If you can go without watching porn or fapping for however long, good for you... but you're bound to get a few words thrown at you if you flaunt it at homies that have a) picked their fight and b) are actively trying to win it.

Once you find the latter and are ready to do the former, we'll come support/assassinate. Its the cool thing to do.
I wasn't flaunting. I just find it weird that every single post is about dudes not being able to contain themselves. Society has got cats obsessed with sex.
I just find it weird that every single post is about dudes not being able to contain themselves..

Aaah, gotcha.
Mean time,
I don't need to prove nothing to you though. I could do it but there would be no reason to do so.
Than don't say it.

Don't tell me what to do punk
Ur the one who said he can do it.

them dudes be talkin crazy on the internet

U talking crazy. Saying u can go 20 years with no fap or sex.

Why do u even fap than? Weird *** ****** man. Contradicting themselves and don't eno it
Wait why even waste your time participating/arguing in a no fap thread if you're already the self control god? Is shaky logic one of the benefits?
Lol he's probably a virgin.. coming here to argue about beating yo meat.. this guy said he can go 20 years celibate
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Wait why even waste your time participating/arguing in a no fap thread if you're already the self control god? Is shaky logic one of the benefits?

Man get the hell outta here :lol: yo *** gonna end up with prostate cancer with all them rotted sperm cells in ya balls

Lol he's probably a virgin.. coming here to argue about beating yo meat.. this guy said he can go 20 years celibate :smh:  
so now when I drop the subject all ya'll try to gang up on me? Come on, u guys r better than that. I joined this thread cuz I thought it was like the game thread, a thread for fun. Ya'll actin like this is a life changing movement, like not beating your meat will permanently change your life. It's not that big a deal and if ya'll think it is, scratch my name off that list and I won't bother anyone. I don't need some ******** list to control sexual urges
so now when I drop the subject all ya'll try to gang up on me? Come on, u guys r better than that. I joined this thread cuz I thought it was like the game thread, a thread for fun. Ya'll actin like this is a life changing movement, like not beating your meat will permanently change your life. It's not that big a deal and if ya'll think it is, scratch my name off that list and I won't bother anyone. I don't need some ******** list to control sexual urges

Yo, whyyyy are you still here :lol:

There's people in here who take this thread very serious and feel that it can have a big effect on their lives. You don't feel that way. That's fine. But, why are you still in here :lol: just go
I'm responding to people disrespecting me, do I just ignore ppl talking to me? Is that what people that don't masterbate do?
I'm responding to people disrespecting me, do I just ignore ppl talking to me? Is that what people that don't masterbate do?

Yes dude :lol: if someone is talking slick to me on a message board and I don't agree with what they are saying, if there's nothing for me to gain out of it I personally just go on. It's not that big of a deal, and it isn't worth debating over.

Apparently, this ain't you. So go ahead, cook b :lol:
My dude sound like a 5 year old :lol:
u know what? U got it. I'm sorry if I offended anyone in this thread. I said I could go twenty years(the amount of time is irrelevant, even though I could) in response to some dude saying to do 1.5 years and that 1 1/2 weeks is nothing. I'm still going to complete this month and probably Nov. also. If ya'll don't want me in this thread I'll leave, but no need to be disrespectful, I didn't insult anyone here personally so I shouldn't get that type of backlash.
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