If its relative to your culture/religion, I think its cool, otherwise, not really. My cousin got a Japanese symbol tat when he was stationed in Japan... to meits pointless.
On one hand I see it as I guess....creativity but on the other hand sometimes I'm just like "why" ? I'm sort of in between on it.
Sure. Just make sure you're positively sure that it means what you intended. I would be worried that the tat artist would be %+$!+# w/ ya.
i once heard 2 veitnamese guys saying they wanted to get their last names tattooed in chinese

I proceeded to go:
wow you guys have your own language,
so wth would you need another,
you guys are idiots!
Why not get a tattoo in another language? If it represents something that is unique and looks cool in another language, I don't see a problem. Tattoo'sare permanent art...as long as you're sure what you are putting on your body and can love it forever, go ahead
I have "blood of a slave heart of king" in latin on my chest. I've been taking latin for the last two years and I love that language, and i lovethat saying(heard it from nas, then learned it was from othello). just depends on who you are, no Tattoo is pointless, it's just defines you as a person.oh and they don't have to mean anything if you like them and self-expression is all it is.
whenever i see a dude with any kind of asian language tatted on them and they're not asian, i purposely laugh then ask them if they know what it means,they tell me something, and i vehemently disagree. they tend to believe be because i'm asian
and subsequently freak out.
depends on the language if its actual letters like "LKASDJLJASD" then yeah cool, but if its in heiroglyphics then no.
depends on the language if its actual letters like "LKASDJLJASD" then yeah cool, but if its in heiroglyphics then no.
if you cant understand it yourself, I dont see the point. You can get a tat that says the same thing in english, but in some stylized font if its all about thelook.
Originally Posted by BugsyMF

only if u speak the language

QFT. Or if a loved one who passed or you want to commemorate speaks that language, as kind of an homage to them.
dumb as hell.. all hype...why not just get it in english?...cuz it doesnt "look as cool".... so is that why people get tats.. to look cool, not for apersonal reason, etc?
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

whenever i see a dude with any kind of asian language tatted on them and they're not asian, i purposely laugh then ask them if they know what it means, they tell me something, and i vehemently disagree. they tend to believe be because i'm asian
and subsequently freak out.
I just look at it like this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will you ever see a Chinese person in China gettin any Englishletters tattooed on themselves. They probably laugh at us here in America. Most def an "L".
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