NT, Do You Let People Doodoo In The Place You Live? Vol. You Must Be Out Your Goddamn Mind!

Nov 20, 2007
Had this talk today with a couple friends after a burger run due to some serious munchies after class today. Then this one guy, aint even a homey talking bouthe aint feeling good. He got bubble guts, and refused to go in to a public bathroom. He said it's okay cuz he'd just go when we get to my crib

My response:
Spoiler [+]

I straight up tell him and everybody else nobody outside my immediate family is droppin a deuce in the crib. That won't change ever. We all laugh but dudethought it was messed up. Just got a txt about me being a cold blooded brother.

So NT, it don't matter where you live or with who. Do you let ppl #2 in your bathroom? Friends? Extended family? Associates? Acquaintances? Strangers?Assume w/e situation; they got the runs, they don't look right when asking where the bathroom is, etc.

P.S. Yes I will open the door if I feel you're in my bathroom too long and you will leave.
I would. I mean, it's not that big of deal. I just hope they have the decency, if it's one of those that leaves the doodoo crumbs up on the side of theinner bowl or leaves the streaks and doesn't fully flush down to hole/tunnel, to flush multiple times.
if they gotta go they gotta goooo. i mean. i might hit em with a stoneface if we out somewhere and they are like yo imma drop a load at your place. but if theyat my house already i'm not gonna be like ... ****. go find a mcdonalds.
at your bathroom nazi-ness though.
i woulda took a fat one at your house.....what i do when i use other peoples toilets is put paper over the toilet seat, i dont want my balls touching otherfamily members juices
I agree with the 1st poster. Jus get some fabreeze and tell them to spary down the bathroom. What difference does it make if its family or not? #@@* is still#@@*.
@ Bathroom Nazi. Maybe to yall I'm just on my GeorgeCostanza shhhh
Originally Posted by socluis90

Don't see what the big deal is.
You will one day
A BIG deal indeed.
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

I would. I mean, it's not that big of deal. I just hope they have the decency, if it's one of those that leaves the doodoo crumbs up on the side of the inner bowl or leaves the streaks and doesn't fully flush down to hole/tunnel, to flush multiple times.
That's the thing tho, you don't know ppl's doodoo tendencies. You don't know what they doing in your bathroom on the toilet for15-20 min. How they cleaning themselves. What they touch before they clean their hands. Streaks in the toilet bowl that they "missed" C'mon man.I don't want to know so it just won't happen.
Originally Posted by stunner157

if they gotta go they gotta goooo. i mean. i might hit em with a stoneface if we out somewhere and they are like yo imma drop a load at your place. but if they at my house already i'm not gonna be like ... ****. go find a mcdonalds.
at your bathroom nazi-ness though.
They gotta go somewhere else. My situation was just that isolated one but I'm talking for all situations and scenarios. I've denied pplthe use of my bathroom several times and will continue to do so. I just tell them politely "Hold it"

I can't rock with it. I was the dude in the dorms taking a dump in the handicap stalls cuz I knew nobody but me were using them
Why would dude even wanna drop a stinky load at somebody elses crib? That's just not kosher. I aint doin that no matter how bad i feel. I'll just cutmy visit short and have that really gotta go breathin goin on on my way to the crib or a public spot after I triple layer the toilet. That's just me though
Originally Posted by NJstress03

I agree with the 1st poster. Jus get some fabreeze and tell them to spary down the bathroom. What difference does it make if its family or not? #@@* is still #@@*.
It really doesn't matter if it's family if I could nobody would be %$!! in my bathroom but me. I made the immediate family exception cuzyou not 12 years old telling your dad "Hey man, this is where I %$!! for now on. Everybody else better invest in a new toilet or fix the lights for thebathroom in the basement."
Even I'm not allowed to use the bathroom in my house, who knows what kinds of things I could be doing in there?
- I prefer for other humans to excrete feces at their own spot, not mine

- If we're chillin' and you've got the BG's or something, I'll give you an emergency pass. If it becomes a habit, we're going to havea problemo...!
Even I'm not allowed to use the bathroom in my house, who knows what kinds of things I could be doing in there?

put yourself in that situation.
I have. Go home n shhh or hold it til it goes away. I've never had some IBS/diarehha on its way out in public or at someone else's housetho

I will say this much tho. It's your prerogative what you allow ppl to do in your house. If you cool with letting ppl +%*$ up a storm in ya bathroom do you.
At first I thought you meant sex stuffs....I woulda answered like, "Yeah, happened plenty of times before." But now that I know you'retalkin' about dookie, I'll answer like this:

If some dood that I'm not really cool with asks to dookie in my crib, I'll giggle and say "Naw fam." My boys and family can dookie here noprob, but not just anybody. Another thing, in the 2 years I've lived in this apartment, the only girls that dookied here were my ex from college and my BM.
You are a %+%!@ sir. And that is a %+%!@ made move. Dude askedto use your bathroom to do what every human does. And you said no?

OP is a %+%!@
-The Juice
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

You are a %+%!@ sir. And that is a %+%!@ made move. Dude asked to use your bathroom to do what every human does. And you said no?

OP is a %+%!@
-The Juice
I aint sure what all those expletives are but I'll befine with being that cuz I don't let ppl +#!% in my crib.
if its a regular thing.....it might be a problem, but we all get caught off guard sometimes.
Nobody takes a dump in my bathroom but me. I make visitors go to my housemates bathroom
If you have an apartment or house, the majority of them have 2 bathrooms. Just let dude use the spare bathroom, done deal. It's not like he makes dailytrips to your place just to take a dump.

-The Juice
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