NT Book Club- What are you guys reading??


on audiobook from my phone
Reading this for one of my Business classes....It's interesting as hell though
Finished reading: The white tiger by Aravind Adiga

Currently reading: Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury: Greatest closing arguments in modern law

Future reading: The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present----Harriet Washington. Really good book. Irecommend it to anyone who is seeking a career as a health professional. Some of the stuff in this book is completely mindblowing.
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell by Tucker Max.. Funniest piece of literature ive ever read, every man needs to read this. Also just got dont with the EragonInheritance books, Brisngr was great.
currently on 48 laws of power.
the 7 habits of effective ppl audiobook was free online couple days ago.
pm me for link and ill see if its still avaliable.
School FTL. I got to read over winter break again but once I go back to college my independent reading stops. Just books for classes. But I'm still workingon which I started over break and I read when I have to take a @*!$.

The Corner: A year in the life of an Inner-City Neighborhood by David Simon.
I'm on my 2nd go round of "the Life Of PI" by Yann Martel...I have "White Tiger" i just bought but waiting for my february break toread it.
Originally Posted by CreekShow

Just started reading this. Only like 25 pages in so far but I hear its a lot better than the movie
Bret Easton Ellis is brilliant, American Psycho might be his best effort to date.
Farewell to Arms is a great book. I agree that if you're a Hemingway fan you should definitely check it out.
Great thread
i'm looking forward to reading all these books you guys are suggesting!
and i'm currently reading Slumdog Millionaire by Vikas Swarup (havn't seen the movie yet)
Can someone recommend me a book?
I'm in a kinda depresed kind of mood and I need something to boost my confidence.
I recently just got out of a detenion center, and I need something to get me on the right step.
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