NT Confessions 2009

Originally Posted by Ricasho

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by JayHood23

I have vids that my baby mama made for me that I wanna expose for her being such a *%%+* for not letting me see my daughter.

I haven't seen my daughter since Oct. 2007 when she was a month old and last summer I made an attempt to take legal action and got the run around so I sorta gave up.

its been over a year? c'mon man...i'm sure you hate her but thats YOU (the baby...that lil girl needs you...if you're paying your CS you every right to see that lil girl...
Why you always, never mind.

always what? That was posted how long ago?
uhhh why not lol
mmm I want to buy alot of things
I hate school...when i get home i cant study or anything..i guess 8 classes ever day plus practice kills me
so when i get home idont wanna think about school...so i dont HW and study in the morning before school
or during school lol...it works for mme tho...most the time
I procrastinate....But you shouldnt put doing that off...lol
this chick is clearly playing games with me but i want her so i guess ima chase...Im confused about her also
I hope my bow tie for homecoming gets here before saturday or ill be pissed lol
sometimes i do dumb things
yada yada i could keep going but ima stop before i OD
not going to high school (although its not completely my fault, I could go if I really tried).

procrastinate WAY too much, to a ridiculous extent.

have A job but dont drive so its hard for me too get that much $$ from it.

regret A LOT of decisions I've recently made

feeling sad after reading what i just wrote
okay i've been out of school in 2 years
i want to go to college but im too lazy
ive been with my (ex) girlfriend for 5 months just to find out she thinks that "i dont meet her standards" whatever that means
i got a min. wage job at a movie theatre
i've only had sex with 1 girl in my whole life and i was 19 before i lost my virginity
i think my best friend of 3 years is a simp and i dont really wanna be friends with him anymore
he acting like a girl over the girl he's dating and im almost sure she's cheating on him with her ex
Originally Posted by sheistbugz

not going to high school (although its not completely my fault, I could go if I really tried).

procrastinate WAY too much, to a ridiculous extent.

have A job but dont drive so its hard for me too get that much $$ from it.

regret A LOT of decisions I've recently made

feeling sad after reading what i just wrote

Finish up man.
I caught feelings of ol girl i deaded a year ago, now shes out to College and i wont get to see her for a minute.
Dont know whether to just let it go, or keep things alive...friend zone FTL.

I been binge drinking too much, first weekend that im Sober.

I dont know why im up at 3 in the morning.
No Job.

Smoke weed on the daily now.

Stopped going to class.

Lost all my muscle mass and progress and gained all the fat pounds back.

Drink so much I black out 60% of the time.

Been on a many month dry spell.

Don't want anyone in my life but my family and I.

Spent $1000 in under 1 month on nothing that I still have with me today.

I go home to myself.

I have no clothes but I bang, slang, live, die in my white tee.

I treat my mother horribly bad and make her cry at nights on the littlest of situations even thought she is the best mother in the world and does everythingfor me.

Suicide crosses my mind on the daily but I only think about "what if I did." and think of the results but never attempted and don't know ifthat's a problem.

Stopped going to classes and lost motivation for school.

Am really lonely for a gf.

Transferred over 1000 dollars from my dads saving account for college into mine and spent it simpin.

Sleep way over half my days.

Pull out my phone to check facebook more than texts or calls because I have become accustomed to it.

Don't know how to act myself in situations with other people that are not my life long friends.

Am way too nice and let people run all over me with a smile on my face.

Think I have OCD.

When I wake up in the mornings I go back to sleep atleast 3 more times because my dreams are better than my reality.

Am very depressed.

Call the radio stations every time I'm in the car.

Look back at all my pictures when I used to be insecure and always stressed only to realize how good I was in shape and how good I looked and look at myself inthe mirror now and get ashamed at what I see.

Tell all my problems to NT because it is annonymous and I need to vent but don't have anyone I can really trust to tell anymore.

i feel like doo doo right now

girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me back in june citing family issues. her mom didn't know we were dating and her excuse was she didn't want to lieto her anymore. i later found out the real reason why she broke up with me was because the attraction was gone. i had to cut her off and i partially did. sheends up texting me a month later seeing if i was ever going to talk to her again and i just said sure, whatever. when we reinitiated contact the feelings werestill there but not as strong as before, we ended up making out one night at the club when we were just gooned. next day she tells people i was trying reallyhard to make out with her. whatever, i let it slide. three weeks ago, we were at a club with mutual friends and she ends up grinding with some dude. i thoughti was over it but i guess i'm not as i got pretty heated but i managed to keep my composure. told her we couldn't be friends the next day because whatshe did was disrespectful. i cut her off again.

