NikeTalk's Avy Tutorials vol. Yuku -- Tutorials for Ulead & PS CS3 & Flash (No 56k)

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Can someone post a screenshot of Flash CS3? Just curious as to what it looks like. Thanks.
Thanks. BTW, next time you ask me for something, don't post any of Laina's photos. I didn't even know there was a sentence under the photo until Iwas rechecking my messages tonite.

And I may be able to do a tutorial with my current version of Flash. That obviously looks "fancier" but the controls are the same.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Thanks. BTW, next time you ask me for something, don't post any of Laina's photos. I didn't even know there was a sentence under the photo until I was rechecking my messages tonite.

And I may be able to do a tutorial with my current version of Flash. That obviously looks "fancier" but the controls are the same.

I'll be patiently waiting.

And I may be able to do a tutorial with my current version of Flash. That obviously looks "fancier" but the controls are the same.
you been saying this since 2006. still no tut
True, but I never saw the point when 1. barely anyone had flash, 2. people were going to ask me for avatars anyways and 3. I've never seen so many membersmotivated to do avatars.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Thanks. BTW, next time you ask me for something, don't post any of Laina's photos. I didn't even know there was a sentence under the photo until I was rechecking my messages tonite.

And I may be able to do a tutorial with my current version of Flash. That obviously looks "fancier" but the controls are the same.
Great, I'll be waiting for that tutorial... hopefully my boy doesn't lag...

And uhh quick question... Adobe Flash CS3 is the same or pretty similar to Macromedia Flash CS3?
Damn i dont know how any of yall do that..I have been trying for a while maybe its just me
, Im not to good with this computer stuff.
If any NTers have the spare time can someone hook me up wih this i would reall apperciate it

Time: 8sec-10sec
i said i was gonna do it, didnt i?

what do you guys think


still no text
ulead(to trim down the gif to what i wanted) & photoshop(actual animation and effects)
i tried doing it in macro flash 8 and i got NO WHERE
here's my attempt:

could've used a nicer font, but i just wanted to see how it would turn out


i made the one im using now before i saw yours
i tried lowering and raising the opacity as it closed and opened but it wasnt a good look

ill make a tutorial if enough people got photoshop, i think only jblack has it tho
Thief! Seriously though, I'm impressed by the work showed here. I didn't even know you could do animations in PS.

I suggest you guys look through your Help-Tutorial/Lessons on Flash so that you aren't too confused by my tutorial. I'll do different threads, and putsome detail, but I want to make sure you understand the verbage (ie. Motion Tween, Shape Tween, etc...)
yea, cs3 had imageready built in unlike CS2, so you can do that in pscs3
im already lost @ motion tween and shape tween
How do I do Octagon borders like for example the one rwfanatic had a little bit ago?
Originally Posted by JPZx

How do I do Octagon borders like for example the one rwfanatic had a little bit ago?

do you have photoshop cs3?

i think he said he does it pixel by pixel
I did everything step by step but am still getting that stupid message when I move the converted .avi file into ulead and I uninstalled all three links andreinstalled it (took forever) and keeps happening with each converted file I try
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