Niketalk's Deadliest Warrior thread vol Choose your warrior.

Super strength vs super strength, sounds fair to me.

You're saying its unfair that Superman can't use his, literally, infinite list of powers versus someone who has a finite list of abilities??

I think someone is a Supes fan..
Spiderman vs. Sanji
Solid Snake vs. Rambo
Bruce Lee vs. Bruce Leroy
Tommy DeVito vs. Nicky Santoro
Nomad vs. The Truth

The Nomad is an internet screen name chosen by an anonymous human being somewhere in the United States of America to represent thoughts and perception constructed into comments on an internet message board. A message board is a medium of communication dependent upon internet connection and a keyboard input devices for word processing. What are words in the reality of the non-human species? If you write "I will not harm you, I'm telling the truth" on a piece of paper and attempt to hand it to a Grizzly bear, what are the odds that he wont perceive your actions as intent to harm him? In our reality it's called a "Liar's Paradox".

Truth is theory, theory agreed upon collectively based on acceptance of reality which can be subject to clause. So in theory if "The Nomad" tells the truth and it isn't accepted as truth he doesn't lose to truth he loses to the collective's perception of reality of what truth is and not truth itself.

Some good examples would be The Salem Witch Trials, Rosewood, or Joe Arridy

Individuals would be executed at the hands of people and institutions that were supposed to maintain truth and justice in our physical reality, lives were taken in the effort to exact "truth". 

However through understanding of a new reality the definition of "truth" is  altered. Truth isn't concrete and it is abstract.

The Nomad is also abstract, reality changes when human physical form changes from concrete to abstract representation, and in science the human mind processes online internet information different than in the physical realm of present reality because of the factor of "instant" correspondence in time travel vs physical in communication theory. Our representations are dependent on facets of TRUTH we're willing to accept or reject.  Self-serving bias, personal construct, and reflected appraisal are how we see ourselves. 

If a person isn't ready to accept the reality of another like for instance an internet user named "JJs07", his negative appraisal of self may see someone else as lying, because he's searching for gratification in his own life through appraisal of others in a realm of abstract. Therefore "JJs07" will lose to truth in the realm of abstract because he won't accept the reality that he created that accompanies truth on his terms.

Which is why if someone was on trial Salem during the witch trials they were tortured into giving a confession, not because it was the truth in their reality but they wanted the physical pain to stop. The pain caused by their peers acceptance levels of truth and its facets, their peers could not accept truth because of the reality they've created like "JJs07" for an example and needed a confession to confirm their "generalization" construct around collective acceptance of reality. The victim is at the mercy of the collective agreement of "truth" demanding concrete proof in an abstract reality.

So in theory, both The Truth and The Nomad are abstract realities and if they are perceived to battle, it would become metaphysical theory and remove the reality of truth, which is why "ducktales" are the same as Salem torturing because you're inflicting torture you feel from being psychology inferior and unable to reason your own accussations of false truths on conflicting realities. 

Meaning we become "omnipotent" in YOUR REALITY and the more you DEMAND "truth" deems inferior intelligence in the abstract realty and makes you the loser to the deadliest warriors who are actual one and cannot battle.

So The Nomad vs JJs07's Truth ...JJs07 loses and it's proven because he won't tell someone in the physical world, "I know this guy on the internet who lies and I think I be catching him in lies, I ask him for pics and he posts pics, I don't believe the pics because it's the internet and anyone could lie...this other guy post pics of heat he's copped, he's the truth"


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Liquid vs solidus
India Jones vs Crocodile Dundee
Emperor Palpatine vs Magneto
He-Man vs Conan
Skeletor vs Thulsa Doom
Flash Gordon vs Buck Rogers
Wayne and Garth vs Bill and Ted
Jessica Rabbit vs Betty Boop
The Goonies vs The "Stand by Me" gang
Joel Goodson vs Ferris Bueller
Larry David vs Woody Allen
Kazzam Vs Alladins Geanie
Harry and Lloyd vs Dale and Brennan (Stepbrothers)
Jack Burton vs Jack Slater
Snake Plissken vs Mad Max the Road Warrior
Johnny Rico vs Cpl. Hicks
Ace Ventura vs The Cable Guy
Al Bundy Vs Michael Kyle
Jake and Elwood Blues vs All of the Super Troopers

My man went in for everyone who was doing it in the 80s.
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