ultimately i don't know if i made the right choice or not. i'm still in love with this girl but she turned out to be a clubbing freak .. goes out twoor three nights a week. i don't know if she'll ever come to her senses. she told me she cried because she missed me a lot for that month, but i'mnot even sure what to believe anymore.
Only being home 3 weeks out of a year sucks.... Missing my loved ones

besides that, not a damn thing going wrong
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Originally Posted by sheistbugz

not going to high school (although its not completely my fault, I could go if I really tried).

procrastinate WAY too much, to a ridiculous extent.

have A job but dont drive so its hard for me too get that much $$ from it.

regret A LOT of decisions I've recently made

feeling sad after reading what i just wrote

Finish up man.

You gotta at least finish high school. Who's fault is it that you're not going to high school??
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

There's still that allure for the forbidden fruit, but I just can't do it.

Morals. You've got to love them.
Forbidden fruit ey?

Black men? Or cooch?
BTW, High school is the easiest time for school so it shouldnt be that hard for you to go.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

There's still that allure for the forbidden fruit, but I just can't do it.

Morals. You've got to love them.
Forbidden fruit ey?

Black men? Or cooch?

I don't consider race a forbidden fruit

Naaa, just one guy I can't get at for uber complicated reasons. Hence the morals.
I need to sign up for classes
I am afraid of any serious comiment
I am ashamed of where i work
Im mad at myself i cant afford any thing i really want to do
I cant find a better job for my life
I cant move out until i get a better job
Im not making my gain in the gym the way i want
I only want to hang out some times and the friends i have now are full of excses
My relationship started going rotten after something i said to a " friend " , he told his wife and she told my now ex
I missed my ex but now that she is back around i dont trust her and doubt i ever can the way i did
I dont feel close to any of my family , everyone usaly annoyes me to a point
When people try to cheer me up it just upsets me because its not helping my problem
I want to quit my job, but I'm scare I won't be able to find another job with the unstable economy right now. My job stress the iffy out of meeveryday. I'm thinking about going back to my old job, but I'm going to feel weird seeing my former co-workers again. Decisions, decisions.......
Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

No Job.

Smoke weed on the daily now.

Stopped going to class.

Lost all my muscle mass and progress and gained all the fat pounds back.

Drink so much I black out 60% of the time.

Been on a many month dry spell.

Don't want anyone in my life but my family and I.

Spent $1000 in under 1 month on nothing that I still have with me today.

I go home to myself.

I have no clothes but I bang, slang, live, die in my white tee.

I treat my mother horribly bad and make her cry at nights on the littlest of situations even thought she is the best mother in the world and does everything for me.

Suicide crosses my mind on the daily but I only think about "what if I did." and think of the results but never attempted and don't know if that's a problem.

Stopped going to classes and lost motivation for school.

Am really lonely for a gf.

Transferred over 1000 dollars from my dads saving account for college into mine and spent it simpin.

Sleep way over half my days.

Pull out my phone to check facebook more than texts or calls because I have become accustomed to it.

Don't know how to act myself in situations with other people that are not my life long friends.

Am way too nice and let people run all over me with a smile on my face.

Think I have OCD.

When I wake up in the mornings I go back to sleep atleast 3 more times because my dreams are better than my reality.

Am very depressed.

Call the radio stations every time I'm in the car.

Look back at all my pictures when I used to be insecure and always stressed only to realize how good I was in shape and how good I looked and look at myself in the mirror now and get ashamed at what I see.

Tell all my problems to NT because it is annonymous and I need to vent but don't have anyone I can really trust to tell anymore.


80% of that sounds like me
contemplating quitting school
have the hots for my trainer
spending money frivolously knowing good and well i need to save it for my trip to California

...ill think of more later.
-you can't be friends with you ex (learned the lesson the hard way)
-even though i hate my best friend with a passion, i miss him. We used to do everything from road trips, video game battles, smash trips, ect. He wasthrowing me under the bus for some poon. Plus he likes too much drama. Now that I think about it, i'm good.
-Sent out a ton of resumes and haven't gotten a job yet.
-I hope I get this job at the tsa. Its in MD/DC area. I need a new change of scenery. Even though i'll miss the j.shore and the easy access to NY,it's time to move on. My friends are doing the same thing since '95 and it's not getting any better.
-just got my tix to get on "who wants to be a millionare". hopefully i could be a contestant.
-me trying to be friends with my ex thing really jamed me up.
-i'm thinking about doing this primerica thing, just to get my mind off of everything
-i would consider the big "S" right now, but i couldn't put that kind of pressure on my fam. I luv them too much.
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