NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Aug 25, 2009
Flame suit on....Serious Question.

Not trying to start a mini race war in this thread, but I'm very curious on how you feel about the whole subject of slavery. Like are you ashamed of theactions that SOME of your ancestors were involved in, or do you give less than a +++! because it wasn't you doing these heinous things?

Growing up, I used to think that slavery was overexxaggerated because when reading books, educational programs, and other peoples accounts, Its so hard tobelieve that as black people, we could be taken from our homeland and FORCED to work against our will while being treated as property instead of humans. Icannot for the life of me even imagine these events coming into fruition.

Weigh in please..
dudes just don't stop
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Flame suit on....Serious Question.

Not trying to start a mini race war in this thread, but I'm very curious on how you feel about the whole subject of slavery. Like are you ashamed of the actions that SOME of your ancestors were involved in, or do you give less than a +++! because it wasn't you doing these heinous things?

Growing up, I used to think that slavery was overexxaggerated because when reading books, educational programs, and other peoples accounts, Its so hard to believe that as black people, we could be taken from our homeland and FORCED to work against our will while being treated as property instead of humans. I cannot for the life of me even imagine these events coming into fruition.

Weigh in please..
Read a book
they don't care nor feel responsible for it

as far as they are concerned they think blacks should get over it

but if we tell them get over the holocaust all hell will freeze over
my parents are both from out the country, so i cant say im ashamed. slavery is obviously horrible and i dont think anyone will come in here contraddictingthat.
i dont think ppl shud be ashamed if their ancestors were slaveowners. its def not their fault. only thing im ashamed of is our country. i am often ashamed anddisgusted to come from a place where stuff like slavery and a lot of other f'd up stuff was perpetrated...
It happened, I look away from it, because I believe that it was a horrible time. I read about it and was amazed how corrupt and overpowering whites were andsold slaves like they were livestock
. It was sad to read how families were separated. Reading about the underground railroad was a great read, I was soamazed how that went on.
"black" people were not the only slaves. Any race who was seen as a "lower" kind were slaves. Thousands of years before America existed,Romans enslaved, Jews, Catholics and other people who they deemed as "lower", even their own people.
I personally don't agree and will never agree with slavery but you gotta realize, the world was completely different back then. "Whites" akaEuopeans held most of the power (French, English and Spanish). They owned all these territories (including Africa) and they took the people and used them. Theybrought them to America and enslaved them. Was it right? NO.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Flame suit on....Serious Question.

Not trying to start a mini race war in this thread, but I'm very curious on how you feel about the whole subject of slavery. Like are you ashamed of the actions that SOME of your ancestors were involved in, or do you give less than a +++! because it wasn't you doing these heinous things?

Growing up, I used to think that slavery was overexxaggerated because when reading books, educational programs, and other peoples accounts, Its so hard to believe that as black people, we could be taken from our homeland and FORCED to work against our will while being treated as property instead of humans. I cannot for the life of me even imagine these events coming into fruition.

Weigh in please..
Read a book

I've read plenty of them, what's wrong with me trying to see directly how people feel about the subject?
Why is everyone so scared of race topics on here?

This is one of the few topics of discussion on here where you can actually talk about some worthwhile %!!! on here...yet dudes is so "afraid" to talkabout and go "oh not another race thread again". I don't get it. Yet...if this post is about what color nail polish Kim Kardashian is wearingthis week or a thread asking the 250,000 dudes on here to take off their shirts for the 7 girls on here..._'s is ALL for it?


"black" people were not the only slaves. Any race who was seen as a "lower" kind were slaves.
This is true...however...no other practice of slavery and oppression rivals that of the African Slave Trade...which is why the term slavery isoften synonymous with Black people.
As previously mentioned, it wasn't just 'black' people that were slaves throughout history. There are plenty of other minorities, including whitepeople that were considered 3rd class.

Slavery was inhumane and terrible all around. No one should be treated in the manner in which they were.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Why is everyone so scared of race topics on here?

This is one of the few topics of discussion on here where you can actually talk about some worthwhile %+@! on here...yet dudes is so "afraid" to talk about and go "oh not another race thread again". I don't get it. Yet...if this post is about what color nail polish Kim Kardashian is wearing this week or a thread asking the 250,000 dudes on here to take off their shirts for the 7 girls on here..._'s is ALL for it?


In a perfect world, I'd agree...but this is NT, and tho I've been gone 4 a while, some things never change...some fool is gonna say some off the wallbs (or some not that off the wall bs and oversensitive folk are gonna rush 2 arms), and it's gonna start a 17 page flame war, and folk are gonna getbanned. It never fails. You know it, I know it...
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Why is everyone so scared of race topics on here?

This is one of the few topics of discussion on here where you can actually talk about some worthwhile %+@! on here...yet dudes is so "afraid" to talk about and go "oh not another race thread again". I don't get it. Yet...if this post is about what color nail polish Kim Kardashian is wearing this week or a thread asking the 250,000 dudes on here to take off their shirts for the 7 girls on here..._'s is ALL for it?


In a perfect world, I'd agree...but this is NT, and tho I've been gone 4 a while, some things never change...some fool is gonna say some off the wall bs (or some not that off the wall bs and oversensitive folk are gonna rush 2 arms), and it's gonna start a 17 page flame war, and folk are gonna get banned. It never fails. You know it, I know it...
Whats up buddy..havent seen you in a while.
vols stillsuck..

Anyways I agree...nobody is "afraid" of race discussions..

but if you've been here long enough..you can figure out that they always end very badly.
Obviously I think slavery was horrible and wrong, but all of my ancestors came over in the 1900's so I don't have any white guilt or anything.
ima just chill to someone get "behind the computer screen" happy....then ima burst they bubble...

PYPs ended badly too...yet everyone was amped to keep starting one up until they had to be taken away.
I've had some of my white friends come up to me and some they apologized which was the dumbest thing for me. It's not your fault. Just don't actlike it didn't happen.
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