NT Confessions Thread......vol 2009 will bring better luck

Lets see...
-My roomates are some of my closest friends but they are straight losers that I dont care to be associated with
-I feel bad when I go out with some other friends and my roomates are all still in the room playin video games or somethin EVERY weekend
-smoked for the first time a month ago then again a few days ago. I've come to the conclusion that I really like to get high...
-Became more social this semester and met some new people. No matter who it is, it seems like the better I get to know the "cool" people, I cantstand them.
-Quit my job and slightly regretting it but I REFUSE to go back to retail. Recession or not, I aint goin back.
-I've given up on doing good in college. I always start great then just fall to 2.xx by the end of the semester.
-HOOKED on anime and will be forever.
-Talkin to this one chick who annoys the _ out of me only because I THINK I wanna smash. I been flakin on her for like the past 3 months but she dont quit..
-Its been A WHILE...
-I've been out of the relationship game for so long that I can't imagine being in one. My next gf is gonna have it rough...
-If people could read my mind at anytime, they'd find a sick, twisted, _hole seriously..
^ People are just posting thoughts now
- I still haven't had sex in a minute
I don't even know what or who I'm waiting for...

- I'm really feelin' this dude I started talking to a few weeks ago but all he does is talk about his ex as of late. She did him dirty and it gets metight because he's a real good dude. I know for a fact I can offer him more than his girl ever did and I want to show him things he's never felt orexperienced before. He's sexy but if this continues I'm seriously considering deading him.

- I love my 'ex' and think someday we might still end up together. Our relationship was the healthiest I've ever been in and I know we'llalways be friends regardless of what happens.

- I have an NT crush... a few actually

- I talk to too many dudes that I have no intention of having sex or a relationship with because I like the attention and the things they can offer me

- I wear heels in >6 inch snow.

- I'm extremely under qualified for my job and I feel like a fraud

- I went out with this other dude yesterday night and he told me he had a daughter

- Sometimes I want a child but I know it's not practical
I plan on waiting ~5-10 years for that.

- I would drop every dude I'm talking to for this one... and I can honestly say I would never creep or anything
The only reason I haven't is becausehe's not showing interest or as much as I'd like him to... I think that's making me more attracted to him because I'm used to being pursuedheavily and it's @%#++%$ me up a little. I'm intrigued as a %*!###@%+$*@
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

-i've never cheated on any of my GF's
How is this a confession?

Seriously dude, its like me talking about what I ate for breakfast...

I don't got a gf and prob won't until I enter college and even then I might not get any

I'm about to get braces in 2days

Oh yeah I ate cheerios.

This ones kinda hard for me....

-I cheated on my girlfriend on X-Mas...i literally slept with a girl i met 1 week before layin pipe.
Now she wont leave me alone..
-I need a chick-friend to talk to help me with ^^
-Ive been smoking like i did when i was 19....trees
-I cant stand my youngest brother, i wanna get him in a room, me+him and jus swap it out.
-I really cant @*%%@@@ stand Barack Obama......i think hes the biggest fraud ever.
-I act cheap though i have more $$ than i ever had in my life...
Dude.... how old are you mateen? She took away my halo 3?

At least he didn't kill his fam then like that one kid.

First the post asking if Benjamin Button was based on a true story.... now this
Now for my confessions

-I now completely hate my best friend since I was 8 years old, and would love to punch him in the face, I won't get into why (and I know he will read this)
-I have no idea why I'm still with my girl. I don't feel anything at all anymore. I think deep down, I don't think I'll ever be as comfortablewith anyone else as I am with her.
-Some other girl just confessed she likes me and wants to possibly date me, I straight up told her even if things are going bad with my girl, I love her andwant to see it through, I've ignored her ever since
-I have 10 dollars in my bank account til friday

-I've watch The Dark Knight 3 times since it came out on Blu-ray, and I saw it 6 times in theaters

