NikeTalk... What are you reading??

I finished The Big Short two nights ago. The chapter titled Spiderman in the Venetian was probably my favorite chapter. I thought Lewis did a great job of describing the several different factors that lead to the financial crisis and subprime mortgage meltdown of 2008. The way he explained CDS and synthetic CDOs made sense as well. His writing style keeps you so entertained and it's easy to read his books in like two days. I would definitely suggest anyone interested in knowing more about what was going on on Wall Street check it out. His other book Liars Poker is a must read as well.

I might read Too Big to Fail next.
I finished The Big Short two nights ago. The chapter titled Spiderman in the Venetian was probably my favorite chapter. I thought Lewis did a great job of describing the several different factors that lead to the financial crisis and subprime mortgage meltdown of 2008. The way he explained CDS and synthetic CDOs made sense as well. His writing style keeps you so entertained and it's easy to read his books in like two days. I would definitely suggest anyone interested in knowing more about what was going on on Wall Street check it out. His other book Liars Poker is a must read as well.

I might read Too Big to Fail next.
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