NT Confessions 2009

-I'm going to the lesser school because I want a new computer.
-I'll most likely transfer out of state after 2 years.
-My friends going away to college and I'm sad because she's my only "true" friend.
-Our mothers are stupid.
-I want to ask somebody something, I don't know who that somebody is at the moment though...just somebody. lol
- i might be prego but i can't find out for a few more weeks
- i really want some cake right now
- when i'm sad or need a quick laugh NT cheers me up
Originally Posted by webnerd06

- i might be prego but i can't find out for a few more weeks
- i really want some cake right now
- when i'm sad or need a quick laugh NT cheers me up


Just funny readin' those back to back.
Originally Posted by norcalballgirl23

- i give great advice but rarely apply it to myself
-academics and sports have always come easy to me but i am reluctant to push myself to the limits b/c i fear failure (this is a rough habit to work on in law school...)

I procrastinated a lot..and I'm going to do okay in school this semester regardless...but I wish I would stop this horrible habit.
I always play girls and once they get tired of my shenanigans I finally want to settle with them. Wanting what you can't have FTL

I listened to Piles today..and liked it

I haven't gotten any in two weeks. Finals FTL.
I was on NT and watching the NBA playoffs 60-70% of the time I set aside for finals studying.
I think 80% of people are ******ed. I respect everyone though. I mean, I really try to see things through other peoples shoes but seriously.....some people arejust not...very...smart.
I'm so glad to be healthy. I never talked about my health situations to people IRL outside of people I hardly knew and my best friend and family..but I had%#!$+# up health for a minute. I didn't want fake people to be giving fake sympathy/I didn't want to really think about.
I should be more spiritual. I feel I give off posative synergy...but I need to do it more.
I need to finish the last paragraph on a report I should have finished 5 hours ago. DAMN YOU NT.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by webnerd06

- i might be prego but i can't find out for a few more weeks
- i really want some cake right now
- when i'm sad or need a quick laugh NT cheers me up


Just funny readin' those back to back.
its true
the other night i bought 2 cakes from walmart... and im sad because i want more
I just got rejected again from another school. Seems like this is always happening to me.

I went to a party last weekend and finally realized that I am not a party person anymore.

I keep thinking about this female but I don't even know if she likes me or not. She keeps hitting me with the "I saw you called last night, but I was(insert excuse)" text.

I don't know what I'm doing with my life right now. I just got rejected like I said. I'm working but right now I'm just "going with theflow" so to speak.
Originally Posted by DuckTailsxaintxI

starting school tomorrow nervous, have a girl friend but kinda want to be single. And im surviving w/ very small amounts of clothes i.e. 3 pairs of boxers, I don't know what happened to all my clothes.
+ I love my parents but dislike them greatly, and most of my family. I barely keep in touch with the onesin california.
Originally Posted by Solemate96

I just got rejected again from another school. Seems like this is always happening to me.

I went to a party last weekend and finally realized that I am not a party person anymore.

I keep thinking about this female but I don't even know if she likes me or not. She keeps hitting me with the "I saw you called last night, but I was (insert excuse)" text.

I don't know what I'm doing with my life right now. I just got rejected like I said. I'm working but right now I'm just "going with the flow" so to speak.

*hugs you*
i hope that made you feel better
Originally Posted by webnerd06

Originally Posted by Solemate96

I just got rejected again from another school. Seems like this is always happening to me.

I went to a party last weekend and finally realized that I am not a party person anymore.

I keep thinking about this female but I don't even know if she likes me or not. She keeps hitting me with the "I saw you called last night, but I was (insert excuse)" text.

I don't know what I'm doing with my life right now. I just got rejected like I said. I'm working but right now I'm just "going with the flow" so to speak.

*hugs you*
i hope that made you feel better


People seem to like the "drunk party Kyle" more than the "normal everyday Kyle".

The normal everyday me happens to be a complete judgemental +%+%+%!.

I just finished having sex with my lady like 30 mins ago. Now she's asleep and I'm only on NT to pass the time it takes for this side broad to textback.

If I cheat on my girlfriend, I'll pretty much give up on love.

I try to be faithful, but when you're in a relationship and have multiple other girls after you, things get complicated.

