[quote name="Brandon3000"]What really bothers me about A.I slander, is what in part bothers me about Lebron slander. when people start assasinating these guys character off the court without taking into consideration what they had to endure growing up it makes me feel bad for how small minded a hater is.
These guys came from nothing. they should be celebrated.[/quote]I do take into consideration the struggle of having to ensure hardship, because I've endured worst.
Careful, you might reveal how small-minded you might be if you respond the way you'll want to.
See, we know AI's struggle, because he's a public figure. You don't know mine, so it would be awful small-minded of you to scoff at the notion that I've struggled more.
I know I have, because I know what he's been through and what I've been through... but I know I don't use my struggles (which still continue) as an excuse to act a fool, and I reject anyone who gives me the struggle crutch; I'm legit offended by it. "Oh, with everything you've been through," no. Stop it. Don't say that about me. I need to do better.
People like yourself giving the struggle pass to people like AI is enabling them to reject conforming to a team-oriented character. "I mean, with everything he's been through, he's always had to make it by doing it his way, so why should he change now?"
Because that's what team players do. That's one reason.
Because the struggle from before is over as a millionaire superstar. Not ALL struggles are over, but the struggles from before are. That's another reason.
Because self-improvement should be a never-ending path that everyone is on. That's another reason.
And ain't nobody attacking his character; we're criticizing his behaviors. HUGE difference.
And offering criticisms doesn't make someone a hater; it makes them a critic.