sugars my face starts breaking out like crazy!
so now i've been trying to drink just water and fruits for snacks.
+1 I'm one who believes that a clean and balanced diet is the cure for most problems; flu, acne, etc. Try cutting out certain parts of yourdiet just to see how you react. I've heard some people say that dairy gave them horrible acne, others say sugar did it. You should look into it, it'san interesting aspect IMO.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by 10Sakuragi

less sugar in your diet will lessen up your acne problems, i tried eating fruits and more water and couple of weeks/months my face cleared out...
but when i got a job at some food store and the food and drinks i eat for break is bad and have lots of sugars my face starts breaking out like crazy!
so now i've been trying to drink just water and fruits for snacks.
+1 I'm one who believes that a clean and balanced diet is the cure for most problems; flu, acne, etc. Try cutting out certain parts of your diet just to see how you react. I've heard some people say that dairy gave them horrible acne, others say sugar did it. You should look into it, it's an interesting aspect IMO.

Accutane works but it was extremely harsh for me....

dried my lips out badddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

Stay away at all costs unless your at the last resort.

Going to a dermatologist is the best thing you can do.
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

how come nobody has mentioned proactive?

i notice with that, if you ever forget to use it, the breakouts come back..

and is accutane really that effective?
yes...people that know me ask me if i'm wearing make up...

dry lips arent that bad if you take care of them...i wet a washcloth and buff the dead skin off than pack of the carmex...makes your lips softer and i wasdoing that before accutane just to keep them soft...do the same at night and just keep the carmex w/you through out the day...if you forget it it will be oneof the worse days of your life...
I went to the dermatologist and she put me on 3 things....

She prescribed me a pill to take everyday.....

She prescribed me Differin gel to use at night...

She told me to use Stridex Pads after I wash my face....

My advice is to get some Stridex Pads and use them until you can get to the doctor for further prescriptions....

Whatever you buy should have Salicylic Acid as the active ingredient (it really works well)

My acne started to clear up, so it's worth the trip to get the prescriptions...

-She told me new research shows that your diet doesn't effect acne either...
Whenever i use cleansers/exfoliaters my skin gets redder. Is that normal?

Thats why ive been staying away from them. I just use water.
[h2]Common Reactions to Accutane[/h2]
  • Pain and swelling of the lips
  • Severe itching
  • Alopecia (hair-thinning/hair-loss/baldness)
  • Fragile and weaker skin
  • Vision problems
  • Decreased night vision (onset may be sudden)
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Contact lens intolerance
  • Dry mucous membranes (dry nose, lungs, bladder, #$@+)
  • Peeling skin on palms/soles
  • Nail changes
  • Nosebleeds
  • Photosensitivity (sensitivity to light)
  • Elevated triglycerides in the blood
  • Elevated liver enzymes (indicating liver damage)
  • Tinnitus (ringing in ears or buzzing in ears)
  • Joint pain and muscle pain
  • Back pain
  • Depression
[h2]Serious Reactions to Accutane[/h2]
  • Depression
  • Erectile dysfunction (difficulty in maintaining erection)
  • Violent behavior/aggression
  • Psychosis (seeing or hearing things that are not real)
  • Suicidal ideation (rare)
  • Suicide attempts
  • Hearing impairment
  • Pseudotumor cerebri (swelling pressure in the brain)
  • Osteopenia/osteoporosis (loss in bone mass and strength/weak and fragile bones)
  • Hepatotoxicity (liver damage)
  • Anaphylaxis (rapid and deadly allergic reaction)
  • Allergic vasculitis (inflammation and damage to blood vessels)
  • Major birth defects
  • Cataracts/corneal opacities (can cause a decrease in vision and lead to eventual blindness)
  • Premature epiphyseal closure (short stature)
  • Neutropenia (low white blood cell count, which makes the body vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections)
  • Agranulocytosis (a serious condition in which white blood cells decrease in number or disappear altogether) (rare)
  • Rhabdomyolysis (potentially fatal disease that destroys skeletal muscle) (rare)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (inflammation of the intestine and resulting in abdominal cramping and persistent diarrhea)
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas, an organ important in digestion)
  • Vascular thrombosis (heart attack)
  • Stroke
  • Seizures
The dermatologist will be able to write you a script(s) for cleansers and pills that will seriously change the way your skin looks, not just whether or not youhave acne. I had the oiliest skin EVER until my junior year of high school and went on a regiment with a wash, then a cream, then a pill every day twice a day.Once my skin adjusted to the new washes and creams, my skin was smooth and neither dry nor oily. I haven't used the creams but once a month maybe for thelast two years and not a single pill in a year and my face still looks better.

I vote to see the dermatologist.
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