- I've become VERY angry with a lot of people lately, I have a list of about 10 people I would love to punch in the face, and honestly they really deserveit
- I only have 12 hours at work next week, and gave someone my shift today because I didn't want to be awake at 7:30 am.. SMH @ me, oh well I took someonesshift yesterday
i have come to the conclusion, i'm a social fraud - i cant stand people, people irk me
everyone invites me places, and want me around, but i hate going out nowadays

i have a crush on my sister in law - i think she likes me too, but i would never make the move and end up wrong on my assumptions, and then it would be awkwardat family events
I got 5 A's and a D in college, it makes me mad and I am keeping it to myself
I have been eating more food then I should and its catching up to me
I dont want a relationship but my friends keep forcing me to try and get into one.
Nothing too serious as of right now... I damn near pulled a Kells today though. I went to my cousin's high school ball game (21 points and a W
) andwas
at myself all night. I felt like I was window shopping through the toy aisles with my grown *$!.
-I have smoked
so much in the past week, that I feel I've been at least a littlebit high every minute for this past week.
-I broke up with my girl a week or so ago for good and feel great about it. It has been almost non-stop arguments since April that I'm now free of. I alsodidn't end up buying a Christmas gift (
) and this means ingeneral I'm going to have much more money in my pockets.
-Me and the before mentioned ex have had some extended breaks but knowing its done for good is AMAZING. I feel like a different person.
-The girls around my area are atrocious and I can't wait to get the @!%+ out of here for spring break so I can smash random skeezers in the Dominican orCancun, even if it means catching a std cocktail (word to GA
-Finding consistent P will be unbelievably hard to do because as I said before, the girls around here are
. I'm banking on hitting the city scene next year when I go to college and meeting newchicks in school/bars/lounges. Finally getting a car in the spring should help as well.
-I haven't done anything productive in high school and the farthest I went in the college application process was filling out the CUNY application andpressing enter. I don't even know if my grades are good enough for a decent CUNY like Hunter, which scares the **## out of me.
- my girlfriend doesn't care about me anymore but I still love her. I don't know why I'm still with her even though I know it will never work out.we're just two different people living in two different worlds. I've worked really hard to keep this relationship going but I think I'm going togive up soon.even though I try so hard to satisfy and make her happy, she just doesn't appreciate me there. I feel as if I'm a burden on her, everytimeI see her I feel as if I've ruined her day. I'm scared of being lonely, scared of knowing that she won't be mine anymore. I used to love life butnow I can't even enjoy my vacation.
I can't stand being around my family for longer than a week.
Deep down I think my parents think I'm gay.
I are too nice of a person to pursue anything and always end up being friend zoned.
I caught feelings for this female friend(I think she liked me) but I'm too shy to do anything about it and I think I might have missed my chance.
I have a me against the world attitude and it pisses some of the people close to me off. And I don't care.
I just got unbanned today
Wait, I have a decent one. I have been getting all of my tab browsing, wiki surfing, and post whoring done on my PC w/o the benefit of a mouse of any kindwhatsoever. I think I've learned every keyboard shortcut there is. I remember from a few years back I learned how to collapse all the windowssimultaneously because some guy posted that he uses that shortcut when he's about to get caught man slaughtering. It was funny so I never forgot thatshortcut. I like trivial knowledge.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Wait, I have a decent one. I have been getting all of my tab browsing, wiki surfing, and post whoring done on my PC w/o the benefit of a mouse of any kind whatsoever. I think I've learned every keyboard shortcut there is. I remember from a few years back I learned how to collapse all the windows simultaneously because some guy posted that he uses that shortcut when he's about to get caught man slaughtering. It was funny so I never forgot that shortcut. I like trivial knowledge.


My mouse batteries stay dying on me so occasionally I be having to resort to doin' that Ctrl+Shift+Tab #%$%
Oh... so that's all I need huh? Duh Rilla...
*enter, enter*
note to self: get batteries.
*enter, enter*
Oh, my dude that shortcut is the lil windows flag dealy + the letter "M" on your keyboard. Don't ask me what kinda snse that made(minimize maybe? Yeah, probably)
-I think one of my Ex's has feelings for me but im only trying to smash
-After im done with the ex posted above im pursuing her cousin who recently broke up with her bf
-I've been a real A-hole to certain people and it feels great
-This has been the most depressing holiday season to date
-I dont regret some of the bad things i've done, i think of it as a learning experience
-I almost slit somebody's throat for talking ishh
(stupid i know)
-I think im mastering the art of manipulation/deception because its seeming easier to get out of deep trouble

will post more later......
- Been smoking way too much piff
- Skipped WAYY too many classes god damn! (im in grade 11 btw)
- been beatin a grade 9 girl
(im in grade 11)
- OD'd on shoes this year. all those countdown packages

- Stole $300 from my cousin w/o telling anyone
- been stealing wayyy too much %@*+/robbing ppl

damn... seeing that makes me think of how fun this year actually was. %%!! it. im not changing anything haha im still here aint i? im doin good. so imstraighT!!!!
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