Minus the"smoke my weed" part of Asher Roth's I love college, that song pretty much sums up the last year of my life.
-Ive cheated on my girlfriend 4 times in the past month
-I think matt stafford is trash, we shouldve drafted mark sanchez
-I got hard once when my trainer was helping me stretch, he was a guy
-Im attracted to my sisters girlfriend....theyre both 16
- I know so many nters from my highschool. I doubt they the slightest clue that i've been reading niketalk since i was 15.

-I'm the most selfish person I know.
-I kind of like giving noggin to my "squeeze" ( we're not together, and i'll doubt we'll ever be) I love it when he squirms and can'ttake it anymore.

- I want for once, to feel like the total "it" girl instead of second best. sigh.
- My dad is very irrational and I wish one day he will give a damn about anyone's feeling.
- As much as I try to compensate to fill my emotional void with the physical with my "squeeze" I know he'll never love me...
Originally Posted by CalvinJohnson

-Ive cheated on my girlfriend 4 times in the past month
-I think matt stafford is trash, we shouldve drafted mark sanchez
-I got hard once when my trainer was helping me stretch, he was a guy
-Im attracted to my sisters girlfriend....theyre both 16
pause wont save you wit that one... just stop

-im the biggest jerk/a-hole/watever u wanna call it i kno... and i kno this... admittedly. its like i try to be that guy... even worse is ppl still like me andenjoy bein around me so i honestly dont even care to change it
-I enjoy hurtin ppl's feelins at times... idk y. I just like to make some ppl feel like straight +!#*
Originally Posted by feeshstixs

- I know so many nters from my highschool. I doubt they the slightest clue that i've been reading niketalk since i was 15.

-I'm the most selfish person I know.
-I kind of like giving noggin to my "squeeze" ( we're not together, and i'll doubt we'll ever be) I love it when he squirms and can't take it anymore.

- I want for once, to feel like the total "it" girl instead of second best. sigh.
- My dad is very irrational and I wish one day he will give a damn about anyone's feeling.
- As much as I try to compensate to fill my emotional void with the physical with my "squeeze" I know he'll never love me...
i understand how u feel... my dad is the same way
- My boy used my laptop to sell something's on eBay he left his memory card in I was going through it to see what kicks he was selling and found pics ofhis girl naked
and one of him
- I'm just doing what I have to do to get by in school instead of putting forth my full potential.
- I need a girl, but can't find one for *%!@.
- I still owe my mom her b-day (2/14) gift 'cause I blew the money I was suppose to spend on her on some shoes.
- This dude in my English class asked me to help him cheat on a test tomorrow, and I said I would, but don't really want to risk getting caught.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

- I'm just doing what I have to do to get by in school instead of putting forth my full potential.
- I need a girl, but can't find one for *%!@.
- I cheated so much senior year of high school and got away every time. Probably out of 7 classes, I cheated in 5 (including 1 final and numerous tests). Ialso helped a bunch of people cheat, which really made me cheat in the first place.

- I am lost in life. Don't have a major. Just going through life day by day taking what ever it gives me.

- All I want to do in life is to travel and see the world, but my current life situation doesnt allow me to.

- College life is ok so far (CC), but one side is telling me I dont want to continue and the other is telling me to continue

- I've known this girl for 5 years, yet I feel like I only know her for 5 weeks. Even then, we came close to dating but nothing ever happened. I thoughtlast/this year would be my chance, but she moves 3000 miles away from me and then tells me shes pregnant from her "supposed" ex (she actually waspreggo months ago before I found out).

- I see her and her daughter for the first time in almost a year last week. I still have those feelings, but I dont have a reason to chase her anymore.

- I think i'll always have feelings for this chick.
I haven't sex sober in months, it worries me a little

Had this jumpoff, good-looking, but dumb as hell and real slutty, smashed a few times before deciding it wasn't even worth it, so the next time I saw herat a party I was real hammered and sort of dissed her in front of her friends when she came over to sit on my lap. Then I found out she had a ritalinprescription, I tried to score some but obviously she wasn't too happy with me, so I acted real nice to her for a few days and got with her again, so she,thinking we're tight, gives me some pills. I haven't talked to her since.

short version: I had sex for ritalin
Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

Originally Posted by GrandPopPoplock

Confession : I can't stop watching ****** porn ( SERIOUSLY )

I love you Bridget The ******
****** porn???.......*Looks up ****** pron


There's nothing wrong with ****** porn , my son .
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