Still going strong, the last time I did this challenge I still was watching porn. This time I'm not watching any. I don't think I was addicted to either one but I sure as hell did watch more than I feel like I needed to. I use to just yank just out of boredom now I'm using my time much more effectively.

Stay strong fambs, and keep your hands off of your member.
Lol I like that your passionate about this but comments like that make it seem like you might take this a bit too seriously. Im pretty sure the majority of the male population (age 20-30 or so) masturbates on a regular basis and still can carry a normal relationship with women. Some of the things in this thread are a bit extreme in my opinion.  

I think it would be interesting to see how many dudes in here drink/smoke/drugs because those all relieve stress just like fapping. I would say all of those are worse on your brain then looking at porn.
you must not have seen the massive amount of people that dropped out in the first 4 days.

i think its a legit problem bro... and it takes someone as serious as jaypatt to get that point across to people.

the select few that dont fap a lot... cannot fathom why people fap so much...

but my dude... the MASSIVE amount of porn videos should give you a clue as to how engrained it is in people's minds...

to be real.. i thank JP for enlightening people on the issue... its not the easiest thing to talk about... and the facts behind it arent there due to internet porn being around for less than a decade...
Which is the point i've been trying to make since I started this thread.

That's truly where the disconnect begins to happen imo.. People want evidence, people want research, people want legit irrefutable scientific facts.. Well we can all take stabs at it but as of right now we're literally just starting to notice the effects it's begun to have.

Look at Japan.. Their birth rate is tremendously low. Meanwhile porn is readily available and socially accepted. It's literally turning their population into what they call "herbivores"

Pretty much equate that to a society of beta males that refuse to reproduce (and probably can't even get it up to reproduce).

Experts aren't even 100% sure what the flatline even is. When you understand the fundamental concepts of neuroscience you can attempt to break it down I guess.. But until you have reproducible experiments that confirm the cause you can never be completely sure.
In business it's called the first generation problem.  For an example there was a time when neither tobacco companies or consumers knew that cigarettes killed you. It took decades for that evidence to reveal itself. 
In business it's called the first generation problem.  For an example there was a time when neither tobacco companies or consumers knew that cigarettes killed you. It took decades for that evidence to reveal itself. 
:wow: :smh: at where internet porn will be in 40 years....
Addiction to Porn to me is like addiction to headphones, ipod's, technology, etc.

I say that only because from a standpoint that, it's so new that we can't even fully see what abusing these things might do to us. It's like cigarettes in the 40's and 50's. They were so acceptable because no one knew the ramifications of those things.

The old adage rings true, too much of anything is a bad thing. I can't imagine that children who have headphones in their ears from 10 years old will have sound hearing by the time they are 50. Children who are exposed to radiation that's emitted from ipad's, and ipod's, computers, etc. how will their eyesight be when they turn 40 and 50? The bottomline is, since 2000 the information age has blossomed and technological advances have completely outpaced the evolutionary process. That is, we just havent evolved to be able to cope with this wealth of technology.

Moderation with anything is key. Excessive masturbation, excessive porn usage is not good, and is a very real problem and when this generation is 40 and 50 and have to use viagra to get up, then they will know. But until then, you'll have these pundits who will continue to say that masturbation is normal (it is) and one can fap as often as he wish. I first hand know that tthat isn't true, and I encourage all to do your own research and look at yourself.

If you can't go days without fapping or days without looking at porn, that's an addiction. Hell, if you have to eat fast foods every day, every other day, that's an addiction. Be honest with yourself. No one should be that dependent on anything,

Still in.
How yall watch porn and not fap?

If you can't not watch porn for two weeks while not even fapping you definitely addicted. 
There were a lot of days where I just checked to see what new scenes were out.

Or y'all said a name and I had to go to tumblr to see this person.

Them days where I was viewing it for longer than a minute tho were the struggle.

I just thought about how I'd feel coming in here telling you guys I failed and just closed the tab.
Bruh that's addiction. 
Oh I know. I was just explaining how I did it without fapping.

Most of the time I was just checking up on new stuff so it wasn't that hard to not fap.

I wasn't actually sitting down watching movies and when I did I just thought about how I'd feel afterwards and stop.

Now I'm just tryna avoid looking at anything.
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I think my most vulnerable moments is when it's crunch time and im stressed and there's no real outlet so it just builds up.
I'm a disgrace, b.

Hey I'm out fam... lasted a lot longer than I thought I would though.

I don't know how you guys made it that wasn't getting yambs at all.

I disgraced myself yesterday... I stayed home from work yesterday and then I was horny as hell.

Started looking at porn and couldn't contain myself anymore.
Your username plus the bolded has me dying
Male seahorses give birth b, Ksteezy's spirit animal

Stay busy this week yall, weight room is your friend. 
Gems I ran into looking over post.

If you look at it as a countdown you might be doing it wrong and you are gonna crack

Look at it as what else can I do to be productive

Through these challenges I've find that I'm just a procrastinator. I will do anything but study and homework
Man I reached the two week mark fairly easy, but the difficulty level just went crazy today. Almost txtd an ex for some yambz
  Still in but damn this is tough
If you look at it as a countdown you might be doing it wrong and you are gonna crack

Look at it as what else can I do to be productive

Through these challenges I've find that I'm just a procrastinator. I will do anything but study and homework
The no fap hasn't changed that for me at all

Still procrastinate like a muhfugga. I think im going to give up internet after NFN until 2014. Would do it now but I have to run NFO, and will probably be running NFN too. 
I know whats messing me up. Its watching it. I always want to see the new update on the sites. Previews of course. Or just browse pr0n stars vines... that gets me to tube sites... than its a Wrap from thurr.

So No Porn.  No Fap.
Honestly if I had known these porn sloots were on Vine I probably wouldn't be here today. 
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Honestly if I had known these porn sloots were on Vine I probably wouldn't be here today. 
I still anxiously await Vine Clips of the Week (even though there's like 3-4 a week lol) every week on WSHH fam.. Can't eem blame you.
^ I do the exact same thing fam. The title always has like "slap cam prank, man bodyslams his son etc" but it ALWAYS opens up with twerking
monday the struggle was too real.. almost broke all morning cuz I had no class. todays been much better. day 16!
Check out this book for sex porn addiction
Breaking The Cycle: Free Yourself From Sexual Addiction." by George N. Collins
the key is to remain busy. idle time leaves you to your vices. occupy your free time with reading, watching movies, playing sports, exercise, whatever. it's like getting over a girlfriend... just keep yourself from thinking about her by staying busy and soon she means nothing.

our minds control our actions... once we discipline that, the battle is won. i'm surprised at how quickly the urge disappeared once i went a few days without it. build yourself up by turning things down. you can do it bros.
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For you guys that have been getting yambs during the challenge, how has your stamina game been like? I just got hit with the "that's it?" followed by a quick glance at her clock. Normally I unload the clip before battle to avoid situations like this. Still in this tho!
For you guys that have been getting yambs during the challenge, how has your stamina game been like? I just got hit with the "that's it?" followed by a quick glance at her clock. Normally I unload the clip before battle to avoid situations like this. Still in this tho!
Really haven't noticed a decrease in stamina but I'm not some champion marathon ****** or nothing. 

I was able to nut from head quicker than I have in YEARS yesterday. Normally I can't even do it and it only took me 10 min. Unheard of. 
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For you guys that have been getting yambs during the challenge, how has your stamina game been like? I just got hit with the "that's it?" followed by a quick glance at her clock. Normally I unload the clip before battle to avoid situations like this. Still in this tho!
like a virgin.

wasnt even mad. 
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