NT, Do You Let People Doodoo In The Place You Live? Vol. You Must Be Out Your Goddamn Mind!

One halloween me and my homie were trick or treating. Suddenly I felt the urge to purge. Luckily another dude we knew lived down the street. I knock on hisdoor and explain the situation to him, he says he can't oblige because his parents are sleeping upstairs. But I know damn well there's a washroom onthe main floor. I explain that to him, and he tells me it's the "dog's washroom" and that I can't use it. I say ****, barge inside, openthe washroom door, and low and behold...it is the dog's bathroom.

There was dog feces all over the damn floor. Everywhere. You could barely see the white tile anymore. It was horrific. One more step and I would have had abrown sock.

So I made a scene, went upstairs anyway and used the clean bathroom, parents woke up and everything.

We stopped being friends after that.

*Awaits "cool story bro" pics, etc.*
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Only family member's parts and juices are allowed to touch MY bum.
i thought this was going to be about letting people have sex in your place.
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

so do you let people pee or what
Yea that's cool. Just don't try to turn a piss trip in to a @%++. I'll walk by to hear the correct sound.

I would've fought you that night and fought you every time I saw you after that. I'd probably be so heated I'd drag you in thedog's doodoo room and smear it all over you.
thats foul.
i let whoever comes to the crib do what they have to do..when they have to do it.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

so do you let people pee or what
Yea that's cool. Just don't try to turn a piss trip in to a @%++. I'll walk by to hear the correct sound.
I would've fought you that night and fought you every time I saw you after that. I'd probably be so heated I'd drag you in the dog's doodoo room and smear it all over you.

at the thought of you following people to bathroom tomake sure they are correctly using it. Im so glad my house has a 1/2 bathroom downstairs for "general" use. What i do have a problem with is myfriends coming over after we play ball or some activity, and laying they sweaty %++@$ all over my furniture.
you sound like John Witherspoon in Friday when he wouldn't let
Smokey do a number 2 in his bathroom.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

so do you let people pee or what
Yea that's cool. Just don't try to turn a piss trip in to a @%++. I'll walk by to hear the correct sound.


with me, it all depends on the person, if its a close friend or someone i know well, then yeah go ahead, its not everyday someone goes up to you and says,"hey buddy ol pal i have to go poo poo and can't hold it in so can i use your bathroom." if it's someone i don't know well it wouldseriously depend on the mood im in. i probably would be sympathetic in the end because public restrooms are the nastiest place known to man, especially in bigcity areas.

i was on the receiving end of having to poo poo and going at one of my friends houses a while back, it was so awkward telling him ay man im gonna drop aduce bigalow in your bathroom.
Originally Posted by biggatree

One halloween me and my homie were trick or treating. Suddenly I felt the urge to purge. Luckily another dude we knew lived down the street. I knock on his door and explain the situation to him, he says he can't oblige because his parents are sleeping upstairs. But I know damn well there's a washroom on the main floor. I explain that to him, and he tells me it's the "dog's washroom" and that I can't use it. I say ****, barge inside, open the washroom door, and low and behold...it is the dog's bathroom.

There was dog feces all over the damn floor. Everywhere. You could barely see the white tile anymore. It was horrific. One more step and I would have had a brown sock.

So I made a scene, went upstairs anyway and used the clean bathroom, parents woke up and everything.

We stopped being friends after that.

*Awaits "cool story bro" pics, etc.*

that's so foul.
brown socks ahahahah

parents must have crazy hearing to woken up unless the bathroom was right up against their bedroom
i agree... nobody but family and my girl uses my bathroom...

i dont go around @%%*$** at other ppl's houses so they shouldnt come to mine
I don't drop bombs at other's people's cribs outta respect, but I realize that not many people share my attitude
and just do work where ever. I won't prevent you from dropping at my crib, but I don't like it...
As long as they Flush Many times and dont piss over anything..I'll let it rock if they at the crib chillin. I cant just tell one of my homies just to holdit. Cause they wouldnt do it to me. But I would tell them to put tissue around the toilet.
Originally Posted by dunks87

you sound like John Witherspoon in Friday when he wouldn't let
Smokey do a number 2 in his bathroom.
Damn right

at the thought of you following people to bathroom to make sure they are correctly using it

I don't follow them. I'll walk by *knock knock* "You okay man?" or lower the music/tv and I'll most likely be able to hearfrom where I'm at.
i let whoever comes to the crib do what they have to do..when they have to do it.
Thats what the bathroom is for, to handle your business, as long as they spray and dont leve mudslides then its all good. I just imagine if had bubble guts andI wasn't near my house, I wud want the same done for me. BTW theres nothin betta than takin a dookie in ur own crib, FTW
How are you going to stop them once they start? I mean I assume they locked the door. Do you have a key and a hook to pull they %!# off the toilet like yankingsomeone off stage? You wouldn't be able to do anything but get mad after they have already done it.

Hope I don't meet you at a summit. I'm going to befriend you on the low and not only drop a deuce, but make it an upper deck as well. j/p
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

How are you going to stop them once they start? I mean I assume they locked the door. Do you have a key and a hook to pull they %!# off the toilet like yanking someone off stage? You wouldn't be able to do anything but get mad after they have already done it.

Hope I don't meet you at a summit. I'm going to befriend you on the low and not only drop a deuce, but make it an upper deck as well. j/p
I got the key but more importantly than that the other bathroom don't got alock on it anyway. That aside you won't start. Nobody will start. You ask to go to the bathroom and I'll say "You taking a piss right?" Anyhesitation or sense of lying gets your **$* revoked. Direct you to the backyard j/p
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