NJ Man Kidnapped/found dead in the trunk of his car...Instagram Model part of the setup pg. 5

I've never met anyone in this city who has been here longer than a year and thinks it's perfect. It's not :lol:
It's usually people who have never lived here or never even visited that have this glamorized view of the city.
I think when ya'll speak to people that's not from NYC it's when the nonstop gloating begins, or when someone ask how it is and New Yorkers get to preaching. I mean personally I love active downtowns so NYC is up my alley but, it's not an all-encompassing sanctuary like some of you make it out it to be. It's lacks amenities like every other city. It's just the Ultimate downtown city which means a lot in our American culture.
I'm official I got my strips but it's beside the point I'm just here to give y'all the real picture about NYC and not the fufu one cats in here steady posting... I know the real nyc

It's that real upstate? Serious question. I never been up there so I can't speak on it
RIP to dude
This jamergrady guy talking a whole Lotta nonsense. Bet he still in high school. I lived in upstate NY near Syracuse for four years. Dudes out there are soft and always tryna act hard :lol: Upstate fashion is a joke. Dudes dont know how to dress. Still dressing like the baggy jean and tall tee era. Nothing to do up there and it's depressing out there in the winter. Almost everybody is obese upstate.

Upstate new York is pretty much like the south and it felt like the south believe it or not. Alot of them arent used to seeing black people or minorities in their daily lives unless they are in urban areas like syracuse, rochester, buffalo, albany. People out there were heavy into NASCAR, hunting, drinking cheap beer, driving chevys, shopping at Walmart :lol:
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This jamergrady guy talking a whole Lotta nonsense. Bet he still in high school. I lived in upstate NY near Syracuse for four years. People over there are soft. Nothing to do up there and it's depressing out there in the winter

He sounds like an old Harlem hustler who made money in the 90s then moved upstate to keep it low key
This jamergrady guy talking a whole Lotta nonsense. Bet he still in high school. I lived in upstate NY near Syracuse for four years. Dudes out there are soft and always tryna act hard :lol: Upstate fashion is a joke. Dudes dont know how to dress. Still dressing like the baggy jean and tall tee era. Nothing to do up there and it's depressing out there in the winter. Almost everybody is obese upstate.

Upstate new York is pretty much like the south believe it or not. People out there were heavy into NASCAR, hunting, drinking cheap beer, driving chevys, shopping at Walmart :lol:
there's a BIG difference from live near syracuse and living in syracuse believe it or not the comment about nascars, hunting, beer his a BIG misconception about the inter city of syracuse I'm sorry you got stuck out in the country with nothing but red necks but believe it or not it's hoods and gang violence in my city but what do I know I'm a 21 year old high school student that drives a 2013 cadillac and owns his own home.. go figure
He sounds like an old Harlem hustler who made money in the 90s then moved upstate to keep it low key
nope I actually was born in the 90's and have no reference to Harlem or any other frail city boroughs but my pops is from the bronx
The violence I saw on the news was petty ish. Nothing hardcore. Anybody can own a home upstate fam. Home and land Prices are stupid cheap. Don't get it twisted. Cost of living in upstate is like living down south. Ain't nothing to brag about

Y'all upstate dudes ain't hard b. Stop it fam. Bunch of **** ***** boys at the great northern mall in cuse whenever I rolled through :lol:

there's a BIG difference from live near syracuse and living in syracuse believe it or not the comment about nascars, hunting, beer his a BIG misconception about the inter city of syracuse I'm sorry you got stuck out in the country with nothing but red necks but believe it or not it's hoods and gang violence in my city but what do I know I'm a 21 year old high school student that drives a 2013 cadillac and owns his own home.. go figure
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Wow...guess I woke this thread up a bit.

NYC is great.  So is NOVA.  I've lived in both places, and I just don't have any desire to live in the north anymore.

I LOVE IT here in Tampa, for reasons I've already listed, and more.

BTW, it was 82 degrees and sunny here today.  Took the Jeep out.  What's the weather like in NYC?
Anybody can own a home upstate fam. Home and land Prices are stupid cheap. Don't get it twisted. Cost of living in upstate is like living down south. Ain't nothing to brag about
ain't nothing to brag about? But I'm just a 21 year old high school student that has his own HOUSE drives a 2013 cadillac xts fully loaded.... with no payments ... and since when was it cool to brag about paying 1500-2000 a month for a 1-2 bedroom apartment living in a rat infected building when you can go 200 miles upstate and get a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom finished basement house for the same price?
ain't nothing to brag about? But I'm just a 21 year old high school student that has his own HOUSE drives a 2013 cadillac xts fully loaded.... with no payments ... and since when was it cool to brag about paying 1500-2000 a month for a 1-2 bedroom apartment living in a rat infected building when you can go 200 miles upstate and get a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom finished basement house for the same price?

Why are you still in high school tho, pa? serious question.

And yea owning a home is a good accomplishment, but at the same time, it's upstate NY. That's not a prime location. But it's still a home so hats off to you.
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Direct that energy to these other cats. I live in a house in the burbs just outside the city :lol:

There are no real jobs that pay good money upstate or I would have stayed
ain't nothing to brag about? But I'm just a 21 year old high school student that has his own HOUSE drives a 2013 cadillac xts fully loaded.... with no payments ... and since when was it cool to brag about paying 1500-2000 a month for a 1-2 bedroom apartment living in a rat infected building when you can go 200 miles upstate and get a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom finished basement house for the same price?
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Fam you 21 and in high school? :lol:
I thought NYC public education was bad :rofl:
Guess upstate ain't no better
yah fam and I'm driving, living better then you.. oh yea and younger.. I guess common sense over education huh?
Why are you still in high school tho, pa? serious question.

And yea owning a home is a good accomplishment, but at the same time, it's upstate NY. That's not a prime location. But it's still a home so hats off to you.
I guess that's what I was told..
.. I guess common sense over education huh?

Actually, common sense isn't going to land you a 6 figure job over someone with a degree. But as long as you living comfortably that's all that matters
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Actually, common sense isn't going to land you a 6 figure job over someone with a degree. But as long as you living comfortably that's all that matters
you probably right since I already made 6 figures last years how about I higher you so you can be my brains since it sounds like you already have both..
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