Niketalk: What is your relationship like with your siblings?

Only child...have a stepsister that I talk to once in awhile, had a stepbrother that died about 5 years ago....RIP.
i got 2 brothers.

one's a halfbrother who's 27 who found me through facebook , and from my limited contact, i can tell that i won't get along with him.

got a younger brother, he's 15, that's my ace boon *@%*. been schoolin him on life and such and he's not annoying so it works out great.
me and my sister never were close growing up, but we are on good terms now.

my three stepbrothers from my mom's husband and i get along very well, but as we have all gotten older we just don't communicate much due to distance.

my stepbrother and stepsister from my dad's wife and i get along fine, but aren't close as my dad just remarried two years ago and they are in theirthirties and we didn't grow up together.
I have two brothers, who are six and eight years older than me. I really appreciate how they were nice to me and were willing to put up with someone whose agedifference made me annoying at least until I started college. When thy were in high school I was this kid in elementary school and when they were in or donewith college, I was there as the dumb high school kid.

Since my dad is an immigrant, they really taught me about American youth culture, they taught me how to play American sports and then about girls and later onabout drinks and making it through college and then economics and now about business and soon they will tell me their experience with marriage and havingchildren. My oldest brother is has his a PhD in economics and my other older brother has an MBA and is works in finance so they are still teaching me a lot. Ithink some of their success in economics and business is driving me into the law, I feel like I will never measure up in either profession. I am grateful forthem teaching me so much and again, for putting up with me when I was that annoying little kid. I am now discovering that my younger teenage cousins, althoughI love them, can some time be annoying to have around with you.

I also have my sister, our the youngest and the only girl. You can image that is some what spoiled. It is not so much in the classical way but more so that sheis really sheltered and has always had Dad or one of her older brothers to take care of things and protect her. I love her a lot though and since she is justtwo years younger she is the sibling I spent a lot of time with, especially when we were small kids. She is my closest sibling because we were always togetheras little kids and as teenagers my older brothers were away at school more often than not. However, we now have the least in common so we connect over music,going to restaurants and shopping (she is daddy little princess so naturally most of her favorite activities involve spending money). I would never go shoppingwith her but she really likes to shop with me and give her opinion on every damn article of clothing, pair of shoes and spritz of cologne and while she may beannoying because she makes me try on way more things than I otherwise would, she is stylish and the stuff I get when I shop with her is the stuff that gets themost compliments.

I hope to have three or four kids when I have a family, I am not one of those people who wants to have 18 kids and live on some compound and home school myherd of kids. I just think that only children and even someone without at least a sibling of either gender missed out somewhat.
I got a little brother, we are pretty chill with each other, hang out and blow smoke with him.
I have two step siblings 18 YO brother and a 14 YO sister They cool, but I don't even live with them.

My little sister (blood) was just born this year. 20 year difference FTL
I have three brothers (22, 13, and
and a sister (18).

I haven't spoken to any of them in over 8 years.
my lil bro is 13....we have a good one point i wasnt a good older brother as far as calling him and stuff when i was at school but I startedkeeping up w/ him more we have alot of convos since he's at that age when he needs that older bro advice for stuff.....thats my n' though...crazy thathe's my height at 13 (5' 9")
.....he's going to be 6' +.....he's athletic as hell too
My little brother is my best friend, but ever since he got a GF, he's never really around.

And when he is, he's always texting her throughout the day, or on the phone with her until they fall asleep.

He'll live and learn, I hope.
i've got two sisters (33 and 24) and a younger brother that's 22.

i never spoke much with my older sister till i got to college and we've gotten closer over the last year since she lost her husband. i've always beencloser to my brother and my twin sister 1) we were all closer in age and 2) cause we were all mischievous and stayed causing trouble. i actually feel prettylucky cause i know people who can't stand their siblings. got to love mine they always keep it 100 and let me know exactly when i'm being an @$$especially my twin which can be aggravating at times.
I am the oldest of 4 kids. I am 28, sister is 24, and brothers are 22 and 20. Damn we are getting old. But we are not buddy buddy. We go through our times offalling off the face of the earth. We hand out every now and then. We don't fight, think its because we have watched our parents fight all out lives and weare tired.
i only have a 8 year old sister.....we fight a lot cuz she is too much like me but we also have fun.....yes its odd for a 21y/o and 8y/o...same mom and dadtoo.
Got 2 older sisters (35 and 25)

I love them both to death. We're all really close, always have been. My mom was basically a single mom so my oldest sister use to help my mom out a lotwith me and my other sister since she was the oldest, so I appreciate her for that. She use to spoil me a lot too since I'm the youngest and the only boy.We don't have as much in common since she's so much older than me so we don't talk everyday or anything but we're pretty tight I know I can goto her for anything if I need to. My other sister and I always been close since we're only 3 years apart, we have a lot more in common. We talk pretty muchevery week or text each other and when I go back home we hang out.
I get along real well with my 15 year old sister even though we argue almost daily.
She's at the age where she thinks she is slick but me being 20, I'm always two steps ahead of her.
3 of my bro's have died...

my only bro is doin it big.. he doesn't talk wit me
my sis is always busy... she doesn't talk wit me

we have nothing in common but we get along when we chill with other family members/cousins etc..
My siblings are weird, they all have that one different sibling they don't really talk to. I'm actually the only one everyone talks to.
I'm 22, got a 25 yo bro... we were never tight like that, b/c he thought he could punk me b/c i'm younger, and i didn't take that. now wehaven't spoken (except for random profanity laced insults) in like 10 years. I just charge it to the game.
I got a 13 year old sister.

- She gets on my nerves.
- She talks on the telephone 24/7/365.
- Her friends are always at the house.

But she's cool, ain't got nothing but love for her.

I also got a half sister by my dad. I could give a #$$$ about her because I've only seen her two or three times in my life.
Oldest sis - 34, we say hi and bye; she got her own place and kids (bebe's kids)
Oldest bro - 32, we never talk and we live in the same house
Youngest sis - 25, we cool; use to be much tighter before she had her son

I'm 22 btw.
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